Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 408

And Xufeng and Elizabeth quietly hid in the barracks to rest.

It was not until the sun went down and the night enveloped Port Royal that Xu Feng slowly opened his eyes, "It's time."

Elizabeth said: "Now the entire Port Royal is searching for us, and the port is probably also managed. We can't get out."

Xufeng smiled and said, "As long as there is a handwritten letter from Beckett."

Elizabeth was startled, "You mean, let's go find Belt?"


Elizabeth pursed her lips, "Then shall we... kill him?"

Everything that happened today was because of Beckett. Without Beckett, there would be no such troubles.

Xufeng shook his head, "No, Beckett can't kill."

First of all, this guy is the Lord of the English Empire. The Lord means that he is a nobleman recognized by the Queen of England. If Beckett is killed, it is equivalent to going to war with the entire English Empire.

At that time, the entire Caribbean Sea will be full of ships of the English Empire, and other old empires will also help, because nobility is an identity publicly recognized throughout Europe.

This kind of thing affects the whole body.

Secondly, even if you want to kill, you have to create a chaotic scene so that others think that Beckett was killed in battle, not assassinated, so that the impact can be minimized.

More importantly, Beckett is a very important villain in "Pirates of the Caribbean". In "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", Beckett will also appear. If Beckett is killed at this time, then the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 The plot line will completely change.

In that case, it would be difficult for Xu Feng to grasp the direction of the plot development.

Therefore, it is not that Beckett cannot die, but cannot die now, cannot be killed by the dark.

Elizabeth thought for a while, "...My dad is still in his hands, I really can't kill him, that will hurt my dad."

Xufeng said: "Our goal is to get a privateer permit and a manuscript for leaving Hong Kong."

Elizabeth nodded, "Okay, I will listen to you."

"Go." Xufeng took Elizabeth and left the barracks.

Two guards were found along the way, and Xu Feng killed them swiftly and neatly, then let Elizabeth put on a uniform, and gave Elizabeth a short-handled musket, and he himself had one.

Although martial arts is the most important and convenient weapon, it is good to have one more gun.

After handling the bodies of the two guards, Xufeng took Elizabeth from the back of the command room, climbed onto the balcony, and entered the command room from the balcony.

The lights are on in the command room, but no one is there.

The privateer's permit without a name was placed on the table.

Elizabeth happily grabbed the privateer permit, "Great, I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Xu Feng shook his head, "Only the signature of the Queen of England is not enough, and Beckett's signature is needed."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and Xu Feng and Elizabeth immediately hid in the corner.

Beckett walked into the command room in plain clothes and opened the chart for analysis.

He swept away and found that the privateer permit on the table had been moved. He immediately turned his head towards the door, ready to call the guards to come in.

Xufeng immediately activated the crane body technique, rushed to Beckett's back quickly, and used a musket against the back of Beckett's head.

Beckett was accustomed to strong winds and waves, and did not panic at all.

He smiled faintly, "Who are you?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Xu Feng, a pirate."

"Oh." Beckett smiled: "I have heard of you, you are Jack's first officer."


"So, you are planning the robbery?" Beckett asked.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Yes."

"It's no wonder." Beckett smiled: "I said, Elizabeth, a little girl, how can such a careful thinking be possible? As for Governor Swann, if he had this cleverness, he would have been more than Governor. Xu Xu Mr. Feng, you are a step I missed. I fell in your hand today and I am convinced. But... I guess you are not stupid enough to kill me, right?

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I am a pirate. If I want to kill you, I will kill you."

Now is the stage of fighting wits.

To be honest, Xufeng is indeed able to kill Beckett at this time, but this is a hole card. If Beckett knows that he absolutely dare not kill him, then Xufeng is equivalent to revealing his hole card, and Beckett can completely I don't care about Xufeng's threat anymore.

Therefore, Xufeng must show off his vibe as a pirate.

Beckett smiled faintly, "If you really want to kill me, you won't waste your tongue with me."

Xufeng sneered and said, "Because you have what I want."

"Aha." Beckett said with a smile: "I see, you want to privateize the license, and without my signature and seal, this private license will not take effect."

"Yes." Xu Feng said with a sneer.

Beckett smiled: "Then why do you think I will sign the only privateer permit for you? It is meaningless to threaten me with death."

"You are looking for a wish compass, right?" Xu Feng said directly.

Beckett was startled, "...How do you know? Will told you? No, that's wrong. Will only regarded that compass as a broken compass. He didn't even know that it was a wish compass."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Wish the compass, what is in mind, the pointer of the compass can point out the position of that thing. With this treasure, you can get whatever you want in the future, and the Queen of England will treat you too. Everyone’s attention, it will even promote you from Lord to Viscount, Earl."

Beckett raised his chin, "Yes, you are right. There are not many people in the world who know Wish Compass. How do you know?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Just leave it alone. In short, I can help you get your wish compass, and my request is very simple."

Beckett smiled and said, "I like to work with people who understand, let's say, what do you want?"

"Private permits, a box of gold coins, and a handbook for permission to leave the port." Xufeng said without pause.

Chapter 344 Set Sail!

Beckett smiled: "It's too simple, do you have any other requirements?"

Xufeng shook his head, "No more."

Beckett smiled and said, "This is totally fine, you get the wish compass, and the privateer license is yours."

Xufeng smiled coldly: "No, I want it now, and I want you to sign your name and seal on it."

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