Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 442

Will jumped into the escape boat with tears, the old Bill Turner immediately put down the rope, the boat swayed and fell to the sea.

Will cut the rope and the boat separated from the flying Dutchman.

He stood on the boat, watching his father silently. He wanted to speak to his father, but he couldn't wake up the other water ghosts.

And old Bill Turner looked at his son with tears in his eyes.

The sea in the night is almost unclear, he can only see the outline of the boat, and then imagines his son looking over.

Chapter 374: Overconfidence

All night, Xufeng and Will were rowing boats.

Xufeng paddled the first half of the night and Will paddled the second half of the night.

They all know very well that it is not safe to escape from the flying Dutchman, because the flying Dutchman is extremely fast, and almost the entire ocean belongs to the flying Dutchman.

Moreover, David Jones has the ability to perceive ships in the surrounding waters.

Therefore, they must stay as far away as possible from the flying Dutchman and find a piece of land as soon as possible.

The two rowed in a relay until the sun rose, and Will saw a medium-sized merchant ship approaching them.

Will immediately woke up the sleeping Xufeng, and then waved desperately to the merchant ship.

After all, after all, the speed of merchant ships is much faster than that of small boats. As long as they can reach the shore in time, they are safe.

The merchant ship threw the rope at Will, and both Will and Xufeng climbed onto the merchant ship.

"Is it you?" Seeing Xu Feng, the captain of the merchant ship immediately awed in awe.

At the beginning, it was this ship that left Port Royal with Xufeng and Elizabeth, arrived at Tortuga Port, and made a fortune.

Now, the captain purchases cargo again and prepares to go to Tortuga Port again.

Xu Feng also recognized the captain and sighed helplessly, "It's you, this is really fate."

The captain did not hear the meaning of Xufeng’s words, and said with a smile: "Yes, yeah, we are really destined. Last time I followed your advice and made a fortune in Tortuga Port. The debt has been completely paid off, and I can meet you this time, which indicates that we can make another windfall!"

The crew below also cheered excitedly.

Will also smiled and said, "Since we are an acquaintance, that would be great. It just so happens that we have to go to Tortuga Port."

Xufeng had told him before that Elizabeth was in the port of Tortuga, so I could just drop by to find Elizabeth.

Xu Feng shook his head with a cold face, "Not to Tortuga Port."

"Not going?" Will's eyes widened in surprise.

The merchant captain also wondered, "Why?"

Xufeng said: "It's very simple. Someone is chasing us. If we want to survive, we must land as soon as possible."

"Wait, are you pursuing a pirate?" The merchant captain said immediately: "That's okay. As long as we enter the range of Tortuga Port, the pirates can't attack anymore, because this is written in the piracy code, no Wrong, after I finished my first business with Tortuga Port, I started to study pirates. We went to Tortuga Port and it was absolutely safe."

Xufeng said coldly: "I'm afraid you will be sunk if you can't reach the area of ​​Tortuga Port."

The merchant captain grinned and said, "I am very confident about my ship speed."

"People who fail are often destroyed by overconfidence." Xu Feng frowned.

The captain hesitated.

Naturally, what Xufeng said is correct, but it is difficult for people who are blindly confident to hear different opinions. They will also pretend to listen to opinions, but only listen to the same opinions as themselves.

The captain turned his head and asked Will, "Sir, are you all together? What's your opinion? Do you want to get to the nearest shore?"

Will frowned suddenly.

To be honest, he has seen David Jones's greatness and spent a few days on the flying Dutchman, but his ability to pursue and fight the flying Dutchman is still underestimated.

Moreover, there was this fluke in his heart, he felt that David Jones might not have discovered that they were gone so early.

He even wanted to go to Tortuga Port to find Elizabeth.

This risk...is worth taking.

Will looked at Xufeng apologetically, and then said to the captain in a deep voice: "I think we can go to Tortuga Port, but we have to be fast, very fast."

The captain smiled triumphantly, "Understood! Goal, Port Tortuga, go ahead at full speed! We are going to make a fortune this time."

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, and said no more.

A person who is obsessed with ghosts may be awakened. A group of people who are obsessed with ghosts cannot be awakened.

The merchant ship speeded up.

After driving for less than ten minutes, and at least three hours away from their destination Tortuga Port, the sailor standing on the observation deck suddenly shouted: "Captain! A big ship appeared behind us. A super super big ship! A ship like a moving fortress on the sea!"

The crew suddenly exclaimed and ran to the side of the ship to observe.

Sure enough, in the thin sea fog, a huge flagless ship was approaching them quickly. At this speed, the merchant ship could enter the opponent's range in less than ten minutes.

"It's a pirate ship!" someone exclaimed.

The merchant captain was horrified, "Why, how can it be so fast?"

He was also ready to take risks, but he never expected the pirates to come so soon!

Will sighed and said, "...Xufeng was right. If we were to find the coast first, we might be able to get rid of the flying Dutchman."

"The Flying Dutchman?"

"This is impossible!"

"The flying Dutchman, isn't it a legend?"

"Yes, no one has ever seen the Dutchman flying with his own eyes."

"That's because," Xu Feng said coldly: "People who have seen the flying Dutchman are either dead or they have become water ghosts on the flying Dutchman."

The captain of the merchant ship tremblingly said: "Sir! Mr. Xufeng! Help us imagine a way! We are willing to give out all the rum of the ship, and only ask the pirates not to hurt us!"

Xufeng shook his head, "The Flying Dutchman never robs treasures."

"Then what are they grabbing?"

"They will only sink the ship, then harvest your souls and let you serve them." Xu Feng said lightly.

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