Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 458

As Xu Feng thought, he flashed back quickly.

The bloodletting short blade was broken, and he had no weapons in his hand, so he couldn't fight the sea god with his bare hands.

This time the reward mission, I'm afraid it will be...

At this moment, Xu Feng suddenly heard a deep whistle.

Chapter 389 "I'm Better Than Xuedi"

The sound of the siren is long and melodious, and can be clearly heard throughout the sea.

The sea god beast who was chasing Xufeng was startled suddenly, and his body also stopped.

Xu Feng took the opportunity to get rid of the steel teeth of the sea god beast, and quickly paid the surface of the water, looking at the direction of the whistle.

...How could there be such a thing as a steam whistle in the great nautical era of the seventeenth century? The whistle was clearly a product of the steam age.

If you can hear the whistle here, there is only one possibility... Sister Hammer has built an iron ship!

Xufeng looked far away and saw the end of the sea and the sky, full of thick black smoke.

Haha!Sure enough, it is a steam engine iron ship. Although it is not environmentally friendly at all, the iron ship in this era is something that is even more buggy than the sea god!

Under the thick black smoke, a small boat rushed towards the wind and waves quickly.

It is very fast, twice as fast as the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman combined!

Moreover, the whole body is made of steel!The gunpowder shells at this stage simply cannot penetrate its armor!

It's just... this ship is really a bit small.

The Black Pearl is a standard galleon, which can accommodate at least 300 crew members, while the flying Dutchman is even bigger, capable of at least 800 crew members!

As for this iron ship, which was driving over quickly with billowing smoke, it seemed that it could only accommodate a dozen people at most.

However, Xu Feng is also understandable.

After all, the construction period was too rushed. In just a few days, a navigable iron ship can be built, which is really amazing.

Xu Feng shouted excitedly: "Sister Hammer! You are amazing!"

Murong Iron Hammer stood proudly on the bow, carrying two crossed hammers on his shoulders.

"I know, you can't do without me, hurry up and board this [I am stronger than Xuedi]."

"..." Xuedi was expressionless.

Xufeng laughed, and quickly swam towards "I am stronger than Xuedi".

Lin Hai also hurriedly jumped from the boat to the iron boat.

Finally, Xuedi also jumped onto the iron ship with the Thunder Sword.

"Do you have to give this broken ship such a weird name?" Xuedi said in a deep voice.

Murong Iron Hammer raised his brows triumphantly, "Why, do you mind?"

Xuedi said coldly, "Don't mind, idiot."

Murong Iron Hammer said angrily, "Who are you talking about? If it weren't for me, even if I arrived, you would become stinky fish and shrimp!"

Xuedi said coldly: "If you don't come, we can still repel the sea god beast. We have repelled it twice. As long as we wait a little longer, we can repel it a third time."

"Cough cough..." Xu Feng coughed, "Well, since the hammer girl is here, let's give the hammer girl a chance to perform. If the hammer girl can't repel the sea god, let's go back."

Xuedi nodded naturally, "Okay, then I will give this idiot a chance."

Murong Iron Hammer said angrily: "I hate being looked down the most in my life! Wait! Isn't it just a big octopus! I made it into takoyaki!"

With that said, Murong Iron Hammer shouted into the boiler room: "Gong Yang! Sell your strength!"

"...Yes! Big sister!" Gong Yang's tragic voice came from the boiler room.

Xu Feng couldn't help asking: "Iron Hammer, you wouldn't use Yang Gong as a livestock anymore? They are the highest relative among us anyway."

Murong Iron Hammer said coldly, "Huh, men, if you don't be livestock, can you still let them be emperors?"

"...Okay." Xu Feng didn't dare to say more.

"I'm stronger than Xuedi" quickly rushed towards the sea god beast, and the sea god beast also untied its own tentacle knot and wrapped the "I'm stronger than Xuedi" with its tentacles.

The tentacles of the Poseidon Beast are very powerful, but the "I am stronger than Xuedi" is a ship of steel. The overall structure is very strong. The tentacles of the Poseidon Beast cannot squeeze and deform the hull, let alone crush it.

Murong Iron Hammer said proudly: "All leave the ship's side."

Xufeng and others immediately left the ship's side and stood in the middle of the deck.

Murong Iron Hammer shook the control sensation at his hand, and for a while, the boiling hot water in the boiler room splashed out along the pipes on the ship's side.

Zi Zi Zi!

The hot water splashed on the tentacles of the sea god beast, and water mist rose up.

The sea god beast suddenly screamed, and its tentacles desperately twisted and retracted, and in less than ten seconds, it was completely introduced under the sea.

"Enough! Close the valve!" Murong Iron Hammer shouted.

"Yes, the eldest sister is big." Gong Yang in the boiler room responded again.

Xu Feng sniffed the smell in the air, and said with emotion: "...It's so fragrant, with some more seasonings, it's a spicy soup."

Xuedi gave Xufeng an angry glance, but when Xufeng's gaze made contact with her, she quickly moved away.

At this time, all members of the Xuedi team appeared in front of a line of bronzing characters: Reward mission: Repel the sea god 3/3 and complete it.

--Oh yeah!

Xu Feng clenched his fists excitedly.

The difficulty of this reward task was really high, but with the team's full cooperation, it was finally won without risk.

Generous rewards and rewards are already waiting for them!

Murong Iron Hammer triumphantly stabbed Emperor Xue with his elbow, "Ah, how about it? I'm awesome, right?"

Xuedi said blankly, "Idiot."

"I knew you were jealous of Lao Tzu!"

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