Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 460

Only then did they realize how important it is in their hearts that they are usually crazy and even often "sell" their Jack.

Tia Dorma walked up to Elizabeth with his own brewed wine, "Drinking a bar, the wine can keep out the cold and relieve worries."

Elizabeth thanked him, took the glass, tried to drink it several times, but stopped at last.

When she saw the wine, she thought of Jack, and when she thought of Jack, she thought of the truth that she locked Jack to the mast and made Jack wait to die.

Her conscience was greatly condemned.

Her two lines of tears rolled silently, and she felt that she did not even have the qualifications to cry loudly.

Will's heart is even more complicated.

He knew what Elizabeth was doing, but he didn't know whether he should support Elizabeth or oppose Elizabeth.

Now, the Black Pearl is gone, and the flying Dutchman has also hid in the bottom of the sea, trying to save his father, it is almost indefinite.

Holding the rope cutter that his father gave him, he was in a state of confusion.

Lao Lei took a sip of warm wine and said in a deep voice, "Jack is a good captain."

Xiaopi also said sadly: "Yes, although he is usually crazy enough, but at a critical time, he showed up as a captain. If it weren't for him, we would have been dead."

Gibbs said: "Jack has told countless lies and deceived us countless times in his life, but in the end, he saved us all."

Will said sadly: "Unfortunately, he is dead. If I have a chance to save him, I will definitely do it."

This is of course also to help Elizabeth relieve her inner pain!

Tia Dorma immediately leaned in front of Will, waiting for his red eyes, and asked expectantly: "If there is such a chance to save Jack, would you guys do it?"

Will was taken aback, "What? Of course! But we saw that Jack had been swallowed by the sea god."

Tia Dorma smiled and said: "If there is such an opportunity, but you need to sail to the end of the world, so that you can retrieve Jack and your beloved Black Pearl, are you willing to do it?"

Everyone present had their eyes widened.

Gibbs asked in surprise: "Do you have a way?"

Tia Dorma asked again: "Are you willing?"

Gibbs said solemnly: "I am willing!"

Lao Lei and Xiao Pi looked at each other and stood up and said, "I am willing!"

Will looked at Elizabeth, "I do!"

Elizabeth bit her lip, drank all the wine in the glass, and said boldly, "I am willing too!"

"Very good." Tia Dorma grinned: "But if you want to sail to the ends of the world full of strange things, you need a competent captain."

Gibbs looked at the others, cleared his throat and said, "It seems that I am the only qualified here..."

Before the words were over, there was a sound of footsteps in leather boots on the wooden stairs of the cabin.

Chapter 391

Everyone looked down the stairs and saw a man wearing a captain's clothes, a big hat with a wide brim, and a gorgeous feather on his hat. He stepped calmly and walked down from above.

When his face appeared in front of everyone, everyone exclaimed.

"Hello, pirates!" The man took out a green apple from his pocket, gnawed hard, the juice splashed everywhere, and the expression on his face was exceptionally brilliant.


Lao Lei and Xiao Pi were shocked.

They saw Barbossa being killed by Xufeng, Will and Captain Jack together!

how come……

However, this also shows that if even Barbosa can be resurrected from the dead, then Jack and the Black Pearl really hope to be resurrected!

Even if you sail to the ends of the world, even if you want to work under Barbosa, you must rescue Jack!


Outside the Cayenne River, Murong Iron Hammer scuttled the "I am stronger than Xue Di" and sank into the chaotic river.

This era is the era of great navigation. All boats are wooden boats. Even if there are iron-clad boats, they are only wrapped with iron sheets on wood. Their power depends on wind and paddles.

The iron ship built by Murong Iron Hammer is an iron ship in the true sense. It is driven by a steam engine. Both in terms of structure and power, it has surpassed this era by at least one or two hundred years.

If this kind of thing is obtained by other forces, it is caused by the chaos of the plot, and the iron ship is not an extraordinary item, and cannot bring back the plane of survival, so it can only sink in the water.

Seeing the sinking of the iron ship that he had built for almost a week, Murong Iron Hammer felt a little uncomfortable.

Xuedi said blankly: "There is no [I am stronger than Xuedi]. This shows that you are not as strong as Xuedi."

Murong Iron Hammer said angrily: "Hmph, believe it or not, I will rebuild one now! I've figured out the name, so it's called [I am 100 times stronger than Xuedi]!"

Xuedi said lightly: "Idiot, if you want to make it, you can stay and make it, but we are going back to share the generous rewards for the reward mission."

Murong Iron Hammer said quickly: "I have exerted such a great force, of course I have to count the points! Then what are we waiting for? Go!"

"Okay, everyone stands in the previous position, ready to cross back." Xuedi said lightly.

It is more troublesome to go through the story world, but going back is relatively easy.

When Xufeng stood there, he suddenly saw a black man next to him.

Xufeng was startled, "Who are you?"

The black man was full of grievances and replied with a smoky hoarse voice: "Xufeng, I am Duke Yang, cough."

"I rely on..." Xu Feng carefully identified it, and it was indeed Duke Yang.

However, this honor is really too permeating.

Gong Yang again said angrily: "The eldest sister is too ruthless, she doesn't use animals as animals."

"Wait, shouldn't we say, use people as cattle?" Xu Feng smiled.

"I have recognized who I am. I am an animal, but... even if it is compared with the standard of an animal, I am not as good as an animal! Oh! Hurry up, Xu Feng, hurry up and leave the story world, I I really can't stand it!"

"Well, go around." Xu Feng laughed.

The traversal circle was soon successfully condensed. The members of the Snow Emperor team left the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" plot world one by one and returned to the traversal circle in the trading city.

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