Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 486

Xufeng looked around and said coldly: "It's all gone, Master Qiluo won't enchant today."

Since he is now Master Qiluo's apprentice, he naturally has to maintain a corresponding compulsive style.

"...Xufeng, why do you speak on behalf of Master Qiluo?" a survivor who had been waiting for a day said angrily. He was afraid of being fooled by Xufeng. Then he loses a lot.

Before Xu Feng could speak, the sharp-eyed survivor saw the arcane crystal in front of Xu Feng's heart.

"Oh my God! Xufeng has been recognized by Master Qi Luo! Xu Feng is now Master Qi Luo's apprentice!"

"Didn't Master Qi Luo say that he will never accept apprentices? Why... Well, I knew that Master Qi Luo would still accept apprentices, I should try it too."

"Bah, stop dreaming, just because you want to be Master Qiluo's apprentice? It's getting late, I think you should wash and sleep!"

The survivors laughed.

Xufeng frowned, and said coldly: "My master is resting, you are too noisy here, do you have to alarm her old man and let her come out to clean you up? Let's go!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

All the survivors nodded and bowed at Xufeng.

No way, who said Xufeng is Qi Luo's apprentice now?

There were not many arcane enchanters in the trading city, and the only authentic one was Qiluo. Everyone was worried that if one day Qiluo died, there would be no arcane enchanting masters in the trading city.

Now it's alright, Qi Luo is finally accepting apprentices, and it will probably not be long before Xu Feng can grow up and take over the general enchanting business.

Qi Luo is too cold and arrogant to contact, and Xu Feng is a newcomer no matter what, it is not too late to have a good relationship with Xu Feng.

Therefore, every survivor nodded and bowed to Xufeng, striving to make a good impression on Xufeng.

Xufeng didn't have much interest in these people, so he just said haha ​​and walked to Mi Xiu's alchemy laboratory.

The survivors also gradually dispersed.

When Xufeng came to the alchemy laboratory, the sky had completely dimmed, and the area around the alchemy laboratory looked particularly gloomy.

Xufeng held his breath and bit the bullet and knocked on the door of the alchemy laboratory.

To be honest, he didn't want to come here, especially at night.

However, for the happiness of Mi Xiu and Ke Luo, this little thing is nothing.

The door of the alchemy laboratory opened immediately, and Mi Xiu appeared in front of Xu Feng expectantly.

Xu Feng stunned, "Hey, Uncle Mi Xiu, you didn't even do the experiment?"

In the past, Mi Xiu was doing experiments, and the alchemy laboratory was full of poisonous gas.

But this time, everything was normal.

Mi Xiu smiled bitterly and said, "I'm worried about you, Brother Xufeng, so I can't concentrate on the experiment."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't say that Uncle Mi Xiu, you are not worried about me, it is the reaction of my Master Qiluo."

Mi Xiu was startled, "Master Qi Luo?"

He lowered his head to see the arcane crystal that Xu Feng said in his heart, and then exclaimed: "Brother Xufeng! You actually worshipped Qiluo as a teacher? You...you paid such a price for me."

"Uh...actually it's okay, I myself want to worship Qi Luo sister as my master." Xu Feng said frankly.

Michelle shook his head sadly, "No, you can't lie to me, I know, you want to worship me as a teacher in your heart. You did this to get me to reunite with Qiluo, and the reason why you don’t Admit it, just don’t want to disturb my conscience."

"...If you have to think like this, that's okay." Xu Feng smiled helplessly.

Michelle asked expectantly: "How about? Keiro...will she forgive me?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I don't want to, and after some operations, she hates you even more now."

"Huh?" Michelle's scalp numb.

Xufeng smiled and said: "But don't worry, these resentments are temporary. Moreover, her resentment is not real hatred, but resentment. This shows that she still has you in her heart. As long as she still has you in her heart, Then I will be by her side and I can slowly help you match up."

Only then did Mi Xiu breathe a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good, but...you have to be an apprentice to her after suffering."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Mi Xiu, do you want an apprentice or a wife?"

Mi Xiu said quickly, "Of course I want a wife."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Isn't that all right? From now on, don't always think about letting me be your apprentice, but just concentrate on how to make Qi Luo forgive you."

"Yes, yes." Mi Xiu nodded again and again, "Brother Xufeng, you help me so hard, how can I give you back? Have you eaten? Stay for dinner!"

Xu Feng hurriedly waved his hand, "I have eaten it, my teacher's father hand-made, hot and sour potato shreds, tomato scrambled eggs, ground three fresh, and soft fried tenderloin, ha ha, that fragrant!

Mi Xiu murmured, "She can actually cook, alas, I really want to eat."

Xufeng grinned and said, "I came back to give you peace of mind. The Xingyue lotus that I helped prepare has already been received by my master. I can see that she still likes it very much. If you can get another one, That would be even better."

Mi Xiu said quickly: "I can't get out of the door every day. Where can I get Xingyue Lotus? How about this, I will refine the pill, how about you sell it for me? I just charge a cost price and return the funds , Anyway, my cost does not require Huaying energy points, and I am self-sufficient."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, but I won't just give you the cost price. Let's divide the profit into two and earn 10 power points. I will take 5 and you will also take 5."

"Good!" Mi Xiu nodded readily.

Xu Feng is not a businessman, and Mi Xiu is not.

Chapter 419 Stardust Particles

After leaving the alchemy laboratory, Xufeng returned to the arcane enchanter's mansion.

I don’t know if I don’t compare it. If I compare it, it’s like returning from hell to heaven.

Xufeng walked to the arcane main gate and was wondering how to knock on the door to enter, and the gate full of arcane purple light automatically opened.

The little arcane puppet stood at the door and bowed slightly towards Xufeng.

"...Thank you." Xu Feng said politely.

Arcane puppets have no face, no mouth, and no thoughts, so they can't respond to Xufeng's thanks.

Xu Feng couldn't help laughing, but he still nodded to the arcane puppet before walking in.

"I'm back?" Qi Luo asked with a smile, standing on the luxurious porch.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, Master."

"How about that old thing?" Qi Luo asked casually.

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