Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 502

"Xufeng! Mr. Xufeng is here too!"

"Hello, Mr. Xufeng!"

"Mr. Xufeng, we meet again, thank you for helping me break it down this morning!"

The survivors present, regardless of whether they knew Xufeng or did not know Xufeng, all greeted Xufeng politely.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, but simply nodded in tribute to them.

At this time, a staff member of the auction rushed over and gave Xufeng a ninety-degree bow when they met: "Mr. Xufeng, you are a VIP of our auction. Please join your friends. , Go through our VIP channel."

Chapter 433 Abyss Guild

"Well, good, let Lao lead the way." Xu Feng said lightly.

"Okay, please come with you distinguished guests." The staff member led the way.

The Hammer asked in surprise: "Brother, are you still a VIP at the auction?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It's not worth mentioning."

The Xuedi next to him said blankly: "I came with Xufeng last time. We worked together to help the auction house earn a lot of service fees, so they naturally regarded us as VIPs."

The hammer frowned and said, "Brother, you are with my enemy!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Sister, isn't Xuedi your enemy?"

"She is my enemy!"

"Why are you vindictive?"

"You ask her!" said the hammer angrily.

Xuedi sneered, "How do I know, in short, if you are hostile to me, I am hostile to you."

"Damn it!" Iron Hammer said angrily: "Xue Di, I will fight you sooner or later!"

Emperor Xue said with a cold smile: "Idiot, we two, can we decide which male and female to decide?"

"...Also right." Iron Hammer said angrily: "Anyway, sooner or later, I will let you confess in person, I Murong Tie... I Murong Henxue, I am better than you!"

Xuedi gave the hammer a white look and said faintly: "You are better than me, are you satisfied?"

The hammer was startled, "No! Wait! It's not like that! You don't have any sincerity like this! You have to be sincere!"

Xuedi said blankly: "...Idiot."

"You!" The hammer almost exploded.

Xu Feng said quickly, "Okay, let's watch the auction first. If we have any issues, we will solve it privately."

The hammer said bitterly: "This time it's because of my brother's face, I just let you go!"

Xuedi glanced at Xufeng, "When did you become brothers with her?"

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Yesterday."

Xuedi said coldly: "What kind of brother? The brother in a pair of pants, or the brother who can sleep together?"

Xu Feng said quickly, "No, no, neither."

Xuedi said blankly, "It doesn't matter, really."

"Really not!" Xu Feng really wanted to cry without tears.

The staff led Xufeng and the others into VIP box No. 7, and then bowed and smiled: "Mr. Xufeng, Miss Xuedi, if you have any more needs, just press the service bell. I wish you a few Happy VIP auction."

"Yeah." Xu Feng waved his hand.

The staff member retired from Box No. 7 wittily and closed the box door.

At this time, before the auction begins, there is still a while, on the auction stage, there is a team of dancers dancing boldly.

The hammer said dissatisfied: "Why do women always writhe on the stage? Why can't you let men jump up?"

Xuedi sneered and said, "Why, do you miss a man?"

"Bah!" The Hammer said in a deep voice, "I think this world is full of discrimination, as if women can only do such things to make ends meet!"

Xuedi pursed his lips without refuting.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Xufeng stood up and said, "You guys rest here, I'll go around outside."

Xuedi asked: "Where are you going?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Walk around the door without going anywhere."

Xuedi nodded slightly.

Xu Feng walked out of the box and stood on the platform of the box, looking down at the crowds coming and going.

Today, the Hanguang Society obviously did not come.

After all, Xufeng had a debt receipt of 20,000 yuan in his hand, and was backed by a special envoy, so they didn't dare to face him face to face now.

What's more, the Hanguang Club suffered a big loss at the auction last time, and they had a deep understanding of Xufeng's power, so they naturally did not dare to confront Xufeng again.

Hanguang will not come, but the brains of the other guilds are all coming.

The first to walk up to the VIP area on the second floor was the people from the Abyss Guild. The leader was a white fat man, and he was surrounded by the high-level of the Abyss Guild, Marshall.

When Marshall saw Xufeng standing on the stair platform in the VIP area, his eyes lit up, and he walked quickly in front of Xufeng and said very familiarly: "Mr. Xufeng! See you again!"

"Oh?" Xu Feng half turned around, "Are you?"

"Did you forget?" Marshall smiled awkwardly. "After you killed Gauss of the Hanguang Society in the arena, I once invited you to join our Abyss Guild. My name is Marshall."

"Oh!" Xu Feng immediately got an impression.

After he killed Gauss at the beginning, high-level officials from the Abyss Guild, Dawn Guild, and Oasis Guild came to him and wanted to pull him into the guild, but he refused.

And those guilds didn't know if it was out of fear of risk, or felt that a little rookie like Xufeng was not worthy of them to win a second time, so they never looked for Xufeng again.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Well, I remember."

Marshall grinned and said: "Mr. Xufeng, our guild president Ax is here, if you need it, I can help you introduce it."

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "No need, no interest."

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