Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 516

Xufeng smiled and said: "I can't say that I am sure, but you are not willing to face the sea god, then only I will go. However, I also have a condition."

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "You said."

"I want gold coins." Xu Feng said bluntly.

Elizabeth smiled, "Xufeng, I thought you were the kind of person who didn't care about money."

Xufeng said lightly: "I really don't care about money. I just use money to do things. Some things are easier when we have money."

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "How much do you want?"

Xufeng said, "Give me 50,000 gold coins first."

The budget for the hammer torpedo submarine was 40,000 gold coins, and Xu Feng reported a little more in case of emergency.

Tia Dorma smiled and said: "It is indeed difficult to ask me to spend such a large sum of money at once. However, there are indeed a few people who owe me debts in all the big ports-Barbosa, you Go and collect debts for me. Can you do this task?"

Barbossa grinned and said, "Of course there is no problem, I am happy to help you."

Tia Dorma immediately wrote a few names on the paper and handed them to Barbosa.

After Barbossa took the note, he said to Lao Lei and Xiaopi: "You two, follow me!"

"Yes! Captain!" Old Lei saluted.

"...No, he is not our captain, our captain should be Jack Sparrow." Xiaopi retorted in a low voice.

Old Lei said: "I know, but Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl, and now the Black Pearl is gone, and Barbosa will have a new ship, so we should call him the captain. ."

"you're right……"

The two of you followed Barbosa and left the witch house.

Tia Dorma smiled at Xufeng and said, "My warrior, I believe it won't take long before the gold coins you want will be in place. I'm very interested to hear, how do you plan to kill the sea god?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Let's talk about how to kill first, do you really have the heart to let me kill the sea god beast?"

The expression on Tia Dorma's face was startled, and then she lowered her voice and said, "Why can't I bear it?"

Xu Feng also lowered his voice and said, "The sea god is your pet, Colibso."

Tia Doo: Ma took a deep breath, "There are not many people who know my identity."

Xufeng smiled and said, "So, you have already admitted?"

"I have nothing to hide from you, because I know you are not from this world, but you'd better not let others know about it." Tia Dorma's tone was not good at all.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I don't need to tell others. Let's go back to the question just now. You are the physical form of the sea goddess Colibso, and the sea god is originally your pet. You really His patience let me kill it?"

Tia Dorma said bitterly, "Didn't you also say that? The sea god beast is my original pet, and since I was imprisoned, I have no power to control the ocean, and the sea god beast only obeys orders. It's David Jones. Now the Poseidon has swallowed Jack and the Black Pearl. If we don't kill it, we won't be able to save Jack."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Do you have feelings with Jack?"

"Of course!" Tia Dorma said firmly, and then smiled charmingly, "Why, are you jealous?"

Xufeng said coldly: "No, you are the goddess of the ocean. You can't have feelings for a mortal. You just use everyone to save Jack as a reason. You save Jack not out of feelings, but out of feelings. For conspiracy."

Tia Dorma said, "Xufeng, you are a little sad when you say this."

"Isn't it?" Xufeng said with a sneer: "Jack is one of the seven pirate kings. His pirate king token has not been passed on to others. If you want to be free from this flesh, you must let the seven pirate kings. The pirate king held a meeting and handed over all their tokens and burned them, so that you can recover your true body-is this your real goal?"

Tia Dorma was silent for a while, and then grinned: "I want to find a reason to refute you, but I can't, because you are too smart, and any cover up in front of you is futile. Okay, This is indeed my true intention. If you don't want to release me, just say it straight."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "If you unblock it, it doesn't make any difference to me. After all, it is not me who sealed you, but your former lover David Jones. So, this one The essence of the matter is the personal grievances between the two of you. I have no intention of intervening. Even, I can stand on your side and help you."

Tia Dorma's bright red eyes lit up, "Really?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "But you must promise me one thing, that is, after you lift the seal, you will not retaliate against the pirate kings."

Tia Toma gritted her teeth and said: "They sealed me in this body and let me taste the pain and sorrow of the world. Why can't I retaliate against them?"

Xufeng said: "You can lift the seal and regain control of the ocean. You have a chance. If you are angry, then pour the anger on the fleet that never sets."

Tia Dorma thought for a while, "Well, if you can help me lift the seal, then I will help you in turn."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It's done."

Chapter 447 Sea God Beast

Tia Dorma raised his voice, "So, how do you plan to kill the sea god beast?"

Xu Feng also returned to his normal volume, and said with a faint smile: "It's very simple, summon him out and kill him directly."

Last time, Xufeng had a fight with Seagod. At that time, Xufeng had no gunpowder pills, and he didn't have any weapons in hand, and his attack power was not enough.

This time, Xu Feng had enough gunpowder and equipment such as Pirate Scimitar and Scorpion Crossbow, and after the last round, the strength of Xuedi and Lin Hai also improved.

Therefore, Xu Feng is very confident.

Tia Dorma smiled and said: "You have such pride, I am naturally very happy, but the sea god is not so easy to deal with, it is the most terrifying creature in the entire ocean, and its horror is not only It lies in its fighting ability on the sea surface, and even more in its ability to recover. It can dive to the deep seabed. Even if you can damage it, you will not be able to kill it before it dives to the seabed of several thousand meters. "

Xufeng frowned and said, "This is a problem, do you have any good way to solve it?"

Tia Dorma grinned: "I do, please wait a moment."

She twisted her posture, walked into the small house inside, and took out a jar that couldn't tell what it was.

Xufeng took a closer look, then asked, "What is this?"

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "The internal organs of the sea god beast's spouse."

Xufeng wrinkled his nose and took two steps back, "How come you have such a thing?"

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "The sea god beast once had a spouse, but then died, I kept its internal organs."

"You take this jar of entrails and go to the southern sea cliffs, and then spill the entrails of the sea god beast's spouse into the sea. When the sea god beast smells the scent, it rushes over like crazy. These entrails have been magically cast by me. When the sea god enters the sea area of ​​the internal organs, it cannot escape by diving down-but because it is in a state of rage, its attack power will be twice as strong as before."

Xu Feng looked at Emperor Xue, and Emperor Xue said lightly: "No problem, let's go."

Lin Hai gave himself a resistance to the sense of smell, then picked up the colorful viscera of the jar, and followed the pace of Xuedi and Xufeng.

Tia Dorma stood at the door of the hut, looking at Xufeng's disappearing back, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"...This woman is not worthy of trust." Xuedi said lightly.

"I know, but I have to show off with her and tell her that we actually know everything, so that she won't play tricks with us." Xu Feng smiled.

"Hope." Xuedi said blankly.

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