Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 518

The Sea God Beast had suffered from the loss of gunpowder pills, and knew the power of gunpowder pills, so he closed his mouth immediately-but it was a bit slow after all!

Xufeng's gunpowder flew into its steel teeth mouth at the moment before it shut up!


The huge explosive shock wave of gunpowder exploded in the body of the sea god beast, and the body of the sea god beast instantly doubled, but it had not been shattered!

"Awesome! This won't kill you?" Xu Feng gritted his teeth and rushed up quickly. The pirate scimitar in his hand shot again and stabbed the body of the sea god on the verge of breaking!


The body of the sea god beast is like a balloon about to burst, while Xufeng's pirate scimitar is like an embroidery needle. Under the simultaneous action of internal and external forces, the body of the sea god beast finally burst!

Mutilated octopus tentacles are scattered throughout the sea, and the sea surface is like rain of octopus tentacles.

Finally... Xu Feng let out a long breath.

After going through the story world twice, the sea god beast was finally killed.

Emperor Xue jumped over with the Thunder Sword in his hand, "Xu Feng, are you okay?"

Although the voice is still cold, Xufeng's heart is warm when he hears it.

"It's okay." Xu Feng grinned.

Xuedi nodded at him slightly, "Well, it's okay."

...I knew something was going on.

Xu Feng secretly regretted it.

Xuedi squatted down and fiddled with the wreckage of the Sea God Beast with the Thunder Sword.

Xufeng asked, "What are you looking for?"

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "The relative level of this seagod beast should be around level 40, and the four-dimensional attributes of agility, armor and endurance are very high. I think such a powerful elite monster should drop something. ."

When Xuedi said so, Xu Feng was also looking forward to it.

"Yes!" Xuedi saw that there was something emitting this blue halo in the wreckage. She immediately cut off the other wreckage, reached out and took it up.

It was a pair of armor bracers with wave runes.

Xufeng immediately scanned it with his spiritual vision, and a line of explanatory text appeared in front of his eyes in the form of light subtitles: Extraordinary Item: Waves hit the wristband.

Item level: level 45.

Item attributes: 20 strength, 40 armor.

Effect 1: Concentrate the mind to infuse it, and in a way that consumes stamina, launch a tsunami impact on multiple hostile targets in the fan-shaped area in front, so that it can withstand double the damage of the wearer.

Effect 2: The hit target will be slowed down.

...This is exactly the corresponding version of the flame impact bracer, and it seems stronger!

That's awesome!

Xu Feng smiled and said, "I made it this time!"

Xuedi also said in an unprecedented relaxed tone: "In the future, our reward quest will become more and more difficult, but the income will also get higher and higher. This wave impact brace can be sold for at least 1500 shadow energy points. "

Xu Feng immediately said: "Why do you want to sell? We have upgraded equipment, and we will digest it internally."

Xuedi hesitated, "Do you want it?"

Xufeng shook his head, "I do lack a decent brace, but I don't need armor. On the contrary, you are more suitable for this brace. You always fight the enemy head-on. Using this brace can slow down the enemy. , So as to better limit and control the enemy, and I can take the opportunity to output with all my strength."

Xuedi faintly said: "That's right, since you don't want it, then I will buy it according to the domestic sales principle in our team. The starting price of this flame impact brace is at least 500, then I will give it to each person. How about you divide 100 shadow power points?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you give it to me."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "That won't work. The established rules are rules. You have to follow them, and I have to follow them."

"That's good... But, do you want to consult Sister Hammer first?" Xu Feng asked.

Xuedi faintly said: "Armor is not her first attribute, she pursues pure power, so this piece of equipment is not too suitable for her. Moreover, she deals with flames all the time, so she prefers flame equipment. , She is repellent from the surf category."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Listening to you, you know hammers very well."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "...just so."

Xufeng could feel that the relationship between these two people was very good.

Then what happened to make Iron Hammer so "resent" Snow Emperor?

If you have a chance, you must ask clearly.

At this time, Lin Hai hurriedly ran over, "What good equipment is out?"

"The waves hit the bracer." Xuedi showed it to Lin Hai.

Lin Hai said happily: "Haha, good stuff! I have almost exhausted all my energy without wasting it."

Xuedi said: "I just discussed with Xufeng, each person will give out 100 shadow power points."

Lin Hai smiled and said: "Xue Di, you are the captain, why are you so polite?"

Xuedi said lightly: "Yes, this will be the rules of our team from now on-if you are still willing to stay in my team."

Lin Hai said immediately: "Of course, I will always stay in the Xuedi team."

"How about you?" Xuedi asked Xufeng.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "So what do you need to say?"

Xuedi nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, take out your identity tokens, and I will transfer the money to you."

Xufeng and Lin Hai took out tokens one after another, Xuedi transferred 100 shadow power points to Lin Hai and 200 shadow power points to Xufeng.

After all, Duke Yang is no longer a member of Xuedi team, and Duke Yang's remuneration this time will be counted on Xufeng's head.

After the transfer, Xuedi was not in a hurry to wear the Shanghai Wave Impact Bracers. She had to wait until she saw the hammer and hand over 100 shadow power points to the hammer. Then, the transaction was completed and she could be officially worn.

It can be said that it is very cost-effective to spend 500 Shadow Energy Points to win the Wave Impact Bracer.

Of course, this is also achieved through their own efforts, so the dividends are just meaning.

Chapter 449 Tia Dorma's Request

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