Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 520

As he said, he stretched out his hand to grab the jug in Tia Dorma's hand.

"Be careful." Tia Dorma grinned: "It only takes one drop and the whole floor will turn into pus."

The pirate was taken aback, and quickly retracted his hand.

The other pirates were also full of horror and backed away.

Tia Dorma smiled and said: "This is corrosive poisonous wine. It is brewed by me assembling hundreds of venoms. A drop of ordinary people will cause death. Of course, this is for creatures like Haidus. Said that nature will not be poisoned to death, but it will pollute the Cayenne River, so that Haydus cannot absorb the power that the Cayenne River brings to him in a short time. Once his source of power is cut off, you can Solved him."

Gibbs said: "Why didn't you take it out early with this kind of thing?"

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "Because, I'm waiting for a warrior who can defeat the sea god beast. If you can't even kill the sea god beast, then you must be no match for Haydus, even if he is contaminated."

Xufeng stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the hip flask."

Tia Dorma immediately passed the contaminated jug.

"Wait!" The bearded Lin Hai hurriedly stood beside Xu Feng, concentrated his thoughts, and added an anti-virus resistance to Xu Feng.

"Okay." Lin Hai let out a tired sigh and sat down on the next seat.

Xufeng took the poisoned wine and turned and walked out of the witch hut.

Lin Hai also quickly stood up, and with the little spiritual power he had just recovered, he also added anti-virus resistance to Xuedi.

Xuedi nodded to Lin Hai, "You can rest here. Leave the rest to me and Xufeng."

"Good." Lin Hai almost didn't even have the strength to speak.

The pirates did not dare to go out, so they all watched from the windows.

They had all missed the previous battle between Xufeng and the Sea God Beast, but this time it was at the door of the house, they naturally couldn't miss it.

Tia Dorma also sat by the window, her mouth tightly closed, and staring at Xufeng's every move with blood-red eyes.

This time, she must succeed, because if it fails, Haydus will strengthen supervision, and by that time, no one will want to step into her witch hut again.

Tia Dorma placed all hopes on Xufeng's body.

Xufeng and Xuedi walked out of the witch's hut and reached the end of the Cayenne River.

Xufeng carried the contaminated jug and shouted loudly: "Haidos! Haidous!"

The calm Cayenne River leaves the wind and the clouds are surging, and the waves up to tens of meters are surging, condensed into an elemental life form in the form of spray.

"Mortal, what do you call me for?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's nothing, just bring you some wine."

"Haha, that's great. In the past, people always wanted to enter Tia Dorma's hut to give me wine, and you are the only one who still wants to give me wine in the enchantment."

Xufeng smiled and said, "This wine is very powerful."

Haydus smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be drunk."

"Okay, then you can try it!" Xu Feng opened the contaminated jug and poured the poisoned wine in the jug directly into the Cayenne River.

The black river water immediately became as viscous as oil, and it smelled again and again.

Haydus's lower body was immediately contaminated with oil, "...what is this? No, this is not wine! Mortals! You deceived me! You have to do this! For this! Pay the price!"

Haidus became furious, raised Hailang's fist, and fiercely bombarded Xufeng.

Xuedi rushed up with a stride, and showed the round shield in his hand to block Haydus' volley impact.


The huge power slammed heavily on the buckler, Xuedi exclaimed, and his body was also rushed into the air by the powerful impact.

As a survivor of the meat shield type at the forefront, Xuedi's defensive ability and armor attributes are naturally quite high. It is not a problem to resist the sea gods with a level of more than 40, but facing the sea. Si, she was knocked into the air by a wave of shock waves.

Before Haidusi waited for the Snow Emperor to land, he shot one after another, and the waves rushed towards the Snow Emperor one after another.

Xuedi's body cannot turn around in the air, nor can he avoid it!

At this time, Xu Feng, who had already escaped and was about to go around, rushed back, leaped high, and grabbed Xuedi's waist.

The violent waves rushed past their bodies, and they were almost injured by this attack power close to level 45!

Once injured without precaution, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xu Feng embraced Xuedi's waist and landed steadily.

Xuedi took a deep breath, "...Let go of me!"

Just as Xu Feng was about to let go, he saw Haidusi's wave impact punch blasting over again, and Xuedi had just received a punch, and his body movement slowed down significantly.

Xu Feng simply hugged the Snow Emperor and dodged back and forth in the blast waves of the sky.

Xuedi shouted eagerly: "Let me down, I can hold it!"

"Don't move!" Xufeng shouted loudly: "You will be hurting me if you struggle like this!"

Xuedi immediately gave up the struggle, but still shouted: "Xufeng, you quickly put me down, I can resist Haydus' attack!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "This Haidus is far stronger than we thought. His wave punch can at least hit a damage value close to 400 strength attributes. Even if you can resist the first hit, you can't hold it. The next second, third!"

Xuedi wanted to refute, but could not refute it.

Indeed, Haydus is really too strong. If he is strong on the front, even if the snow emperor is fully defensive, and the special effects are all activated, I am afraid he can't hold it for 10 seconds.

And Xufeng was afraid that he could not kill Haydus within ten seconds.

Snow Emperor avoided his green eyes and whispered: "The poisoned wine that the witch gave us doesn't work, and the power of Haydus has not diminished at all."

Xufeng dodged while holding Xuedi, and replied: "No, the attack of the poisoned wine takes time. Haydus' lower body has been contaminated. The connection between him and the Cayenne River will soon be cut off. Yes, wait a minute, let's get through this wave first."

Xuedi gritted his teeth and didn't say much.

It was the first time to be held in the arms of a man.

As the captain, he has always been at the forefront to protect others, but this time, he was protected by a man.

Xuedi's heart thumped like a deer, no matter how she suppressed it, she couldn't suppress it.

Fortunately, she wears an ugly and expressionless human skin mask on her face. Otherwise, she would definitely be found blushing by Xufeng.

Chapter 451

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