Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 522

Without the essence of water, he was one step farther from building an epic weapon.

Xuedi pursed his mouth and walked to Xufeng's side, raising his hand to push him aside.

When Xu Feng was strange, he saw Xuedi stretch his arm into the foam wreckage of Haydus, condensed his mind, and then grabbed it hard.

The foamy remains of Haydus suddenly recondensed, but instead of condensing into the form of water element, it condensed into a dove-egg-sized gem with a halo of blue light.

The essence of water!

Chapter 452 The End of the World

Xu Feng yelled in excitement, wishing to hug Xuedi!

If it weren't for the Snow Emperor, how could he know that the essence of water was obtained from the remains of water elemental creatures!

I almost missed an advanced material worth tens of thousands of points.

Xu Feng said excitedly: "Xue Di! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Xuedi's green eyes avoided Xu Feng's warm gaze, and said coldly, "Do you dare to say that I am heavy?"

Xu Feng quickly said: "No, no, you are not heavy, you are not heavy at all! I can't do it myself, next time, next time I hold you, I promise I won't talk nonsense."

Xuedi said angrily: "Do you still want to have another time? You...Forget it, I don't bother to care about it with you, in short, this time, you won't mention it in the future, especially not on the premise of the hammer! "

"Good, good." Xu Feng immediately agreed.

Then Xuedi threw the essence of water to Xufeng.

Xu Feng quickly took it with both hands, for fear that if he was not careful, the essence of the water would fall into the Cayenne River and disappear.

The essence of water flickered, and staring at the essence of water was like staring at a piece of ocean, and it felt like looking directly at the sea.

Put it in the palm of the hand, it's icy and very smooth, without any edges.

Xufeng wanted to play with it carefully, but when he thought that this was a treasured material worth tens of thousands of points, Xufeng didn't dare to play with it, and he put it into the inventory of the spirit table carefully.

"Xue Di, give me your token, and I will transfer it to you."

The internal digestion price of the Essence of Water is 1000 Shadow Energy Points. After obtaining the Essence of Water, Xufeng will give 200 Shadow Energy Points to everyone in the team.

In addition to himself and Duke Yang, he also has to issue 600 shadow energy points, and 600 shadow energy points to buy a water essence is really a big profit.

Xuedi handed his token to Xufeng, and Xufeng immediately transferred 200 shadow power points.

Xuedi took the token and put it away without even looking at it.

Xufeng asked, "Don't you check it?"

Emperor Xue asked, "Will you lie to me?"

Xufeng shook his head and said, "No, never."

Emperor Xue said faintly: "That's not enough. Besides, don't say eternity, there is no eternity among the survivors."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and when he wanted to ask more, Xuedi had already walked to the witch's house.

Xu Feng hurriedly followed.

"My warrior!" Tia Dorma opened his arms to Xufeng, wanting to embrace Xufeng.

Xu Feng hurriedly avoided, "I have accepted your thankfulness, so I don't need to show it anymore."

Tia Dorma grinned and said: "You are really naughty, in short, I thank you for helping me to get rid of the barrier. Okay, we can leave this ghost place now, leave a person behind, and wait for Barbossa to return. Others, take my supplies and go to the nearest city of Cayenne."


The pirates acted immediately, and they wished to leave this weird place soon and return to the popular city.

Will walked to Xufeng's face, "Brother Xufeng...you are amazing. Can I take you a favor?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Just tell me."

Will said in a deep voice: "My father, Bill Turner, was still trapped on the flying Dutchman. I vowed to rescue him, but with my own strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with David Jones. , So I thought..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you kill David Jones?"

Will nodded heavily, "Brother Xufeng, please help me!"

Xufeng said lightly: "Will, you are my good friend. Of course, I am duty-bound to save your father. However, you have to understand the fact that the flying Dutchman cannot live without the captain. "

Will asked in astonishment: "Why? Isn't the sea god beast dead now? Even if you kill David Jones, you are not afraid that the sea god beast will be left unsupervised!"

Tia Dorma walked over and grinned: "Do you really think that the flying Dutchman is just to take care of the sea god?"

Will asked, "Is there any other role?"

Tia Dorma smiled arrogantly: "Of course! I ask you first, once the sea god beast dies, will we have a chance to pass through the ocean gate and enter the end of the world?"

Will nodded and said, "Yes, this is what you told us."

Tia Dorma smiled and said, "Then you are answering me, where is the end of the world?"

Will opened his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

The other pirates looked at each other.

They only know the term "the end of the world", but they don't even know what the end of the world is.

Tia Dorma looked at Xufeng with a smile, "My dear warrior, come and explain to them."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "The so-called end of the world actually means the end of life."

Will was startled, "Isn't that the underworld?"

Xufeng shook his head, "No, to be precise, it should be the place where Yin and Yang meet. People in this place are not alive, but not dead. They will be trapped here forever. Lost forever, unless someone ferryed them into the Hades, and then reincarnated."

Will frowned and said, "I've never heard of such a way."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "If you are familiar with Eastern culture, you can understand it well. Eastern culture's philosophical thinking about life and death is ten thousand years earlier than you Westerners."

Will nodded convincingly, "But what does this have to do with killing David Jones?"

Xufeng continued: "David Jones, he exists because he is the lover of the sea goddess Colibso. Colibso needs a ferryman to help the souls who have died at sea. In the Hades. Therefore, David Jones' real job should be to drive the flying Dutchman that can dive into the deep sea in his endless life, and lead the souls of the dead in the two worlds of Yin and Yang."

"...It turned out to be like this." Will frowned and said: "So, David Jones' original job is still very important and very positive. Then why did he become like this?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Because of love."

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