Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 533

Barbossa asked again: "You haven't told me whether you are Lian or Pu."

"Does it matter whether it is Lian or Pu? Our sisters are one. Lian is Pu and Pu is Lian." The Tang woman said lightly.

"Then what should I call you?" Barbosa asked.

The Tang Dynasty woman said coldly: "You don't have to call me, don't you want to see Xiaofeng? I will take you there."

"That's great!" Barbosa said happily.

When they were about to follow the Tang girl, Qin Huang on the side stretched out his hand, "Wait, you have to hand over all the weapons you carry with you."

Barbossa shrugged at the Tang woman, "We are all old friends, is this necessary?"

The Tang woman said coldly, "I and you are not friends."

Barbossa sighed helplessly, and handed over the two sabers and a musket on him.

Qin Huang commanded his men to search for Barbosa, and nodded after making sure that there was no threat.

"Next one." Qin Huangchao Xufeng said.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I came with sincerity, so I didn't bring weapons."

His weapons and equipment are all extraordinary items, which can only be displayed when they are used, and they are usually not found or searched.

Qin Huang's men came up to search for Xufeng's body, searched carefully for two times, and finally shook his head at Qin Huang.

"Very good." Qin Huang said to Elizabeth again: "How about you?"

Elizabeth quickly said: "I also came with sincerity, without weapons."

"Search." Qin Huang said to his opponent.

"No! Wait! I suddenly remembered that I did bring a few weapons. Of course, this is just for self-defense, because you know that the world is not peaceful now. I am a girl when I go out. Some self-defense weapons."

While explaining, Elizabeth took out five sabers, four short blades, two muskets, and a flaming mine from his robe.

Qin Huang was dumbfounded.

He had never seen a woman with so many things on her body.

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Well, that's it."

Qin Huang shook his head, "No, I don't worry, come here, and search for her again!"

Elizabeth quickly said: "I don't want a man to touch me!"

The Tang girl smiled coldly, "Let me come then."

Elizabeth suddenly had nothing to say. The Tang girl fumbled on Elizabeth, and then took out a dart, "Miss Elizabeth, you are really not honest."

Elizabeth smiled helplessly: "This, I really forgot."

The Tang woman threw the dart away, and then said lightly: "Okay, you can go in with me."

Barbossa breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them walked inside with the Chinese woman. After passing through a dark corridor, they entered a wide but steamy hall.

Almost everyone present was naked, with a similar dragon tattoo on their backs.

The temperature here is also like a sauna box, and it's sweltering.

The Chinese woman folded her hands and said, "Master, they are here."

After speaking, she walked to the Steam Throne and leaned over to whisper a few words to a man in black sitting with her back facing Xu Feng.

Xufeng's hearing is very keen. He heard the key words of "resurrection" and "Coli Buso" mentioned by a woman from the Tang Dynasty.

Obviously, this should be what Xiaofeng cares about.

After Xiaofeng listened to the words of the Tang Dynasty woman, he nodded slightly, then turned around and looked down at the three of Xufeng coldly.

The two Chinese women standing next to his throne were exactly the same in terms of appearance, dress, expression, and temperament.

One of them is called Lian and the other is called Pu, but no one can tell which one is Lian and which is Pu.

"Aha, Captain Xiaofeng, it's been a long time since you have looked...not bad recently." Barbossa greeted with a smile.

There was a long reptile scar on Xiao Feng's face.

His eyebrows are very black, and his whole person is majestic. He is wearing a layered robe from the Ming Dynasty, embroidered with waves and clouds on his shoulders, studded with beautiful jade, and his belt is made of pure gold. In the steamy hall, It is particularly eye-catching.

His hair was completely shaved, and from the top of his head to the back of his head, to the entire back, there was a huge and ferocious Oriental dragon tattooed, which was a mark of him and his men.

With this mark, it means Xiaofeng's own person.

He wears a gold ring on the little finger of his right hand with a small round jewel inlaid on it, which is a token of the pirate king's identity passed down from his father.

Of course, this ring originally belonged to his elder brother Liang Dao. He killed his elder brother to get this Pirate King ring.

His nails were dirty and long, but he took pleasure in it and didn't feel sick at all.

Hearing Barbossa's greeting, Xiao Feng's expression was extremely indifferent, "What are you doing in my site?"

Barbossa smiled and said, "Of course I'm talking about cooperation with you!"

Elizabeth said: "We want to rescue Jack."

"Jack?" Xiaofeng asked, "Jack Sparrow? Huh, that cunning fellow, he offended me! Why should I save him!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Because he offended you, so you should rescue him, and then kill him, so that you can show your ability."

Xiao Feng was startled, then frowned and asked, "Are you from Tang Dynasty?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, it's like a fake replacement."

Xiao Feng frowned and said, "You are a Chinese, why do you want to sell their lives to white people?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I didn't give them my life, I was doing my own thing."

"So, you want to save Jack too?"


"Then you said you didn't give them your life?"

"I saved Jack for a different reason than they saved Jack." Xufeng smiled.

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