Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 543

He did not intend to learn Barbossa, but this cruel captain mode is still very smooth when he has only one person, but compared with truly cruel people, his "cruel" is too floating. Superficial.

Barbossa asked coldly: "What are you doing?"

Jack asked confidently: "What are you doing, this is my boat!"

Barbossa roared tit-for-tat: "I am the real captain of this ship. I have a treasure map of Zheng He in my hand!"

Jack said immediately: "Then you are just a charterman, not the captain!"

"I..." Barbosa didn't know how to refute for a while.

"You two, shut up for me!" Xiaopi rushed to Jack and Barbosa angrily, shouting loudly: "This is an order, you understand!"

Jack and Barbossa looked at Pi with cold eyes.

Xiaopi's aura immediately weakened, and he said with a flat smile: "I'm sorry, I just think that since the captain's position is pending, then you can also consider me, and I can also be like you. Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Jack and Barbosa have no skins at all, and they are struggling to move towards the bow of the ship.

Xiaopi quickly backed away, fearing again and again after holding his heart.

Lao Lei gave him a thumbs up, "If you vote for the captain, I will definitely vote for you."

"Really?" Xiaopi said happily: "Thank you."

Old Lei smiled and said, "However, the Black Pearl will not vote for the captain."

Xiaopi cried and said, "That's true."

Barbossa walked to the bow, pulled out a single telescope, and looked into the distance of the ocean.

"I have it too!" Jack sneered and pulled out a single scope.

Barbosa’s single-scope is six sections long, while Jack’s single-scope is only three sections, which is obviously half shorter than Barbosa’s!

Between a man and a man, I am most afraid of comparing the length.

Jack looked awkward at once, and Barbosa laughed triumphantly.

"These two people are really... the same as children." Xu Feng shook his head helplessly and smiled.

The Black Pearl set sail smoothly, sailing towards the depths of the ocean.

Elizabeth shut herself in the bottom compartment, not wanting to face the other people on the ship.

In fact, the other people on the ship didn't care what she had done to Jack. Pirates were like this. There was no faith or friendship between pirates and pirates. Everyone had betrayed and was betrayed.

What they did was such an ugly deed, and naturally they would not demand others with that morality.

However, for Elizabeth, who had been well educated since childhood, this was an insurmountable mental obstacle. She really didn't know how to face Jack, Will, and the other crew members next.

She felt like a vicious scheming woman.

This is not what she wants.

But the big mistake has been made.

"...You are here." Will walked into the bottom compartment and said softly: "...You deliberately threw Jack to the sea god beast."

He wanted to comfort Elizabeth, but he said a terrible opening.

Elizabeth pursed her lips, "Yes, but I had no choice at the time."

Will said lightly: "I know, I just think you should tell me when you have this idea, and let me take care of all this for you."

"Are you blaming me?"

"No, I mean, it would be better if you could tell me before making any decisions." Jack said quickly.

Elizabeth looked at Will disappointedly, "I thought you loved me and respected me. Unexpectedly, you, like other male chauvinists, used the pretext of protecting me to interfere and restrict me. ."

"Elizabeth!" Jack wanted to explain.

But Elizabeth did not give him a chance to explain, turned and walked out of the bottom cabin.

...The Cold War has escalated and turned into a fight.

Will sighed helplessly.

The Black Pearl continued to sail, and at night the sea was full of weapons.

Barbossa asked the crew to half-close the sails and maintain a steady speed.

At this time, Captain Jack Sparrow was already asleep holding the rum bottle.

His nature is sloppy, and even if he pretends to be cold, he is not really cold after all.

Lao Lei and Xiao Pi are in charge of realm and lookout work.

Lao Lei rode on the gunwale of the bow, fishing with a homemade fishing rod.

He has been fishing for half a night, but nothing has been gained.

Xiaopi next to him smiled and said, "Old Lei, your skills are no longer good."

Old Lei said angrily, "How could my technique fail? Before I became a pirate, I was a good fisherman! There must be something wrong with this sea area! I even suspect that there are no fish in this sea!"

Xiaopi said: "There is no sea without fish."

"Is there no sea? Or is there no fish?" Lao Lei asked.

"I mean, there are fish in every piece of sea."

"There isn't this sea, otherwise, I wouldn't--ah!" Old Lei looked into the sea and exclaimed, and the fishing rod in his hand fell into the sea.

Xiaopi sneered: "You still say you are a good fisherman, you can't even hold the fishing rod!"

Lao Lei said in horror: "Xiao Pi! Look, there is something in the water!"

Xiaopi smiled and said, "Of course, that's a fish... a ghost?! Ah!"

Xiao Pi also exclaimed loudly.

In the water around the Black Pearl, rows of ghost-like human bodies are slowly swimming by, densely packed, like a school of fish.

Chapter 475

"It's terrible..." Xiaopi said with a trembling voice.

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