Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 545

"Elizabeth, you have to live well. Will is not my satisfied son-in-law, but... as a father who loves his daughter, there will be no satisfied son-in-law in his eyes. You don't need to care about my feelings, just you Happiness is good."

Governor Swann’s voice grew further and further away, "...I will, greet your mother for you."

"Dad! Daddy!"

Seeing that the light enveloped on the Black Pearl became weaker and weaker, Elizabeth eagerly ran to the stern, preparing to jump down.

Tia Dorma immediately exclaimed: "Don't let her jump, or she will be trapped at the end of the world forever!"

Xufeng immediately displayed the crane-shaped figure, rushed directly behind Elizabeth, and at the moment she jumped out of the Black Pearl, she dragged her back abruptly.

Chapter 476 Sway!

"Let me go down! I'm looking for my father!" Elizabeth struggled in Xufeng's arms.

Xufeng hugged Elizabeth tightly, and then said nothing.

He knew that at this time, Elizabeth just needed a shoulder to comfort.

Finally, a few minutes later, these ghost ships all floated away, and the light summoned by Tia Dorma using witchcraft disappeared.

Tia Dorma collapsed on the deck tiredly, as if he had died once, his blood-red eyes lost their luster, and his lips were black and purple.

"...Thank you." Elizabeth wiped away her tears and slowly broke free from Xufeng's arms.

Xu Feng nodded slightly and let go of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth walked up to Tia Dorma, "Tia Dorma, you have resurrected Barbosa, please, help me resurrect my father. I am willing to pay any price for this."

Tia Toma smiled weakly, "Any price? No, my dear young lady, there are many things in this world that can't be exchanged at any price."

"Then why can Barbosa be resurrected?"

"Because he is the pirate king of the Caspian Sea, and your father is not." Tia Dorma said regretfully.

Because Barbossa was the pirate king of the Caspian Sea, and when Barbossa died, his tokens were not passed down, so Tia Dorma began the resurrection ceremony when Barbossa died, and she also used it It took a long time, and consumed a large amount of witchcraft mana accumulated, and then Barbosa was resurrected.

But Governor Swann is different. Governor Swann has been dead for a long time, and...for Tia Dorma, Governor Swann has no resurrection value.

She resurrected Barbossa to allow Barbossa to hold a meeting of the nine pirate kings, and then release her completely, but Governor Swann’s resurrection did not make any sense, and instead consumed her other half of her life.

Therefore, no matter how much she sympathizes with Elizabeth, she will not resurrect Governor Swann.

What's more, she couldn't say much sympathy for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth cried again.

Xufeng winked at Will, and Will stepped forward, gently embraced Elizabeth, and comforted her in his arms.

That night, everyone's mood was a little complicated.

By the time of sunset the next day, there was no drinking water and food on board.

Elizabeth sat on the stairs with a gloomy expression, sad alone, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Tia Dorma walked to Xufeng's side and said in a deep voice: "If we can't escape from the end of the world after sunset, we will be trapped here forever."

Xufeng lowered his voice and asked, "You are Colibso, can't you even get out of your own ocean?"

Tia Dorma gave a wry smile, "But, am I Colibso now? No, I am not, I am just a smelly old witch who has lived for more than 200 years."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Your evaluation of yourself is very pertinent."

Tia Toma sneered, "I hate this body."

"You really have no other way to guide us out?" Xu Feng asked.

Tia Dorma shook his head, "If I can go in and out freely, I don't need you at all. In fact, I am not Coli Buso now, and I don't have the mana that Coli Buso can transmit at will. , If you want to leave here, you can only go through a special way, and this way was originally controlled by the flying Dutchman."

"So, we can only find another way to leave." Xu Feng said.

"Yes, moreover, it's a different path from when I came." Tia Dorma said in a deep voice.

Will stood up impatiently and said loudly to Barbosa: "Barbosa, didn't you say that you want to take us back? Now, what can you do?"

Barbossa stared at the sunset in the distance, and the whole person fell into silence.

Gibbs said helplessly: "The words on Zheng He's treasure map don't make sense at all. The green light at sunrise, but there can be no green light at sunrise, only at sunset."

Jack wandered around with the treasure map of Zheng He.

...It would be a waste of time to go on like this.

As a person familiar with the plot of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World", Xufeng certainly knows the meaning of Zheng He's treasure map, and also knows how to leave this ghost place.

Xu Feng cleared his throat, pointed to the side of the ship on the left and said, "Look, what is that?"

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted by Xufeng, and they all ran to the side of the ship to check.

The hull of the Black Pearl also swayed slightly.

"...Nothing." Gibbs said with a puzzled face.

Xu Feng ran to the right side of the ship again, shouting loudly: "Here!"

Everyone followed Xufeng to the right side of the ship, and the Black Pearl also shook slightly.

"I still haven't seen it," Gibbs said.

"You are too slow, be fast!" Xu Feng ran to the left side of the ship again.

The pirates immediately followed Xufeng to the left side of the ship.

Will frowned and said, "Brother Xufeng, what are you doing? We will be trapped forever if we don't leave this sea area!"

Jack frowned slightly, "Sunrise, sunset, up, down... wait, I seem to understand something, not sunset is down, sunrise is up, but our position! We are facing down, sunset is equivalent So there is sunrise! Then the green light at sunrise is not the daylight at sunset? That's right! These two worlds are reversed! Haha! I'm so smart! Everyone shakes together!"

The pirates were all stupid. They couldn't understand Xufeng's behavior and Jack's explanation, but since both Xufeng and Jack thought it was right, they just did it.

Barbossa frowned, "Jack, this kid is really...not stupid."

He would not admit that Jack is smarter than him.

Under the shaking of the crew, the black pearl had already tilted very strongly, almost touching the sea level.

Old Lei hugged a bunch of ropes and hurriedly ran to Xiao Pi, "They are shaking the boat. We take advantage of this time to tie ourselves upside down to the main mast, so that when the boat turns over, we are right. Tied to the main mast!"

"Aha! Old Lei! You are the smartest person among us!" Xiaopi exclaimed sincerely.

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