Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 548

Jack grinned and said: "Haha, Xiaofeng, long time no see, your complexion looks good! By the way, how about Lian and Pu? Aren't they two staying at you? Could it be that you are not good enough? Up?"

Xiao Feng said angrily: "Jack! They... died in battle!"

The joking expression on Jack's face suddenly froze, "...I'm sorry, Xiao Feng, the grief has changed."

Xiaofeng clenched his fists and nodded slightly at Jack.

There is resentment between them, but to be honest, they are all face-saving things. It is nothing more than that Jack had lost face to Xiaofeng, and Xiaofeng wanted to get it back.

Now, because of Lian and Pu's affairs, and what Xufeng said to him, Xiao Feng has new plans.

He wants to avenge Ren and Park!

"I want to kill Beckett." Xiaofeng said: "So, I need your help."

Jack shrugged. "Do you want me to participate in the pirate convention?"

Xiao Feng smiled scornfully, "The pirate convention? No, our pirates were originally a piece of loose sand. The pirate convention was originally set up to imprison the sea goddess Coli Buso. The pirate convention would not unite us.

Jack asked: "Then how do you ask me to help you?"

Xiao Feng said lightly: "I want to sell you to Beckett."

"What?" Jack drew his ears.

Xiao Feng said coldly: "You heard right, I want to sell you to Beckett, your life, on Beckett's reward list, up to 500,000 gold coins, you are his old acquaintance, of course he does not I will miss this deal, and when his Struggle arrives, my Empress Gemini will be able to rush out of the ambushed waters and blast him directly."

"Aha! This is a good strategy, but..." Jack frowned and said, "Let me ask a question. Your bounty seems to be higher than mine. Wouldn't it be better to use your life to attract Beckett."

Xiao Feng sneered: "No, if it is my life, Beckett will bring the sun never set fleet, because he knows that I have hundreds of ships in hand, and to deal with you, he only needs one Struggle. What's more, I have to keep my life for myself. And your life, I can sell it without scruples."

Chapter 479 There are too many unfair things in this world

Jack smiled bitterly and said: "Xiao Feng, are you too ruthless? Where is Xufeng? First mate! First mate, come and intercede for me."

Everyone's eyes all turned towards Xu Feng.

Before Xufeng could speak, Xiaofeng said with a gloomy face: "Xufeng, you and I have compatriots, and I am very optimistic about you, but if you want to stop me, I will not save you face. of."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I understand, Captain Xiaofeng. However, I think your idea of ​​ambushing Beckett is good, but if I were Beckett, I wouldn't be unprepared."

Xiao Feng took a deep breath, "These Western robbers are really shameless. They broke into our homes, trampled on our dignity, and then vilified our civilization. We just lacked a bit of blood to work hard with them. I’ve been hiding for long enough, and it’s time to show off with Beckett. Even if I can’t kill him, I can at least severely damage his fleet. Xufeng, isn’t this exactly your wish? You and I join hands. We must be able to drive these white-skinned pigs out of our territory!"

Xufeng hesitated slightly.

In fact, he was very supportive of Xiao Feng in his heart.

The Tang people do not lack the depth of civilization, nor the means of struggle. The years of etiquette and tolerance education have made the Tang people lack a little blood.

In the case of foreign enemy invasion, bloody is very necessary.

However, Xufeng knew in his heart that Xiaofeng couldn't beat the sun never set. Beckett was very cunning. He would not be fooled by Xiaofeng so easily. On the other hand, Xuedi Hammer and their submarines had not yet been built. Well, Xufeng alone can't fight the sun never set fleet.

Xu Feng thought for a while, "Well, I can't stop you from ambushing Beckett, but I can't just give up my captain. After all, I am still his first mate. You hand me over with Jack. Well, I also want to see Beckett."

Jack hurriedly said: "It's enough to hand over one person! First mate, you go up and I don't need it, right?"

Xiaofeng glared at Jack angrily, and Jack quickly retracted behind Barbosa.

Xiaofeng frowned and said to Xufeng: "Jack is a white man, why are you so loyal to a white man?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "This is not loyalty, but the friendship between friends and friends. If I didn't meet Jack first, but met you first, I would cut a knife for you."

The muscles on Xiao Feng's face shook slightly, and then he nodded slightly, "Yes, yes, Xufeng, you are very good. If you can survive this time, then you must come to my Queen to find me. I have something to tell you."

Xufeng felt a warm current surge in his heart, and then, a line of bronzing characters appeared on the Lingshi light curtain: immersive performance was recognized, and the total shadow energy point was +1761.

Get the approval of Xiaofeng!

Xu Feng was a little surprised.

To be honest, he didn't regard it as a goal to obtain Xiaofeng's approval, but this is also considered unintentional.

This also shows that Xiao Feng is a very affectionate person, otherwise he would not be angry and want to fight Beckett because of the death of the twin sisters.[Note 1] Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, if I can survive, I will definitely find you."

Xiao Feng nodded, "Okay-come here, tie them up."

Jack said helplessly: "Tie it loose."

The two Tang pirates tied him up and tied it up to Xufeng casually.

Jack looked at the rope in his hand, and looked at the one in Xufeng's hand, repeatedly saying: "This is not fair!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "There are too many unfair things in this world-put them on the Hongmao."


The Tang pirates pushed Xufeng and Jack to a Tang ship.

Barbossa hurriedly stopped Jack, "Jack, wait! Hand over your token!"

Jack curled his lips, "Why, do you think I will die? No, you die, I can't die!"

[Note 1]: In "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World", Xiao Feng’s prototype is the Tang pirate "Lin Feng". This Lin Feng is a very legendary character. He basically only played Western pirates all his life, led by him The power of pirates, indirectly or directly, prevented the Western powers from reaching our coastline at least 100 years later.

Lin Feng's greatest achievement was to defeat the Spanish Invincible Fleet, kill the Spanish Governor in Manila, and use Manila as his stronghold.

It is a pity that he was betrayed by his own people under the high rewards offered by pirates, so he was eventually wiped out.

However, it was precisely because of the active Tang pirates in Southeast Asia that the barbaric expansion of the powers at that time was prevented, and the stability of the early Qing Dynasty for more than 100 years was achieved.

It wasn't until Western steam engine technology developed and steel ships replaced wooden ships that Southeast Asian pirates were really eliminated, and the Southeast Asian barrier of the ancient Tang Dynasty was completely lost.

Pirates are recognized as illegal weapons in the world. In terms of positive energy, we should not wave the flag for pirates. However, the pirates in "Pirates of the Caribbean" are basically poor people who have no way out. In fact, true pirates, It is the Western powers headed by the English Empire.

The Western powers have basically been washed away, and they have become a symbol of a civilized country. They stand on the commanding heights of morality and point their fingers at the countries that have been plundered by them. However, history should not be forgotten. We and Baipi...foreign friends When talking about wine, you should understand in your heart that the reason why they are arrogant is because their bandit ancestors plundered the world's resources.

In "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", Xiao Feng was seriously vilified.

The actor who plays Xiao Feng is one of the best male stars in the Tang Dynasty. He has a good reputation and high reputation in the Tang Dynasty. However, in the old American movies, he can't play a positive role at all.

Westerners have deep-rooted prejudice against Easterners. If you don’t believe it, you can Baidu the "yellow peril theory" on your own. Westerners believe that yellow-skinned pigs should only stay in the pigpen and not let the harm out.

Why is there a word called white pig?Was this word first coined by the Chinese people?

No, the Westerners first called the Tang people a yellow pig, and then the Tang talent responded.

When I was writing the story of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, I changed the character and plot of Xiao Feng a lot. After all, I am the author and I have the final say.

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