Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 573

Teague said coldly: "Yes."

Jack found the page about the Pirate King and read it carefully: "... The Pirate King has the right to initiate war and negotiate with the common enemy..."

Indeed, according to the "Piracy Code", if you want to declare war on the Fleet that never sets, you can only declare it by the pirate emperor.

Mrs. Qing said coldly: "Since the first pirate conference, our pirates have never seen a pirate emperor. Without the pirate emperor, I would naturally not be able to fight in a unified manner."

Jack said immediately: "Then why don't we choose a pirate king?"

"Haha, don't tease Jack!" The pirate king Jocard laughed: "Every pirate king conference wants to elect a pirate king, but every pirate king will vote for himself! There is no one. The Pirate King will vote more than others, so there is no Pirate King!"

Jack looked at the "Piracy Code", then raised his hand and said, "I propose that we vote for the Pirate King!"

Barbossa gave Jack a white look, "Idiot, Jack, you are just wasting your time by doing this!"

Jack laughed and said: "The code is supreme. The code clearly states that when the nine pirate kings are present, any pirate king can propose to vote for the pirate king, and the pirate king with the most votes will be elected immediately!"

Barbossa pushed Jack away and carefully read the terms of the opinion.

"First, the candidate must be a pirate king."

"Second, you must kill someone."

"Third, you must own a ship."

"Hehe, this condition is really simple!" Barbossa grinned: "Well, since you propose that everyone vote for the Pirate King, then let's vote! Madam Qing, you come first."

Madam Qing stood up and said in a cold voice: "My Madam Qing, vote for the pirate emperor!"

The Indian Ocean pirate king Sangbojie stood up and said sharply: "I, Sangbojie, vote for the pirate king."

"I, Armand, vote to elect myself as the pirate emperor..."

"I, Barbosa, vote for myself as the pirate emperor!"

Sure enough, the pirate kings voted for themselves, and no one voted for others.

Xufeng was about to vote when Jack suddenly walked beside him, lowered his voice and said, "Xufeng, you must vote for yourself."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I just meant it."

After speaking, Xufeng stood up and said loudly: "I, Tang Dynasty pirate Wang Xufeng, vote for myself!"

Chapter 506 The Pirate King!

Barbossa sneered, "Haha, I said long ago that there is no point in voting for the pirate emperor."

Before he could finish speaking, Jack said loudly: "I, Jack the Pirates of the Caribbean King, announced that I would vote for...Xufeng!"

"...What?" Barbossa looked at Jack in shock.

The pirate kings present were also stunned.

Since the first session, no pirate king has voted for others, but Jack has voted for Xufeng!

Barbossa said in frustration: "Jack, are you crazy? Why don't you play the cards according to the routine?"

Jack laughed and said, "I'm not crazy. There is no regulation in the Pirate Code. The Pirate King can only vote for himself. I think Captain Xufeng is very suitable to be the Pirate King, so I vote for him!"

Barbossa gritted his teeth and said: "No! Jack, you have insider trading! You know that Xufeng supports the battle, so you vote for Xufeng! You are to get the pirate kings to participate in the battle! "

Jack grinned and said, "That's right."

"You!" Barbosa was going crazy, he turned his head and said to Teague who was sitting aside: "Master Teague, I think there is a problem with this vote. I suggest to do it again."

Teague said coldly: "There is a problem? Why didn't I see it? Barbosa, you can't just let everyone vote again because the result of the vote is not what you want."

"...Yes." Barbossa did not dare to refute.

The other pirate kings suddenly wailed!

Why didn't they expect to string the tickets in advance?

Now it's good, Xufeng has two votes, while the other pirate kings have only one vote!

Xufeng, the hairy boy they hadn't considered from the beginning, had the most votes!

Every pirate king was quite unconvinced.

Jocard knocked on the table and shouted loudly: "I have traversed the seven oceans for more than forty years, killed countless people, and robbed countless ships. I should be the Pirate King!"

"I, Cheval, did not kill more people and rob more ships than you? I should be the Pirate King!"

"Either of us can be the pirate king, but why did you vote for Xufeng! I don't agree! I don't agree!"

The pirate kings shouted angrily.

It’s no wonder that they didn’t understand Xufeng’s strength, nor did they know that Xufeng had killed the sea god and Haidus, and only regarded Xufeng as a lucky kid who inherited the position of Captain Xiaofeng. That's it.

Xu Feng was not in a hurry, but just sat quietly on the seat and watched the pirate kings roar and fight hoarsely.

He knew that at this time, he shouldn't have acted. There was Adams the Supervisor, Teague the Watcher, and the Code of Pirates. He only had to wait quietly for an announced result.

Jack pressed his palm, grinned and said, "So, you all are going to openly fight the piracy code?"

Teague frowned and pulled out his musket, ready to kill.

Jack, the father, is really cruel to the extreme, but it is a pity that Jack has a completely opposite character to his father. If Jack had one ten thousandth of his father's cruelty, I am afraid that the Pirates of the Caribbean would have ruled the seven oceans long ago.

Seeing Teague draw his gun, the scene immediately fell silent.

All the noisy pirate kings sat down obediently, better than a good boy.

They don't want to eat Teague's gun, because Teague never reasoned with others, Teague himself is reason.

Madam Qing turned her eyes and took the lead to stand up and bow to Xu Feng, "Mrs. Qing pays homage to the pirate emperor, and wishes the pirate emperor to enjoy the seven seas forever!"

She is a Tang native, and Xufeng is also a Tang native. There is a sense of intimacy between Tang and Tang.

Now that the overall situation is set, Xufeng's pirate emperor is also in line with the rules of the pirate law. Since he can't resist, then it is better to congratulate him earlier, so that he can leave a good impression on Xufeng.

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "Very well, Madam Qing, please sit down."

Mrs. Qing was overjoyed and sat down happily.

The other pirate kings saw that Mrs. Qing had already bowed, so naturally they were not to be left behind and bowed to Xufeng, acknowledging Xufeng's status.

In the end, Barbossa reluctantly saluted Xufeng and said: "Master Xufeng, no, Your Majesty Xufeng, I wish you all the generations and enjoy the Seven Seas forever."

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