Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 576

Colibso smiled sweetly like a girl.

She likes to be noticed and the feeling of being loved. This feeling is the feeling of being a god.

As for love or not to love David Jones?

This is not important, and Colibso himself has not thought about it.

After all, she still likes the feeling of being madly loved by David Jones, and prefers to look at David Jones heartbroken again and again.

After all, she is a cruel goddess, she is a merciless sea.

Soon after David Jones left, a new visitor arrived.

Xufeng took Lian and Pu into the cell in the lower compartment, and Xu Feng wrinkled his nose slightly-the cell in the lower compartment was very humid and full of fishy smell.

Of course, this is normal for ordinary ships, but the damp and fishy smell in the prison is unusually pungent, and the smell is very unique.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It seems that some visitors have already arrived in front of me."

Colibso immediately smiled and said: "No matter who it is, you are not as important as you, my warrior, you are the light in my heart, you warm my sun and the moon that shines on me, you are the stars that fascinate me, My heart is only opened for you. I know that in this world, only you can save me, and only you are worthy to save me."

The two twin maids next to Xufeng frowned, and stared at Colibso with resentment, not caring whether she was a god or a human.

This woman is so eloquent!Her words can confuse all men in the world!

Fortunately, she is ugly, if she looks a little bit attractive, she is really invincible.

Xufeng found a chair and sat down, and said faintly, "Coli Busso, these words of yours are effective against David Jones, but they are of no use to me. I think you are acting. Then every action of yours is hypocritical in my eyes. In this world, everyone has a hypocritical side, especially when it comes to achieving a certain purpose, so I can understand the hypocrisy, but if You have been so hypocritical, then there is nothing to talk about between us."

Chapter 509 Top Cheating Weapon

Colibso was startled, and his face full of charming smile suddenly became gloomy and cold.

"Well, Xufeng, let's talk about it." Coli Buso sat down in the cell with a very cold tone, as if it was not her who was locked up now, but Xufeng.

Xu Feng said lightly: "I am the pirate emperor now. I can release you, but I can also not release you. It depends on me and you."

Colibso said in a cold voice: "It seems that I should congratulate you first. I didn't expect that you could be promoted to the pirate emperor. Very well, let me go, I can give you everything you want. "

Xufeng laughed, "Coli Buso, I don’t believe your promise. If I let you go, you will kill all the pirates. Then, you will kill Beckett. In your eyes, we are no different from those of Beckett, who are all trying to conquer you. As the goddess of the sea, you will surely teach us all a tragic lesson."

Coli Buso was startled, and then laughed, "Xufeng, you really understand it, not a compliment. To be honest, I really like you a bit. I have seen so many people, but You can read my heart."

Lao Tzu didn't understand your heart, but Lao Tzu had read the script... Xu Feng secretly complained in her heart.

Colibso thought for a while, "But, since you don't believe me, you won't believe anything I say, and any of my guarantees are invalid, so what shall we talk about next?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Trust is the foundation. Only with trust can we talk."

Colibso frowned slightly, "So, how can I gain your trust?"

Xufeng said: "You cannot rely on language, your language is not credible, I need physical mortgage."

Colibso frowned and asked: "Physical mortgage? What do you want? The saliva of the baby dragon? I have given you that thing. It is the last bottle, but I have some other valuable things."

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, "Your pile of rags is on the Black Pearl. If I want to take it, I don't need your consent, because you are just a prisoner now."

Colibso took a breath, "Then I don't understand, what exactly do you want."

Xufeng pointed to Colibso’s heart, "Of course I want your most precious things. Only by giving me your most precious things can I trust you and release you."

Colibso looked down, then grinned: "You want this? It's easy to handle, just take it."

As she said, she untied the heart-shaped music box on her neck and threw it towards Xufeng.

Lian took a step forward, grabbed the heart-shaped music box, checked that there was no problem, and then handed it to Xufeng.

Xufeng shook his head, "Give it back to her, I don't want this kind of tattered thing, and I don't think it is her favorite thing."

Lin directly threw the music box back.

Colibso grabbed the heart-shaped music box and said angrily: "Xufeng, are you teasing me? It's not a good way to tease me. My patience is limited."

Xufeng said coldly: "Don't say I threw you a music box, even if I throw a stone at you, you have to bear it with me obediently, because you are asking me now. Now, I don't want to see you. Zhang's ugly face, give me a smile that can almost be seen."

Colibso clenched his fists in anger.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, stood up, and said to Lian and Pu: "Let's go, this old witch has no sincerity."

"Yes." Lian and Park responded in unison.

They wanted to leave this place a long time ago, this place was dirty, wet and smelly, and the old witch always winked at their master, which was disgusting.

"Slow!" Seeing that Xufeng was really going to leave, Coli Buso shouted loudly: "Xufeng, don't do this, you need me, your pirate needs me more! You need me to help you deal with Baker Special, right? What you need! What you really need!"

Xufeng smiled coldly: "Coli Buso, you look too high on yourself, and you look down on me too much. Do you think that without you, I can't defeat the sun never set fleet? There are no outsiders here. Then I will tell you the truth. You know that I don’t belong here. Then you should also know that I have technology and weapons that you don’t have. You’ve met my friends, but haven’t you noticed it. In time, my friends are gone? Do you think they found a beach to bask in the sun? No, they are building ships, building a steel submarine ship that will take 200 years to appear! That's mine Secret weapon, and you are not! The reason why I want to release you is purely to see your sincerity and performance. After all, if you help, I can go smoother, but without your help, I can win. ."

Colie Busau was stunned, "Xu Feng, you...you actually want to build a submarine."

In this way, her role is indeed greatly reduced.

Just like Xu Feng said, it doesn't matter whether to release her or not.

The reason why Xufeng didn't show his cards at the Pirate Kings Conference was just because those Pirate Kings didn't understand anything, and they wouldn't understand when they told them about submarines.

But Colibso is different.

Strictly speaking, the flying Dutchman is a diving boat, but the flying Dutchman is not enclosed, not made of steel, and can only be rowed in the water by the water ghosts. Move to move forward, so the underwater speed is very slow.

However, if it is a submarine, it is different. The submarine is powered by an internal combustion engine, which can still maintain a very high speed underwater, and it can also attack underwater, and the opponent can't beat it.

Such a weapon, in this era, is simply the top cheating weapon!

As long as the torpedo is enough, a submarine can destroy an entire fleet, there is no problem!

Even if there are not enough torpedoes, just by colliding with the steel hull, it can sink a lot of wooden ships.

Colibso was really scared.

This was her last chance, and if she missed this chance, she would never be able to return to the state of the sea goddess.

"Xufeng, I promise, I will definitely be on your side. It's real this time! Really!" Colibso said eagerly.

Xu Feng said coldly: "I have already said that, I trust you, so anything you say is meaningless to me."

Colibso said eagerly: "Then what do you want? No matter what you want, I can give it to you!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Well, you have such an attitude, I can talk to you again."

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