Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 578

David Jones said: "I've been to Shipwreck Bay, where it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the pirate kings were a tortoise huddled in it, this battle would probably last for several months."

Beckett frowned and said: "We have brought more than 300 ships this time, and we only have supplies for up to ten days, plus the time to return to the nearest port. We can only fight for 3 to 5 days in this battle. One more day will be unbearable."

David Jones said coldly: "So, we have to wait for them to take the initiative to fight, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

Chapter 511

Beckett frowned and said, "I don't like waiting, and I don't like letting the initiative rest in the hands of the enemy. What if they can't stick to it?"

David Jones sneered: "Don't worry, they won't stick to it. They are a mob. If they can't stick to it, they will fight each other in three days. Moreover, if they stick to it, There is no way, I can also drive my flying Dutchman from the bottom of the sea to the shipwreck port in one day."

Beckett nodded, "Okay, then we'll wait a little longer."

at the same time.

In the shipwreck, the major flagships were still grunting.

The pirates were partying all night last night, and they didn't understand what to celebrate. In short, everyone didn't drink like it in the end and couldn't get up in a short time.

And Xu Feng did not get up either.

He also knew that the soldiers were already under pressure outside, but...what's the hurry?

The initiative is in his hands.

Of course, not everyone in Shipwreck City is sleeping. One person stayed up all night and howled all night.

"Xufeng, you bastard, you give me my heart back..."

Colibso's voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear it.

The pirates slept until noon, and finally got up when their stomachs rumbling.

After everyone had another meal, Xu Feng walked out of the Empress and announced the official start of the duel naval battle.

So, when Beckett was waiting impatiently and was about to return to the cabin for lunch, a group of messy pirate ships sailed out of the winding shipwreck harbor, and then lined up unevenly.

Through the thick fog, the pirates could only vaguely see a dozen warships that never set.

On the pirate side, although the warships are not the best, most of the pirate kings have more than a dozen ships.

After all, there are at least 80 ships on the pirate side.

In terms of such a force comparison data, the pirates have an absolute advantage.

A pirate shouted excitedly: "Kill them all! Take back our ocean!"

"Kill them all!" all the pirates shouted.

On the other side of the ocean, Beckett said coldly: "Hmph, finally came out, order all fleets to move forward."


The semaphore continued, and the sun never set the fleet slowly toward the pirates.

The pirates who were still shouting in excitement a second ago saw more than 300 densely packed sun never set battleships, and immediately opened their mouths, unable to speak a word.

All eyes were focused on-the pirate emperor, Xu Feng.

After all, he asked for the war.

Xu Feng took a deep breath... This scene is completely different from the feeling when watching it in the cinema.

When I first watched this movie, I only thought it was funny, but now it is himself who is directing the pirate ship to fight the sun never set fleet, and he can't laugh at all.

Emperor Xue, Hammer, why aren't you here yet?

If he doesn't come again, Lao Tzu, the pirate emperor, will retire.

Xufeng raised the single-tube telescope and scanned the surrounding waters, hoping to see the traces of the periscope, because if there is a periscope, it means that Xuedi and the hammer sister are here.


Xu Feng sighed faintly, and put away the monoculars.

In the plot plane of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", I have stayed for almost 2 months. I did not expect that in such a long time, I haven't built a submarine, even if it is a senior forge like the hammer girl. It's all hard to do.

Now that the submarine is not in place, it can only be delayed.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Before the war starts, we must first negotiate."


"The Pirate King is wise!"

"Long live the pirate king!"

"Negotiate with them first!"

The pirate kings are very supportive of Xufeng's meaning, they don't want to fight, to be more precise, they don't want to die in vain.

The principle of the pirate spirit is that if one is beaten, it will be crushed, and if it is not beaten, it will run away.

Xu Feng then only played the semaphore for negotiation by the semaphore hand.

"Negotiating?" Beckett sneered.

He now holds an absolute advantage, but according to the rules of war in this period, one party proposes to negotiate, and the other must accept it.

Of course, whether the talk is successful or not, that is another matter.

No matter what the conditions, Beckett will not agree. His ultimate goal is to eliminate all the pirates that hinder the English Empire from dominating the world.

Therefore, in Beckett's view, the so-called negotiation is just a waste of time.

However, this negotiation rule is also related to his reputation. After all, he was stared at by so many old nobles in the parliament who wanted to bring him down, and there were more than 300 captains of the sunless fleet at the scene, and With so many mates and sailors, Beckett certainly cannot risk the world.

"All right, if you want to negotiate, just negotiate." Beckett said to the semaphore, "Let them hug a place."

The semaphore of the Fleet that never sets in the sun immediately played the semaphore.

After about five minutes, the other party did not respond.

Beckett frowned suddenly, "What are they doing? Why don't they reply to us?"

Will on the side smiled and said: "Pirates, they are a mob, and now they are naturally noisy."

Beckett gave a sneered expression, "Very well, let them mess up for a while, let's go eat first—"

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