Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 593

Xu Feng sighed helplessly.

Xuedi said coldly: "This submarine is called the Idiot, because it was designed and built by an idiot."

The Hammer roared: "You are obviously jealous of me! My brother Xufeng has said that without this submarine, there would be no victory!"

"Yes, but this can't change the fact that you are an idiot." Xuedi said lightly.

At this time, Lian and Pu stood behind Xufeng and looked at Xuedi and Iron Hammer hostilely.

Although Xuedi's "face" is ugly, his figure is absolutely top-notch.

As the saying goes, beauty is on the bones but not on the skin. The real beauty is not only on the skin, but on the body.

Therefore, although Xuedi's "face" is not threatening, but the figure makes Lian and Park extremely jealous.

Xuedi asked coldly: "Oh, do you have a harem?"

The back of Xufeng's back went cold for an instant, and he quickly said, "No, no, they are my maids."

Lian said loudly: "Yes, we are the master's maid, personal maid!"

Xufeng was almost out of breath.

Xuedi said coldly: "Is it the kind that warms the bed at night?"

"of course."

"Haha." Xuedi said lightly: "Very good."

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, Xuedi, listen to me explain to you."

"You don't need to explain, this doesn't violate the team's discipline." Xuedi's voice trembled a little. Although this was calm, it is conceivable that she was already in a state of eruption of anger.

After Xuedi finished speaking, he turned and walked into the submarine without waiting for Xu Feng to speak.

Gong Yang sniffed again, "I smelled a strong vinegar smell."

Before everyone could react, the submarine under their feet shook slightly, and then, they began to dive slowly.


Chapter 526 Where's My Ship?

Seeing the submarine sink slowly, Hammer and others rushed into the submarine.

Xufeng also hurriedly took Lian and Park into it, and covered the airtight cabin.

The woman Xuedi also said that she was not angry, and when she heard the bed warmer, she was so angry that she lost her mind.

Of course, if she was only the captain, she shouldn't be so angry at all, shouldn't be so irrational.

After all... She and Xufeng are currently only teammates, not lovers.

No matter what Xufeng does now, he is not betraying her.

But... She is just angry, and she is the kind that gets more angry the more you confuse.

The submarine headed towards the shipwreck city, but the Black Pearl remained in place.

Jack prepared a small boat for Elizabeth, "Go, Elizabeth, once every ten years, you have to work hard...cough cough, cherish it."

Elizabeth flushed, and jumped out of the boat.

And Will also jumped from the flying Dutchman to the boat, and the two lovers hugged tightly.

The pirates on the Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman all grinned at the lovers.

Jack blew his whistle and said with a smile: "Come on, we will pick you up at this time tomorrow."

"Wait! Jack!" Will shouted eagerly.

Jack smiled and said: "Why? I'm afraid I can't do it? Do you need my help?"

Will gave Jack a white look, "One day and one night, somehow you can get us something to eat and drink!"

Jack laughed, then let Old Lei and Xiao Pi throw a bucket of fine rum and a goat onto Will's boat.

Will then happily rowed the boat towards the nearest island.

After they paddled far away, Xiao Pi ran over with the blanket, "...they, don't you need to cover it?"

"...They used each other as quilts." Barbossa laughed.

After all the pirate ships returned to Shipwreck Bay, the pirates celebrated for three days and three nights.

The members of Xufeng and Xuedi team naturally joined the ranks of the carnival. It is difficult to enjoy such a grand occasion on the plane of Survivor. Anyway, their mission has been completed, and naturally there will be time to relax.

Three days later, the pirate kings each met Xufeng once, offered part of their wealth, and then returned to their territories with the ship.

And Xu Feng left all these wealth on the Shipwreck Island and gave it to Lian and Pu to use them at will.

Lian and Pu knew that they were going to be separated from Xufeng, and they burst into tears.

Xufeng comforted: "You wait here obediently, I will come again."

Lian wiped her tears, "Really? Master, are you lying to us?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Of course it is true."

Park also broke into a smile, "Then our sisters are waiting for you here."

"Well, I'll talk to Adams, the administrator here, and Teague Sparrow, the caretaker, and let them protect you."

Lian then smiled and said: "We are the women of the emperor, who dares to be disrespectful to us."

Park also smiled and said, "Yes, and we still have knives. If anyone dares to bully us, we will kill him!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, seeing you so sturdy...I feel relieved. Okay, I should go now, you have to take care."

The twin sisters burst into tears again.

Xufeng hardened his heart, turned and left the crying girls, and jumped on the submarine.

The submarine immediately dived and slowly left the shipwreck city.

Xuedi asked coldly, "Is it reluctant?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "No."

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