Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 649

Jack said, "I mean, she is not your daughter. That girl is so superb that even I will be fooled by her. Old people like you should be more careful. Of course, I know that there is also my responsibility here, yes. I took her on this crooked road. Although I have no evidence, I know that she is definitely not your daughter."

Blackbeard pursed his mouth and picked up a puppet from the table.

This puppet is very similar to Jack.

Blackbeard said coldly: "I have been doing bad things all my life, Edward Titch, and there is only one good thing, that is, letting Angelika be born in this world. She is my angel and my soul. The last trace of conscience, she is so pure and kind, and you actually told me that you led her to the wrong path?"

Xufeng sighed helplessly.

Don't talk more at this time.

Just stand honestly and listen to Blackbeard's words, what's the pretense?It's going to overturn now.

Jack still said without knowing the so-called: "Boss Blackbeard, she is a beast, and a fierce beast with fangs. You only need to be soft to her and have feelings for her, and she will take the opportunity to tear you to pieces. of."

Blackbeard took a dagger and pointed it at the Jack Muppet in his hand.

At this time, Angelika, who was standing at the door eavesdropping, quickly pushed the door and walked in, "No! Dad! Don't hurt him!"

Jack was taken aback, "Aha! Baby, I'm talking about you with your dad, I'm praising you...ah!"

Blackbeard's dagger stabbed Jack Muppet, and Jack suddenly felt like he had been stabbed in his heart.

Xu Feng said quickly, "Blackbeard, stop!"

Angelika also said eagerly: "Dad, there is no need to kill him, he will help us find the Fountain of Youth-right Jack?"

Jack clutched his heart and nodded vigorously.

Blackbeard slowly moved the dagger away from the Jack Muppet, "Did you see that, even if you are talking bad about her, she still wants to save you."

Jack breathed heavily, "...that doll."

Blackbeard said faintly: "Oh, this is called a puppet puppet. The encounter with this puppet is your encounter. Better than me, I will put it on a candle and bake it..."

Jack suddenly felt his whole body burned.

Angelika hurriedly said, "Dad!"

"Well, it's really boring." Blackbeard reluctantly removed the puppet from the fire, and Jack gasped for breath.

Chapter 371 Goal: Bailang Bay!

After being fiddled with by Blackbeard, Jack has no resistance.

"Blackbeard, don't worry, I will do my best to help you...Bold Spring." Jack assured his heart.

Anyway, there is a difference between finding the fountain of youth and being able to drink the fountain of youth to live forever.

Blackbeard smiled faintly, "Well, good. Although your words are not credible, I still decided to believe you. Do you know why?"

Jack shook his head.

Blackbeard smiled and said, "Let's put it this way, if I die, you don't want to live."

Jack looked at the puppet in Blackbeard's hand with lingering fear, and nodded helplessly.

This Indian voodoo magic is so powerful that it can't be cracked with swords and guns.

Blackbeard smiled and said, "Very well, now, you can withdraw."

Jack glanced at Angelica, but Angelica pouted and refused to look at him.

... The next morning, it was sunny and sunny.

On the Clippers of the Royal Navy, General Barbosa was sitting at the exquisite dining table on the deck, enjoying his breakfast in a pleasant mood.

After several days of desperate sailing, their ship has left the Spaniard's ship behind.

This also proves that Barbossa, as the captain, is indeed a good hand.

It is a pity that this British navy ship is still a lot worse than the Black Pearl. If it were the Black Pearl, they might have reached the Fountain of Ages by now.

Barbossa’s breakfast is very rich, with a plate of apple salad, a freshly baked apple pie, accompanied by an apple sauce, an apple beef stew, and an apple tuna.

His coffee cup was filled with rich apple juice.

After all, the English Navy has a strict military order to prohibit drinking alcohol while on board.

Barbossa lifted his fingers gracefully and pierced a piece of apple salad with a fork. The whole operation was like a nobleman, even more noble than a nobleman.

He put the salad in his mouth and chewed it, and a drop of salad juice fell on his beard. He frowned, squeezed it with his finger, then put his finger into his mouth, agitated, and satisfied again. Nodded.

Then, he drank another gulp of apple juice, rinsed his mouth... and swallowed again.

At this moment, an adjutant walked behind him, cleared his throat, and said with a nervous expression: "Master Captain."

Barbossa said without looking back: "Adjutant, I am having a meal. If there is nothing particularly important, please don't disturb me."

The adjutant hesitated, and finally summoned the courage to say, "I'm sorry, captain, I'm afraid I must report this to you now. There are some rumors...the crew said about the destination of our trip..."

Barbossa frowned and said, "There are still rumors on my boat?"

He moved the wooden legs off the chair, stood up and said, "Tell me, what are the rumors? What are the crews afraid of?"

"White Wave Bay," the adjutant said.

"Aha! Bailang Bay! What do they know about Bailang Bay?" Barbossa pushed away the adjutant, walked to the deck, and said loudly: "Worthy people, you are afraid of Bailang Bay, but who do you know why you are afraid of Bailang Bay? ?"

The sailors all bowed their heads.

Gibbs walked out of the crowd. "Is the rumors true?"

Barbossa sneered: "What are you worrying about, Gibbs? If you can't tell one, two or three, I will assume you are spreading rumors with ulterior motives."

Gibbs said in a deep voice, "Mermaid, there is a mermaid in Whitelang Bay."

Barbossa laughed, "Aha, yes, mermaids! There are indeed mermaids in Bailang Bay. Mermaids are man-eaters on the sea, evil fish, and they like to eat raw human flesh. If we want to take a shortcut to the Spring of Eternal Go through Bailang Bay."

"So, take your souls tightly, don't be confused. Once you are confused, you will be eaten by the mermaid until only bones are left." Barbossa grinned.

The sailors all started talking in horror.

The adjutant standing beside Barbosa quickly shouted: "Calm down! Calm down! Sailors! Our captain is just joking with you!"

Barbossa laughed, "Are you kidding? No, this is not a joke, or a rumor, but true, it can't be true anymore!"

The soldiers panicked even more.

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