Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 668

At this time, Xu Feng appeared in front of Barbosa.

Barbossa said in surprise: "...Your Majesty! You have come to save me!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Well, you go first."

With that said, Xu Feng drew the pirate scimitar and directly cut the rope on Barbossa.

"Another prisoner has escaped! He still has an accomplice!" The adjutant of the Spanish soldier rushed over and shouted eagerly.

Barbossa drew his knife, but Xu Feng shook his head and said, "You go first!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Barbossa grabbed the crutches and left quickly.

The Spanish adjutant stared at Xu Feng and said coldly: "He called you your majesty? Could it be that you are George II?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Of course not, George II is a big fat man."

The Spanish adjutant grinned, "I think you are not! At best, you are just a pirate!"

"Thanks for the compliment." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

"Go to hell, pirate!" The Spanish adjutant raised his shotgun, and Chong Xufeng pulled the trigger directly.

At the moment the bullet was fired, Xufeng immediately activated the dexterous cloak and entered a blast state.

The bullet grazed his body, and his pirate machete directly pierced the heart of the Spanish adjutant.

The Spanish adjutant looked at Xufeng in astonishment.

He still couldn't figure out how Xufeng avoided his bullet and stabbed him in the heart at the same time.

The muscles on his face twitched in pain, and without the strength to shout, he fell to the ground.

Xufeng pulled out the pirate scimitar, and just about to leave, he heard a familiar voice behind him, saying: "The relative level of this adjutant has reached level 40, and you can kill him in seconds. It seems that this paragraph Over time, your strength has improved a lot."

Xu Feng grinned and turned to see the familiar scar face mask.

"Snow Emperor!"

"...Hmph, I thought you were dead." Xuedi said blankly.

"If I die, will you be very sad?" Xufeng asked with a smirk.

Xuedi said in a cold voice with a blank expression: "No, I will only be happier, because, in this way, there will be one less person offering a reward."

Xufeng laughed and said, "You don't think that way. The reward for the fourth stage is much harder than the third stage. If you don't have me, you might be hard to deal with Blackbeard."

Xuedi said coldly: "Who said that the Spanish army is also very strong, I can use the Spanish army to deal with Blackbeard, let alone Jack and Barbossa, in Blackbeard's prophecy, Barbossa is the man who is missing a leg. Barbossa is destined to kill Blackbeard. At this point, we can basically pick up ready-made ones."

Xu Feng shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't be so easy. Not only does Blackbeard have strong strength, but he also knows Indian witchcraft."

Xuedi frowned slightly, "You mean, ordinary swords can't kill him?"

Xufeng nodded, "We must be prepared for this."

As he was talking, there was a loud noise next to him.

Xuedi immediately showed the Thunder Sword and the Belief Barrier Shield, and said in a deep voice: "Come on, pretend you can beat me, and then leave here. I stay with Lin Hai and continue to secretly control the Spanish line.

"...Okay, but I probably won't have to pretend to be able to beat you." Xu Feng grinned.

Xuedi's eyebrows were raised, and he jumped directly to Xu Feng's face. The Thunder Sword in his hand was cut to Xu Feng's face without any explanation.

"Damn! Really!"

Xufeng quickly showed the pirate's scimitar parry. In less than ten seconds, the two sides had fought dozens of swords.

Xuedi's attack changed her defensive style and became very active - and this was not her strength at all.

Of course, on Xu Feng's side, he also lost his first-hand advantage. After all, the dexterous cloak had already been used just now. If he wanted to use the gusty state to deal with the Snow Emperor, it was naturally impossible.

However, the two are not fighting each other by fate, they are more like discussing each other.

After being parried and dodged by Xufeng several times in a row, Xuedi's offensive routine was completely seen through by Xufeng.

It's just that more and more Spanish guards surrounded them, and it didn't make much sense to discuss them.

What's more, if this duel were to drag on time, with Xufeng's stamina, he would not be able to beat Xuedi.

Xu Feng sold a flaw and jumped back.

Xuedi knew what he knew, and then rushed up, using the faith barrier shield to slap Xufeng fiercely...


Xu Feng was directly hit and flew hundreds of meters, and his figure disappeared in the dark jungle.

Chapter 389: Three Conditions

"Wow! Master Xuedi is amazing!"

"Yes! Just now, that fellow was shot hundreds of meters away by Master Xuedi with a shield!"

"Hehe, that guy is going to have a fracture!"

"Maybe it's dead!"

The Spanish soldiers next to each other said in admiration.

Xu Feng put away the Thunder Sword and the Faith Shield, and said coldly: "Okay, don't chase after it. The outside is too dangerous. It is important that we protect the camp."

"Yes!" the Spanish soldiers responded loudly.

Can Xuedi really shoot Xufeng up a hundred meters away with a shield?

of course not.

The power Xuedi used was imaginary, but Xufeng used her full strength to jump back with the power of her shield.

Therefore, it seemed that Xuedi used a shield to shoot Xufeng out, but in fact, it was Xufeng who used the power of Xuedi to jump out directly.

After Xu Feng landed steadily, he hurried back to the meeting point.

At this time, both Jack and Barbosa had returned, and both of them were anxiously waiting for Xufeng's return.

When they saw Xu Feng coming back, they all relaxed.

"Haha! Your Majesty! Thank you for your life-saving grace!" Barbossa bowed and saluted Xufeng.

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