Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 704

The gates on the east and west sides of the arena slowly opened.

In the direction of the west gate, Yinlong walked out proudly with his four official team members, accepting Wanmin's cheers.

In the direction of the east gate, no one came out yet.

The cheers of the audience gradually turned into boos. Many unqualified audiences also threw rotten vegetable leaves and beverage bottles toward the east gate.

Yinlong said triumphantly: "It seems that someone has become a tortoise with a shrunken head! Your envoy, there are people who fled in the arena, how should we judge?

The special envoy said coldly: "According to the regulations, if Xufeng does not appear on the stage within five minutes, he will be judged to have given up the duel, and initiate a duel and then give up the duel. This is a contempt for the spirit of the duel, so if he If he does not show up within five minutes, then he will have the guards seize and abolish his personal level, and then permanently drive out of the trading city, let it fend for itself!"

Yinlong grinned and said: "Okay! Then I will wait for five minutes!"

The audience booed stronger.

And those who care about Xufeng, like ants on a hot pot, secretly worry about Xufeng.

Duke Yang cried again and said, "Ancestor Xufeng, what are you doing! Didn't you say that you want to win Yinlong? All my belongings have been put up! Don't lose the chain!"

Time passed by, and by the quarter and a half, Yinlong's face was full of the joy of the winner.

"Come! Let's count down together!" Yinlong raised his arms triumphantly, and shouted loudly, "Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven..."

The audience in the auditorium also counted down loudly.

The two dogs who borrowed 2000 shadow power points to bet Xufeng to lose are the most excited in the crowd, and within three seconds, his 300 shadow power points will be available!

Yes, it's that simple!

That's it...

When everyone counted down to "one", a lazy figure slowly walked out from the east gate, and stepped onto the ground of the arena with two feet.

Chapter 423 Xu Feng lost?

The audience at the scene instantly went silent.

Yinlong also frowned slightly-it was only a second before he could ruin Xu Feng, and be deprived of his strength, and expelled from the trading city forever.

However, it was a second after all.

Xufeng looked like he had just woken up, rubbed his distressed eyes, and yawned and said, "Fortunately, you count down so loudly. Otherwise, I would have overslept."

The second dog in the stands wanted to give himself a mouth.

The person who called the loudest just now was him.

If he knew that Xufeng was woken up like this, he would not say anything!

but it does not matter!

Xufeng's state is completely awake. If the fight starts now, the Silver Dragon team will win!

Ergou continued to cheer for himself in his heart.

Yinlong glanced at Xufeng arrogantly, and said coldly: "Boy, you are really punctual, but what if you enter the arena on time? You are alone, and I am a team that works closely together. Tactical team! If you surrender to me now, I can spare you not to die."

Xufeng yawned, "I'm so sleepy, it seems that there is a fly buzzing in my ears."

Silver Dragon had never been scorned like this before, and suddenly became angry, "Okay! Since you are looking for a dead end, don't pass me you are welcome! Silver Dragon team, prepare to fight!"


The four Silver Dragon team members immediately showed their weapons, ready to attack at any time.

Yang Gong shouted loudly again: "This is unfair! Xu Feng hasn't fully woken up yet!"

Ergou retorted loudly: "Dong Yang, what are you calling! Stepping into the arena with both feet means that the duel has already begun!"

Yinlong grinned, "Strike!"

The members of the Silver Dragon team immediately rushed towards Xu Feng who was still yawning.

Each of the members of the Silver Dragon squad has exceeded level 30, plus their equipment bonus, the true strength even exceeded level 35!

More importantly, these Silver Dragon squad members are very skilled in cooperation, which is far higher than the tactical level of NPCs of the same level!

In terms of attribute conversion, Xufeng now has 188 strength and 215 agility, which is equivalent to 2955 damage per attack.

For the Silver Dragon team, the damage of the four players added up, each attack has 5000 points of damage!

This is not even the damage value of Yinlong!

Therefore, in theory, it is impossible for Xufeng to defeat the Silver Dragon Squad, and even the Silver Dragon Squad can't stop the first wave of attacks!

Zhang Guang, a short figure, was the first to rush to Xufeng's face. His speed was so fast that he was almost invisible!

When Zhang Guang rushed to Xu Feng, he lowered his body, and the double knives in his hand slashed at Xu Feng's legs!

At the same time, team member Wang Yongchao also chanted the spell of mental resistance, and two light beams of spiritual vision suddenly appeared behind Xufeng, wrapping them around Xufeng's arms like vines!

The player Jesh also rushed over with a shield with spikes, while the player Arouka was full of the oak longbow - but the silver dragon did not make a move.

He felt that with Xufeng's drowsy state now, he didn't need to take action at all, as long as he stood there and waited for Wanmin to cheer him.

The highest state of arrogance is to win without doing anything.

Xufeng stretched lazily, which made everyone who cared about him squeeze a cold sweat, and his heart was also in his throat.


Zhao Guang's roller blade slid over Xu Feng's ankle, Wang Yongchao's spiritual chain was in place, Jie was copying it, and Arouka's poisonous arrow had already left the string!

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.


Xufeng's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Zhao Guang’s double knives failed, and Wang Yongchao’s spiritual chains did not bind Xufeng’s arms. Jesh, who was following the replacement, only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and then there was nothing in front of him. Zhao Guang's head crossed, and the nail hit the ground far away!


Everyone present was already ready to celebrate, but at this time, everyone was stunned.

The envoy standing on the balcony smiled faintly, "Sure enough, this kid didn't disappoint me."

"what happened?"

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