Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 733

What makes Xu Feng feel emotional is that he feels that his growth has been very fast, and his strength is not bad, but it is only not bad in the dimension of the first god.

It is almost impossible to challenge the current Xueying Lord God.

What makes Xufeng more troublesome is that Xueying and Xuedi are still brothers and sisters.

This also meant that he could never take the initiative to challenge Xueying, otherwise, he would be an enemy of Emperor Xue.

Oh, it's complicated!

"Okay, I'll share the information with you here first." The envoy thought for a while, and then said: "This is the bone needle, you can also take it, and leave it to Mi Xiu for inspection Can't find some clues."

"Okay." Xu Feng then carefully put away the bone etched needles.

"Do you have any suggestions for the Abyss Guild?" the envoy asked.

Xufeng said: "Abyss Guild is actually quite wronged. President Ax is a silly guy. He built the guild into the well of the abyss, but he didn't have any precautions against the situation today. So you say he is not guilty. It’s not counted, but if he is guilty, it’s not counted. In the end, I just fined him 100,000 shadow power points and let him pay the envoy sister in installments within one year."

The envoy chuckled and said: "Okay, this is a good way! In this way, this old thing can only concentrate on the shadow energy points, and there is no time to do other messy things, and the Abyss Guild can stop for a whole year. "

"Also," Xu Feng continued: "I also let some guards stay by the Abyss Well, temporarily blocking the Abyss Well."

The envoy nodded and said, "Well, you did the right thing. Brother, I really like you more and more. I really want to keep you by my side forever."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister, have you forgotten what I said? I am a catfish, you let me out, I can help you make the trading city lively, you see, this duel, I am not just yin Did a mistake reveal Xiang Rong who was hiding?"

The envoy smiled and said, "That's right, well, then you can continue to spoil me outside. If you need your sister to do anything for you, just speak up."

Xufeng smiled and said: "There is nothing else, but Ji Ming and Sui Long, who followed me in the saddle, have no credit and hard work, I hope the envoy sister will treat them more."

The special envoy smiled and said, "Okay, but it's just to show favor, this is easy."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then there is nothing else to do. If the envoy sister allows me, I will leave first. I will go to Uncle Mi Xiu's place to have him examine the bone needles. In addition, I have returned this time. It's been two days, and I haven't seen my master yet. I have to hurry up and ask for peace."

The envoy waved his hand and said, "Okay, go. Remember, you are my honorary guard. You can enter and leave the castle at will without notice. You can also kill people in the street as long as you feel necessary-this It’s the privilege I give you."

"Thank you elder sister." Xu Fengchao's special envoy leaned slightly, turned and left the side hall.

The exchange this time was much easier than the previous few times.

He and the special envoy were both old foxes with a fine word. Although they were in a cooperative state before, everyone was guarding each other.

But the current situation is different. They have a common enemy-the former lord Xiang Rong.

In dealing with Xiang Rong, the interests of the two of them are exactly the same.

In contrast, the New God Killing Guild and the Four Great Guilds all have to stand aside.

Before Xiang Rong was killed, Xufeng could trust the information of the special envoy, and the special envoy would fully support Xufeng's every move.

When Xufeng left the hall, Ji Ming and Sui Long hurriedly greeted them.

"Brother Feng, what did the envoy tell you?" Ji Ming asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just reported the previous events, 15 to 10 to the special envoy."

"Oh." Ji Ming was slightly disappointed.

Sui Long said: "Then we will send you off."

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, you two stay here. Maybe the special envoy will reward you later."

Just as Ji Ming was about to speak, he heard the lazy voice of the special envoy coming from the Pian Hall: "Are Ji Ming and Sui Long outside?"

Ji Ming and Sui Long quickly replied at the same time: "Subordinates are here!"

Xu Feng smiled at Jiming and Sui Long, and left silently.

The special envoy said lazily: "My brother Xufeng said you two performed very well, is that right?"

Ji Ming hurriedly said humbly: "It's all for the leadership of Master Xufeng, and the two of us are also doing things for the special envoy sincerely, and dare not say that we are good."

The envoy said with satisfaction: "Well, it seems that you two are still clever, so let’s do it, you will be promoted to deputy captain of the guards, Sui Long, you will be promoted to captain of the guards, and you two will bring 20 people to make the abyss. Supervision and rotation of the well."

Ji Ming and Sui Long said gratefully, "Thank you, Your Excellency! Thank you, Your Excellency!"

The envoy said lazily: "Don't thank me, I actually promote everyone, just to look at Xufeng's face, just look back at Xufeng and thank him."

"Yes! Yes!" Ji Ming and Sui Long said repeatedly.

"Well, you two go down to rest. Before tonight, you must do a good job of protecting the Well of Abyss." The envoy said.

"Yes!" Ji Ming promised: "Please rest assured, your envoy!"

"Well, go," the envoy said.

Ji Ming and Sui Long left the Pian Ting graciously.

After a while, a grim voice came from the shadow in the corner: "Do you really intend to trust that kid?"

The envoy said coldly, "What can I do if I don’t trust? As a special envoy, I seem to have great power, but now I am just a lonely person! There was no such thing as Xiang Rong before, and I don’t have to fully believe in Xufeng’s boy. But now it is clear that Xiang Rong is hidden in our trading city. Who else can I rely on? On myself? Or on you? No, we can only rely on Xufeng."

The grim voice said in a deep voice: "He is a tiger. You feed him one by one with prey, and his final prey will be us."

The special envoy smiled coldly: "Then you tell me, what else can you do?"

The grim voice paused, "...you said before, you already know if you control him, what is the way?"

The special envoy smiled coldly, "Can't you tell? That kid likes Xuedi, as long as we can hold Xuedi's life, that kid will obediently obey.

The grim voice said: "This...I think that kid is cruel, not like someone who cares about Xuedi."

The envoy sneered, "I know men better than you, and I'm sure he will never fail to save Xuedi."

The grim voice said nothing, and Pian Ting sank into deathly silence again.

Chapter 453

After coming out of the castle, Xufeng quickly went to the abandoned area.

"Uncle Mi Xiu!"

Xu Feng opened the door and entered.

Mi Xianxian was preparing hunger pills on the alchemy platform. He was shocked by Xu Feng's sudden appearance. With a shake of his hand, a whole tube of medicine was spilled.

"Oh! Waste! Waste!" Mi Xiu screamed, "Xufeng, you pay for my potion! Let me say yes, I don't want to make any points, so let your little brother named Wang come again. Come, help me collect the experimental data of the new product."

"Brother surnamed Wang?" Xu Feng pondered for a long time before realizing that Mi Xiu had remembered Su Xiaoyue's name incorrectly.

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