Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 736

"This is..." Xu Feng looked at the stardust of various colors in the treasure chest, suddenly surprised.

Qi Luo said faintly: "This is the garbage equipment I bought at a low price for you during this period of time. I will help you decompose it into stardust particles in advance. You only need to pick up these attributed particles with your mind. Enchant your equipment."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Sister Qiluo, this needs a lot of shadow power points!"

Qi Luo said lightly: "Well, it cost me a lot of shadow power points, but whether it is an alchemist or an arcanist, these two high-level professions are all fed by burning money. This is the quickest way to become a junior enchanter who can enchant people in the shortest time. Come on, try it."

Qi Luo picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Xu Feng immediately stood up, concentrated his thoughts, and let the arcane core in his body sense the flashing stardust particles in the treasure chest...

After sensing for about ten seconds, a light blue stardust light ball slowly appeared in front of Xufeng.

Xu Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and examined the stardust light ball with his mind.

Chapter 456 Enchanting Success!

This is a stardust light ball with an effect of 18 armor.

The armor value effect is not necessary for Xufeng. Enchanting on one's body is a waste of materials, but now it is during the practice period, there is no waste of waste.

Xu Feng condenses his mind and uses the power of his mind to control the stardust light ball.

The stardust light ball floated slowly to Xu Feng's arm.

Xu Feng subconsciously touched it with his arm.


The ball of light collapsed, and the stardust turned into starlight, which quickly dissipated in front of Xu Feng's eyes.

"Uh!" Xu Feng's eyes widened in astonishment.

"What's going on? Qi Luo sister?" Xu Feng asked puzzledly.

Qi Luo faintly smiled and said: "You are too impatient, you must always understand that in the process of enchanting, you are just an enchanter, and your thoughts should always be on the stardust light ball, not on your body. in."

Xu Feng thought a little, then nodded.

"Okay, come again." Qi Luo said dismissively.

Xufeng scratched his head apologetically.

The equipment with the 18 armor effect is less than 30 or so, and the price is definitely not too cheap.

As soon as Xufeng came up, one was wasted.

His mind also began to tighten involuntarily, and after trying several times for the second time, he couldn't even float the stardust light ball in front of him.

Qi Luo said lightly: "Afeng, don't worry, don't panic, don't have psychological pressure. Your master, I have shadow energy points, you can do whatever you want."

This was usually plain, but it gave Xu Feng great courage.

Xu Feng immediately threw away all thoughts, and carefully controlled the stardust light sphere with his thoughts.

The second ball of light quickly emerged, moving faster and more stable than the first.

Xu Feng inspected it with mind, and the attribute of this ball of light was +22 Stamina.

Well, not bad, very good property.

Since it is stamina, let's start enchanting the head equipment first!

Xu Feng gathered his mind and slowly moved the power ball to the helmet on his head.

His helmet is an "endless endurance helmet", and the helmet itself has 23 endurance points.

Under the control of his mind, the power ball slowly blended into the endless endurance helmet, but the endurance helmet suddenly lit up, and then turned dim.

Xufeng suddenly felt extremely tired from his inspiration, as if staying up all night and working all night.

"Successful?" Xu Feng asked suspiciously.

Qi Luo stood up in astonishment, "You...what... coincidence?"

"Huh? I really succeeded?" Xufeng quickly checked the helpless endurance helmet with his spiritual vision-45 endurance points!

Enchanting success!

Wow haha!

Enchanting is not too difficult!

It's just a little tired!

Qi Luo said emotionally: "Genius, Afeng, you are really a genius! I think I had burned nearly fifty Stardust Light Balls before finally succeeding once! And you, almost even once. successful."

The first failure was because Xufeng's mind was not ready yet. The second attempt was done with the mind completely let go. Therefore, Xufeng can really be regarded as a success!

"Come! Try again and show me as a teacher!" Qi Luo urged excitedly.

Xu Feng waved his hands again and again, "Sister Qiluo, I'm a little tired, and it's hard to concentrate in a short time."

Keiro said quickly, "Oh, I forgot about it. You are only a junior enchanter now. Well, you take a break, and an hour later, try a second time."

Xufeng said, "Okay, sister Qi Luo."

Qiluo said: "At this time, you can ask me any questions about enchanting."

Xu Feng thought for a while, "I really have a problem."

"Let's say, as long as it is related to enchanting, I can answer you very accurately." Qi Luo said with a smile.

In this regard, she is still very confident in herself.

In this trading city, she is not the only arcane master, so is her master Zhuo Jun.

However, after so many years, Qiluo's achievements and arcane enchantment strength have surpassed Zhuojun.

Therefore, in terms of arcane knowledge, she absolutely dared to say this.

Xufeng immediately wrote a complicated formula for alchemy and enchantment on the paper. This formula was on the diary fragment. Of course, the diary fragment was only a part of the formula.

"Sister Qi Luo, do you know the follow-up part of this formula? I want to see it." Xu Feng said sincerely.

Qi Luo glanced at the formula, then his eyes widened, "What, what is this?"

Xu Feng immediately put himself in the abyss treasure house and told Qiluo about the fact that he had obtained this broken page of the alchemy diary.

Qi Luo dignifiedly picked up the paper filled with formulas, and sighed faintly, "This is really incredible. The two completely opposite roads of alchemy and arcane arts can come together?"

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