Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 753

Who can build relationships, whose family is more powerful, who has a better relationship with whom, or who gives more benefits, will all affect the final election result of the monitor.

As for whether this squad leader is competent?Does he have any pertinent suggestions and plans for the future of the class?

Pupils know a fart.

From the literal explanation, it is really nice to say.

It's like a big beauty who hasn't contacted you for a long time, suddenly one day she clutched her belly and walked in front of you. She smiled and told you that she liked you very much and hoped that you could marry her, and wanted to have sex with you that night, and then eight Moon can make you a father.

But sorry, this world is full of deceit, and there has never been a real dish.

There has not been in the past, nor has it been in the present, nor will it be in the future.

Because human thoughts are not unified, human private thoughts are not unified, and more importantly, human intelligence is not unified.

There are always people who will be stupid and naive, and there will always be people who will pretend to be stupid and naive, and at the same time secretly use other people's stupidity and naivety to realize their own ambitions.

It's like saying that you are a wolf yourself, and you are surrounded by sheep. They will not resist you, but take you as a friend and leader.

You said, are you eating them?Still not eating them?

Not to eat?Do you want to learn their stupid way to eat grass?

For example, if you are a sheep yourself, you feel happy to eat grass. But one day, you find that there is actually a wolf in the flock. You say, you are happily continuing to eat grass and waiting to be What about the wolf?Or should we unite everyone and drive out the wolf together?

Someone asked, can't everyone be sheep?

That's right, the wolves hope so too, the lambs...

When will the entire human race become a biochemical mechanical body, without thinking, to maintain the world running in a streamlined mode, then it will be possible to realize the so-called cooking.

But that is meaningless.

Chapter 473: Pirates!

The mayor of Bolvar was elected through votes.

His competitor was a fish seller.

The fish seller was obviously not so related to the banker Bolvar.

Boval bought a tabloid in St. Martin, saying that the fish seller always sells dead fish to others, and lacks the burden.

The Merchants Association of San Martín also suspended the fish seller’s license for this reason. Before the facts were found out, he was prohibited from trading fish.

The so-called joint investigation team, in order to ensure fairness and justice, also deliberately recruited two members from the British Empire to conduct supervision and verification.

It took half a year from the time these two congressmen left to the time they ate, drink and had fun, and stopped and walked to St. Martin.

At that time, the fish seller had gone bankrupt. Where could there be energy to run for mayor?

Subsequent investigations naturally ended hastily, because there was no evidence to prove that fish sellers were selling sick and dead fish, and there was no evidence to prove that fish sellers were short of two.

However, many people talk about gold and ruin the bones.

The power of public opinion has been formed, and even if the results of the investigation come out, no one dares to go to the fish seller's shop to buy fish.

In this way, Bolvar was elected the first mayor of Saint Martin without any suspense, and he was still on a lifelong tenure.

The process of pursuing rights is corrupting, and all kinds of despicable tricks with no lower limit will be used with all their strength without scruples.

This is the essence of the electoral system.

The original intention of the electoral system is good, so that everyone can enjoy the right to choose.

But the problem is that most citizens of St. Martin do not understand why they chose.

They just read the newspaper and said that fish sellers sell fish that died of illness, so they didn't choose fish sellers.

They don't care about the truth, they are like a lost flock, and it is easy to be led by people with public opinion.

Therefore, what was originally a very beautiful election system has evolved into a battlefield for the lower limit of human show. All kinds of slander, all kinds of rumors, all kinds of slander, only you can't think of, there is nothing they can't do.

After Bolvar was elected, the first thing was to rebuild a huge royal bank and hire skilled craftsmen to build a huge steel vault.

Today's opening ceremony is precisely for the opening ceremony of this new Royal Bank.

Bolvar will show and introduce his new treasury in front of the "citizens", so that the citizens can deposit their money in his bank, and he can continue to lend when he has the money.

The celebrities of San Martin received the invitation from the Mayor of Bovar, and they all arrived. Even San Martin Port Brigadier General Philip also put aside his work and brought a group of soldiers to the ceremony.

After the celebrities were all seated, the Mayor of Beauval walked to the door of the Royal Bank with joy, and said with excitement: "Welcome all the distinguished guests! You are the real owners of St. Martin! With your presence, you are proud of it!"

The citizens below all clapped happily.

Mayor Bolvar was right. They, the colonists, were indeed the real owners of this small South American island. They thought that their army landed on this small island 100 years ago and killed all the South American natives who dared to resist. The remaining South American natives were sold as slaves. On the island of Saint Martin 100 years later, no one resisted them anymore, and they naturally became the real masters here.

The colonization of the Americas by Westerners has been completely successful. It is not only a conquest by force but also a cultural conquest. Therefore, Westerners are becoming more and more arrogant. They think they are the best race, and all other races are An inferior race that should be ruled by them.

Of course, when the West wanted to apply this set of colonization of the Americas to the ancient countries of the East, they found it completely unworkable.

At that time, although the ancient eastern country was impoverished and its 40,000 people could not even produce a decent weapon, the resilience of the ancient eastern country was beyond conquerable by Western colonists.

Although some traitors were born in this process, and these traitors also gave birth to many small traitors that have not been liquidated, this nation has more heroes than traitors after all.

If there are too many traitors, the nation will be over.

There are more heroes, and no matter how violently suppressed by Western powers, this nation cannot be destroyed.

Therefore, a nation without heroes is perished.

When a nation does not worship its own heroes, but instead worships heroes shaped by the West, the nation is already very dangerous.

The Americas are a nation lacking heroes. Native Americans thought that they could survive by surrendering to Western powers and enjoy cooking.

However, that is the cooking of Westerners. Westerners only regard the colonized as dogs. What kind of cooking is needed for dogs?

The Mayor of Bolvar looked around triumphantly until the applause stopped.

"Today, we gathered here to celebrate the completion of the Royal Bank of Saint Martin!"

"As a professional, I am proud to tell you that this bank is the strongest bank in the entire Caribbean, and its strength is even comparable to the Royal Bank of Lundun!"

Mayor Bolvar waved his hand, and the two waiters immediately opened the door of the bank, and saw a huge steel treasury two meters square, placed in the bank hall.

The citizens present all made exclamation sounds. They had never seen such a heavy safe.

Mayor Boval enjoyed looking at the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, "...Our vault! It is five feet thick! No gun can destroy it!"

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