Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 811

Karina wanted to get angry at Jack, but at this time she didn't even bother about Jack's banter.

Besides, she was a little puzzled that Jack actually called her "eldest niece".

Without a word, Jack grabbed a rope and tied himself to the mast.

When Gibbs saw it, he immediately shouted: "Tie yourself to the boat! Welcome to the crash!"

The pirates put down their work and found ropes to fix themselves on the ship.

Karina also hurried to find the rope, but she was obviously a step slower and only found a half-meter-long rope that had been cut off.

A half-meter rope is not enough for her to fix herself on the boat-then, even if the rope is long enough, Karina doesn't know how to tie herself to the boat.

She is very good at calculating data that others can't understand, but she is not a sailor after all, and in such a crisis, her whole body is trembling, and the rope is not stable.

When she was in a hurry, Henry jumped over with a long rope and tied Karina to the mast without any explanation.

Karina said in surprise: "Henry! What do you do?"

Henry grinned and said, "I have my own way--"

Before the words fell, she saw Queen Anne's Revenge slammed into the center of the Black Pearl.

Karina exclaimed: "This won't work! With such an angle and strength, the Black Pearl will definitely be smashed, and we will definitely die!"

At this moment, Xufeng controlled the Queen Anne's Revenge, and there was a vertical drift.

The bow of Anne, which was originally aimed at the center of the Black Pearl's hull, rotated at an extreme angle, and used the inertia of its own stern to hit the Black Pearl's hull!

The Black Pearl was under great collision force, but fortunately, it was not a point, but a whole side of the ship's side.

The Black Pearl was hit by the side abruptly, and Barbosa took the opportunity to turn the steering wheel and completed a right-angle turn in the air!

Lin Hai immediately transferred the disappearing wind hand to the Black Pearl, and completely released the remaining mental power in the body instantly, pushing the Black Pearl hard!

The moment the Black Pearl was hit, the hull made a huge rubbing sound, and the deck and the ship's side were all cracked to varying degrees, but the integrity of the main body was still maintained.

With such a push by the windman, many of the cabins and masts of the Black Pearl could no longer bear it, and they cracked and collapsed, and the integrity of the hull was less than 50%!

But the Black Pearl is the Black Pearl after all, even if it has been dilapidated and extremely embarrassed, it can still speed up its voyage!

The pirates on the Black Pearl were not so lucky.

The impact was too strong this time. Those who did not tie themselves well, or were tied too loosely, were immediately hit by the impact and flew into the sea.

There were also pirates who tied themselves to the side of the ship, which happened to be the collision point of the Queen Anne's Vengeance. They were hit directly into meat sauce by the Queen Anne's Vengeance before being hit.

The whole scene is horrible.

Karina was firmly tied to the main mast by Henry, so although Karina was also hit by a tail flick, she seemed to fall apart, but she was not life-threatening.

Henry was not so lucky.

Although he also tied himself to the main mast, because the time was too short, it was too late to tie himself tightly.

After being hit, his rope fell off and he fell off the Black Pearl.

"Henry! No!" Karina shouted eagerly.

If it fell from the Black Pearl, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Not to mention the blood hand that is about to fall, the ocean storm may also erupt at any time, and the Black Pearl was knocked into flight, and the thrust of the wind hand has exceeded 15 knots.

At this speed, once a crew member falls into the sea, it is impossible to climb up again.

At this moment, a big hand caught Henry who was about to fall into the sea.

Henry was undecided, so he raised his eyes to see that it was Barbosa who had saved him.

Henry said in surprise: "Why save me?"

Barbossa said with disgust: "God testifies, I really don't want to save you! But Karina likes you! If you die, Karina will be very sad! I am not for you, I am for Karina!"

Henry grabbed Barbosa's hand tightly, "What is the relationship between you and Karina?"

Barbossa pulled Henry hard, and because he was missing a leg, it was difficult to maintain his balance. Both of them almost fell off the boat.

For a moment, Barbosa wanted to let go of Henry's hand and let the boy fend for himself. However, there was a voice in his heart, saying that this boy is the one his daughter likes. As a father, he has done nothing for her , Saving Jack now is probably the only thing he can do now.

A father should not choose things to do, let alone take credit for it, but should do what he can and should not take credit for it.

"I can't believe it, I will save Elizabeth and Will's cub again!" Barbossa roared in annoyance, and firmly grasped Henry, preparing to throw Henry onto the deck with all his strength.

In that case, his own balance would naturally be out of control, and he would easily fall into the boat.

At this moment, one hand grabbed his broken leg and helped him stabilize the balance he had lost.

Barbossa looked back and saw Jack, covered in blood, grinning at him.

"Hector, I was like playing with your artificial leg."

Barbossa also grinned: "Haha Jack, you old thing! I'm dead, isn't the Black Pearl yours anymore?"

Jack laughed and said, "You are not dead, and the Black Pearl is mine!"

Barbossa said without giving way: "No, Jack, although you did me a trivial favor this time, I will not regress on the issue of the ownership of the Black Pearl! The Black Pearl is me. of!"

Henry struggled and said, "Two uncles, stop fighting for now, get me up soon!"

The three of them worked together and finally returned to the damaged deck of the Black Pearl...

Jack sighed, "My black pearl."

Barbossa looked up, then grinned: "Although we are a little embarrassed, we have already escaped the coverage of the blood hand."

Chapter 529

After the Queen Anne's Vengeance hit the Black Pearl, it slowed down completely.

On the one hand, the reaction force of the impact counteracted the inertia of the Queen Anne's Revenge. On the other hand, Lin Hai used the last mental power to remove the wind hand that was originally added to the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Therefore, Queen Anne's Revenge is almost stagnant.

In this state, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the huge blood hand that was depressed. Once covered by the blood hand, the power of the undead will corrode the entire hull, and the pirates on the ship will also become the undead of the sea.

Xu Feng grabbed Lin Hai, who was already exhausted physically and mentally, and stretched out his hand and said to Xuedi, "Come on, I will take you away!"

Xuedi said blankly: "I refuse!"

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