Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 824

The mermaids dived all the way, diving until a hundred meters below the sea before stopping, and regrouped together.

After the Cyclops Giant went mad, his stamina was almost exhausted. He dived into the sea for the third time, trying to recharge himself by drawing the power of the sea.

Xu Feng immediately said to Sai Ya: "Let your mermaid troops lift the Cyclops from below! Let his feet leave the ocean!"

Saiya said in astonishment, "What?"

Xu Feng quickly explained: "He is the son of the Sea Emperor. As long as his feet stand in the sea, his physical strength will continue to flow! If we want to kill him, we have to cut him from the sea!"

"Understood!" Saiya screamed immediately.

Chapter 542 Golden Light Trophy

Thousands of celebrities gathered at the feet of the one-eyed giant, desperately lifting the huge body of the one-eyed giant.

The Cyclops giant roared in horror. He wanted to pick up the anchor and smash the mermaids to death, but he had no strength at all now.

His feet didn't listen to his commands at all. He couldn't compete with thousands of level 50 mermaid elites, and his hill-like body was quickly lifted out of the water.

Xu Feng took the opportunity to jump onto the shoulders of the Cyclops Giant, holding the gleaming Triton Sword in his hand.

The one-eyed giant roared hoarsely: "Humans, if you have the ability, challenge me one-on-one!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "If you have the ability, don't rely on absorbing the power of the ocean!"

The one-eyed sea giant said with a vicious voice: "Even if I don't rely on the power of the ocean, you can't kill me! I am the son of the sea emperor, and I am a magnificent third-level god!"

Xufeng sneered and said, "Did you see the weapon in my hand? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you only have one eye, and this eye was blinded by me."

The Cyclops roared: "I know what you are holding! The Sword of Triton! But your level is too low, you can't use the powerful power of the Sword of Triton! You can't kill me. ."

Xufeng said coldly: "If you say you are blind, you are really blind. You are only half right. I do have the sword of Triton in my hand, but the sword of Triton is only in my right hand. I still have a weapon in my left hand. It is not the sword of Triton that will kill you, but the weapon in my left hand."

The Cyclops Giant's complexion changed drastically, "No, you are frightening me again! I didn't feel that you have a powerful weapon like the Sword of Triton in your left hand!"

Xufeng sneered and said, "Then you can try it."

With that said, Xu Feng flashed to the hole in the eye socket of the Cyclops Giant, and the entire left arm plunged into the eye socket of the Cyclops Giant!

The Cyclops giant screamed heartbreakingly. He wanted to struggle to resist, but his strength had been exhausted, and now there was no strength to struggle at all.

Xu Feng immediately kicked the one-eyed sea giant in the face, and with the reaction force, the whole person quickly flashed out and jumped to a relatively safe range.

Saiya looked at Xufeng suspiciously. She really didn't understand why Xufeng used her left arm to penetrate into the eye socket of the Cyclops giant.

Could it be that the left arm is Xufeng's weapon?

However, the arm was far worse than the sword of Triton.

The one-eyed giant laughed grinningly: "Hahaha! Mortal, you are so stupid! Your arm can't hurt me at all! I, Polyphemus, are invincible!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Five, four, three..."

"What are you counting down?" The one-eyed giant frowned and shouted.

"Two, one." Xu Feng finished the countdown.

The one-eyed sea giant was about to open his mouth and sneer, suddenly there was a pain deep in his forehead, and then, a powerful explosive force exploded from his brain!

His huge head was completely exploded, blood and brains were everywhere in the sea!

The huge shock wave passed below the sea surface, and the fish people immediately dived into the deep sea to avoid.

"...This!" Saiya looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

She really couldn't understand what kind of weapon Xu Feng used to kill the powerful Cyclops.

The pirates on the Black Pearl were also dumbfounded.

Everyone thought that this battle would definitely be lost. After all, no one could ever kill a god.

However, Xu Feng did it.

The blindfolded Xuedi said proudly, "...awesome. As expected of my... teammate."

The gunpowder is used just right!

In order to blow up the one-eyed giant, Xu Feng used five gunpowder pills this time!

And the explosion point chooses the brain of the Cyclops Giant, it's weird if you don't blow up the Cyclops Giant's head!

The huge body of the one-eyed sea giant crashed onto the surface of the sea, stirring up huge waves hundreds of meters high.

But this is the last time he has caused a huge wave.

His body floated on the sea, like an island, without sinking.

Xu Feng jumped directly onto the corpse of the Cyclops Giant, and he saw a strange light blooming in the heart of the Cyclops Giant.

That must be the trophy!

Xu Feng quickly rushed over.

The pirates on the Black Pearl, under the leadership of Barbosa, all fell on one knee to Xufeng, shouting long live the pirate emperor!

This is their most sincere voice.

Without Xufeng, this victory would be impossible.

The mermaid troops are just around the corner.

One of the merfolk swam quietly to Commander Saiyan's side and whispered: "Saiya, we should take the opportunity to win the victory."

Saiya's mouth moved slightly, "...no need, our goal has been achieved, we have the shame of Atlantis, this is enough."

"But, they are inferior humans after all." The mermaid said unwillingly.

Sai Ya said coldly: "Humans are different from humans. The humans we face are humans who can kill the third-level gods. Do you think it is wise for us to be enemies at this time?"

The mermaid blinked, then nodded and said, "Understood, Commander."

Sai Ya smiled and said: "Well, you can withdraw to the side, let me negotiate with Xufeng."


The mermaid troops immediately withdrew to the surrounding waters.

When the one-eyed giant died, the route behind him was naturally opened up.

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