Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 842

Along the way, Henry and Karina were standing on the side of the ship, whispering to each other.

"It's disgusting." The hammer gave the two of them a blank look.

Lin Hai smiled and said: "People are passionate love, Sister Hammer, you should have a relationship at your age."

The Hammer curled his lips, "Spoof to a man? Sorry, I can't learn it. If a man makes me unhappy, I will knock his head open with a hammer!"

Xufeng touched the back of his head subconsciously.

Lin Hai laughed: "Why, there is no one who cares about the hammer girl in her heart?"

"Yes!" The Hammer said naturally.

Lin Hai asked: "Who?"

The hammer pointed at Xufeng and said, "He."

Xu Feng was startled, "Hammer, you are too straightforward!"

The hammer said solemnly: "Don't think about it, I don't want to sleep with you, I just treat you as a brother, and what I care about most is his brother."

Gong Yang turned his face and asked, "What about me? I'm your brother, right? Sister Hammer?"

The hammer sneered, "Bah, you are just a coal digger."

Yang Gong said with a sad face: "My heart hurts!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Okay, stop chatting, we have completed this series of rewards, and we will send this pair of dogs as soon as possible...cough cough, this pair of young lovers will be sent home. Everyone, concentrate, don’t make any mistakes in the final stage."

"it is good!"

I was really better than Xuediqiang, cutting through the wind and waves, and speeded up the sailing.

In less than half a day, they arrived on the island where Elizabeth lived in seclusion.

The hammer rang the harsh whistle, and Elizabeth, who was cooking, hurried out to check.

She is over 40, her clothes and appearance have changed, and there are some wrinkles on her forehead, but her appearance is still beautiful.

Henry jumped off the boat and quickly ran over, Karina also followed Xufeng and others to get off the boat.

Henry came to Elizabeth the first step and quickly explained what happened to Elizabeth during this time.

When Elizabeth heard Xu Feng's name, she exclaimed in excitement.

Holding the skirt, she rushed towards Xufeng like a girl who chased stars, and threw herself into Xufeng's arms.

The Snow Emperor wore a mask with no expression on the mask.

The hammer frowned slightly, with a look of disgust.

Xufeng said embarrassingly: "Elizabeth, don't do this, you are a mother, in front of the child, how bad it is."

Elizabeth quickly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Xufeng, it's really you. I'm so excited. I can't help myself for a while. Please don't mind! Ah, Lord Xuedi, you are all there. Master Xuedi, you are still so... uh, mysterious."

Xuedi gave a faint hum, which was considered a response.

"Mom, this is Miss Karina, Karina Smith." Henry took Karina by the hand and introduced to Elizabeth: "She is an astronomer, as well as a female watchmaker, a female technician. , Not a chicken girl."

Elizabeth smiled and said: "Of course I understand. Anyway, I was also the daughter of the governor, who went to school-what a beautiful girl, I bet your parents must be born noble and handsome!"

Karina flushed, "Madam, I am actually not Smith. Smith is my mother's last name. I didn't know my father's last name before. Now I know it. Then I will name it after my father's last name."

Elizabeth asked: "Then what is your father's last name?"

Karina said proudly: "Barbosa, my name is Karina Barbosa."

The smile on Elizabeth's face gradually disappeared, "The last name of Barbosa is very special, and I happen to know a person named Barbosa."

Karina smiled and said, "The one you know is my father."

Elizabeth opened her mouth wide and looked back at her son.

Henry smiled and said, "It depends on how fate we are."

"...Okay." Elizabeth smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Since the son likes it, and Karina is so good, motherhood can't stop it.

After all, the love affair between her and Will broke through the secular restrictions.

Then, Henry told Karina to find the Trident, Xufeng killed the Cyclops Giant, and smashed the Sea King Trident to Elizabeth.

Smashing the Sea King Trident, the curse on the sea is lifted, so the flying Dutchman will no longer have to transport the undead on the sea.

"But why hasn't your father returned?" Elizabeth asked eagerly.

"It may be a long journey, it should be soon." Henry comforted.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a huge warship to drive over quickly, and Will stood at the bow, looking eagerly at his home on the coast.



Elizabeth rushed to the sea desperately, and Will desperately jumped out of the boat and swam towards Elizabeth desperately.

"...It's really touching." Gong Yang said with emotion again.

"...It's disgusting." The Hammer said grimly: "For no reason, I was stuffed with dog food. Xufeng, let's get out of here."

Xu Feng smiled, "Alright, let's go."

Henry said quickly: "Your Majesty, stay and see my father. He can lift the curse, all thanks to you, and my family should thank you."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "No thanks, we have other things, let's take a step!"

With that said, Xu Feng and others returned to the voyage I am really stronger than Xuedi.

The hammer pulled the whistle, and I was really better than Xuedi to break the wind and waves, and soon disappeared into the vast sea.

"I can finally return!"

The hammer stretched out his waist, looking forward to it.

Xuedi said lightly: "Everyone concentrates, we are going to return to the trading city."

"it is good."

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