Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 847


The two chiefs rushed out of Xiaoyue's flower shop with their own people.

Su Xiaoyue stood proudly in front of dozens of brawny men, behind You Xiaoxi and Li Hongwei.

Later, Xu Feng looked down at the agreement.

Gunther saw You Xiaoxi, a beautiful bald-headed girl at a glance, "Haha! You Xiaoxi! Who am I! It turns out that the gift is here! What are you guys doing in a daze! Get me catch her!"

Those subordinates were dumbfounded, afraid to move at all.

Gaopeng felt a strong aura, and he subconsciously looked behind Su Xiaoyue-the whole person suddenly became unattached!


Is there a mistake?!

Didn’t it mean that Xufeng must die in the fifth stage?

Why did he... actually come back?

Is it relegated to escape?

Can't see it!

Gaopeng suddenly felt his heart miss a few beats.

At this time, Gunther also saw the existence of Xufeng, and his face suddenly became ashes.

"You guys! Why didn't you say it earlier!" Gunther lowered his voice and yelled at the man behind him who reported the letter.

The subordinate said aggrievedly: "You said it, you and Gao Peng-sama are the big things. You also said, who is so indifferent and dares to confront Hanguang and Oasis Guild..."

"You guys!" Gunther was almost furious.

Gaopeng’s eyes turned, and his astonished face immediately turned into excitement and joy, "Master Xufeng! Great! I finally waited for you! Guild Hanguang wants to take you while you are away. The shop, our Oasis Guild has been guarding here so that the people of Hanguang Guild have not succeeded! Now that you are back, it is great!"

With that said, Gao Peng wanted to take people to Xufeng's side.

At this time, you must be a fast team, if you slow down, things will be difficult to tell.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "You all treat me as dead, right?"

Gaopeng quickly said: "No, no, no! How is it possible! We have always believed that Master Xufeng, you will get through the fifth stage! You are really the pride of our entire trading city! Also the pride of our Oasis Guild."

Xu Feng sneered, took out the contract, and read aloud: "Article 3, the ownership of Xiaoyue Flower Shop must be transferred to Oasis Guild, and all profits must go to Oasis Guild. Su Xiaoyue must be completely Give up their equity, otherwise, the lives and deaths of Su Xiaoyue, You Xiaoxi, and Li Hongwei will not be protected by the Oasis Guild—hehe, so unfeeling."

Gaopeng's face flushed and said, "This, this, this is not an agreement we wrote. It's all a misunderstanding."

Su Xiaoyue said angrily: "This is your agreement! At first, you took this agreement on my face and forced me to sign it! I kept telling me, "What's the matter, wait for Brother Xufeng to come back." Besides, you sneered and said, Xu Feng will never come back!"

Gaopeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with embarrassment: "I was...just acting, yes, just acting, in order to hold the Hanguang Guild and prevent them from treating Xiaoyue Flower Shop. Do whatever you want."

Xufeng laughed, tearing off the agreement, and smiling at the trembling Gaopeng: "Brother Gaopeng, you are really well-intentioned-I believe you."

Chapter 564

Gaopeng was startled and looked at Xufeng in disbelief.

He knew very well that there was no way to lie about what he did, and Xufeng was an extremely intelligent person, how could he not tell?

When Xu Feng said this, Su Xiaoyue and others were also stunned.

The Oasis Guild is so blatant about bullying, why does Xufeng believe in Gao Peng?

Su Xiaoyue said eagerly: "Brother Feng! Gaopeng is a honey-belly sword! He is the one who stabbed the knife in the back! You must not believe him!"

Li Hongwei also eagerly said: "Yes, Brother Feng, he not only wants to grab the Xiaoyue flower shop, but also wants to grab the leather shop! He has wolf ambition!"

Xufeng waved his hand graciously, "Don't say that, we are close to the Oasis Guild, and Gao Peng is also our brother. I believe that all he did was deliberately acted for Hanguang. The purpose of the guild is to delay the time and prevent the Hanguang Guild from embezzling our property."

Su Xiaoyue suddenly became anxious, "Brother Feng! He forced me to sign a store agreement!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Brother Gao Peng must know that you will definitely not sign it, so he deliberately used such a tricky contract to confuse our common enemy-Hanguang Guild."

Gaopeng immediately said: "Yes, yes! I mean that! I know that you will not sign such an excessive contract, brother Xiaoyue, so I dared to do it. I did all of this. For Brother Xufeng!"

Su Xiaoyue clenched her fists angrily, "Shameless! Even if I, Su Xiaoyue, had to fight for my life today, I couldn't let someone like you who stabbed my brother's soft knife in the back exist——"

With that, Su Xiaoyue suddenly rushed up, trying to fight Gao Peng desperately.

It's just that he can't be Gao Peng's opponent at all.

As a businessman, Su Xiaoyue's current strength is only 19, while Gao Peng's strength is 32.

With such a strength gap, Gao Peng could completely defeat Su Xiaoyue with a single blow.

Of course, in front of Xufeng, he would not dare to lend Gao Peng a hundred courage.

He must now pretend to be misunderstood and wronged, so in the face of Su Xiaoyue's fist, Gao Peng did not dare to fight back, but held his head silently.

The men next to him didn't dare to fight. They all knew that Su Xiaoyue was one of Xu Feng's most trusted person. If Su Xiaoyue was hurt in front of Xu Feng, it would be a fire.

They had all seen how terrible Xufeng was.

After Su Xiaoyue fought for a full minute, Xu Feng said slowly: "Xiaoyue, don't fight. If you have something to say, please."

Su Xiaoyue said sadly and angrily: "Brother Feng! This man is really a sinister villain! He pretends very well, but he stabbed a knife in our back!"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Enough, I have my own judgment on who is right and wrong! You stand back first!"

Su Xiaoyue sighed angrily.

He knew that with his strength, he couldn't kill Gao Peng anyway.

Not to mention killing, even if you want to hurt Gao Peng, it is impossible.

Su Xiaoyue was very depressed.

Although Gao Peng pretended to be sad, he was triumphant in his heart.

He thought he was finished this time, but he didn't expect Xu Feng to believe him.

Hehe, it seems that Xufeng is not that smart either.

Or maybe, Xufeng didn't dare to offend the Oasis Guild and Hanguang Guild at the same time.

The more he thinks this way, the more proud Gao Peng feels, and the corner of his eyes can't help showing a proud look.

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