Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 874

Xufeng smiled faintly: "Well, this matter can become the focus of your current work. If I have any orders, I will find a way to pass it on to you."

"Okay." Nicolas nodded heavily.

Xufeng said: "The time is almost up. I have to meet two people. Let's talk next time. I took a super pill from Fitz. This kid will definitely find out and be suspicious. You can cover it up by yourself. past."

"Isn't it necessary?" Sacco said.

Xufeng smiled and said, "What if this kid is the one that the woman puts in?"

Sacco's face suddenly changed, "Yes, Master Xufeng, I will handle this matter properly so that he will not have any doubts."

"Okay, then I'm leaving." After saying that, Xu Feng pulled up his hood, and with a flash of figure, he disappeared into the dark night.

Sacco looked down at Fitz who was still in a coma, took Fitz's delicate medicine box away, and kicked Fitz's ankle hard.

Fitz exclaimed and turned to sit up.

"What's the matter?" Fitz exclaimed.

Nicolas said lightly: "It's nothing, someone wants to kill you, but when he picked the wrong one, I had already driven him away."

Fitz touched the painful back of his head and roared bitterly: "Who dares to break the ground on the head of our Hanguang Guild!"

Nicolas faintly said: "This is to ask yourself, the opponent's strength is not bad, have you offended anyone?"

Fitz frowned and said, "No!"

Sacco threw the exquisite medicine box to Fitz, "He still wants to steal your medicine box, but fortunately, I chased it back. See if there is anything missing."

Fitz hurriedly opened the pill box, and then took a breath, "One missing!"

Nicolas asked: "Well, it seems that you have met a colleague."

Fitz sneered, "I want to crack my super pill, unless it is Master Mi Xiu! However, Master Mi Xiu must be disdain to attack me, 80% of them are from other guilds! Analysis in the current form, very good It may be the Oasis Guild! President Nicolas, this matter, you can’t just leave it alone, you have to seek justice from the Oasis Guild!"

If it were before, Nicolas would definitely nod his head heavily and start planning to retaliate against the Oasis Guild, but now, instead, he felt that Fitz was really overstretching.

Will this guy be a special envoy?

Nicolas nodded calmly, "I will, new hatred and old hatred are added together, as long as the opportunity is right, we will be settled together! Fitz, you are injured, go back and rest first, wait for us first After finishing the compensation, we will consider the long-term plan!"

"Yes! President!" Fitz bowed gratefully.

Sa Subject watched Fitz leave gloomily until Fitz completely disappeared from his vision.

After Xufeng left the resident of Hanguang Guild, he went directly to the resident of Oasis Guild.

In his capacity, he could walk directly to the main entrance of the Oasis Guild, but Xu Feng was still covering his face, silently avoiding the patrolling members, and went to Zhan Liqun's separate room.

The purpose of this is to avoid the surveillance of the insider.

At this time, Zhan Liqun had not yet fallen asleep, and was studying at his desk which set of equipment should be sold to fill the hole.

Zhan Liqun was also in a very bad mood. He lost his wife and lost his troops this time. Not only did he need compensation, but more importantly, after this time, he had offended Xufeng.

The reason why the Oasis Guild could rise before was to hug Xufeng's thigh in time, but now, Xufeng still calls him a brother on the surface, but Zhan Liqun understands that Xufeng will never regard him as a brother anymore.

While Zhan Liqun sighed secretly, a black shadow quickly flashed in and closed the door with his hand.

Zhan Liqun was taken aback, and quickly showed his mace and shouted, "Who!"

Xu Feng immediately took off his hood, revealing that smiling face.

Zhan Liqun was taken aback, "Brother Xufeng, what are you?"

Suddenly visiting late at night, and also coming so secretly, naturally there is something special.

Zhan Liqun's heart tightened slightly, he was worried that Xu Feng was here to retaliate against him alone.

After all, his looting of the shop is indeed like a knife in the back.


Zhan Liqun weighed it up. With his own strength, he might be able to fight Xufeng, but I am afraid that the chance of surviving is not great. Even if the sound of fighting can attract other members to help, it will not help much.

Zhan Liqun smiled bitterly, "Brother Xufeng, I know you have resentment towards me. If you kill me to vent your anger, then come."

As he said, Zhan Liqun put down the mace in his hand, looking like he was going to kill him.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Do you have any tea? Please buy me a cup of tea."

Zhan Liqun was startled, just about to reach out and call someone to come in, but Xu Feng pressed his palm, "Only you know and I know about what I'm here, not a third person."

Zhan Liqun said immediately: "Yes, Brother Xufeng, I will make tea for you myself."

With that said, Zhan Liqun found a pot of boiling water, rinsed the cup briefly, and made a cup of strong tea for Xufeng.

His tea-making technique is very ordinary, after all, as the chairman, he usually doesn't need to do this kind of thing himself.

Chapter 592 Zhan Liqun's Selfishness

"Thank you." Xu Feng smiled and took the tea cup that Zhan Liqun handed over, blew the foam on it, and took a big sip.

Zhan Liqun looked at Xu Feng with a rather strange expression, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Brother Zhan, what's the problem?"

Zhan Liqun smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Xufeng, are you not afraid of me being poisoned?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Oh? Brother Zhan is going to poison me?"

Zhan Liqun hurriedly said: "How come! I be brothers Xufeng as brothers, how can I poison my opponent!"

Xufeng laughed and put down the tea cup, "That's all right, I trust Brother Zhan, so I never thought about whether Brother Zhan would poison me."

Zhan Liqun said gratefully: "Brother Xufeng, what you said really made me feel warm. It was true that my brother did not do the right thing to seize the shop, but at that time, I really thought you I have already died in the fifth stage, otherwise I would never do something like that! I really regret my death now!"

Xufeng smiled faintly: "Brother Zhan, you don't have to blame yourself. In fact, if I were you, I might make the same decision with you."

Zhan Liqun said gratefully: "Brother Xufeng, if you understand me, it is the greatest comfort for me. Thank you! Thank you!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Understanding is due to understanding. Punishment is still indispensable. Otherwise, the woman would suspect that I deliberately favored you and would not weaken your strength."

Zhan Liqun's eyes lit up, "So, Brother Xufeng, you also realize that that woman is deliberately weakening our strength and making us turn our heads into enemies?"

Xufeng smiled and nodded, "If I can't even see this thing, then how can I be brother Zhan you."

Zhan Liqun let out a long sigh of relief, "I was relieved when I heard what Brother Xufeng said. In the final analysis, it was the woman who was doing the trick! I really want to bring the Oasis Guild into it. Go to the castle! It's a pity... The Oasis Guild is too weak to fight the guards and guards at all."

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