Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 876

Zhan Liqun said in surprise: "This... not so good? Many people in the Oasis Guild admire you. If I clashed with you in front of them, I am afraid they will be sad."

Xufeng smiled and said: "You have to endure the sadness. After all, none of us knows how many eyeliners the envoy has placed in the guild."

Zhan Liqun nodded heavily, "I understand, everything is for the special envoy to watch. We are in conflict on the surface, but there is no substantial loss. In this way, after a few waves of development, we can talk to the envoy's army. Confrontation!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, you remember, if next time the envoy borrows my knife to weaken you, you can give as much as I want, and I will return it to you in full afterwards."

Zhan Liqun laughed and said: "This is great! Haha, just at this point, Brother Xufeng, you should have established a dark alliance long ago. In that case, my previous 18,000 shadow power points would be saved. "

Xufeng smiled and said: "To be honest, I did have this idea a long time ago, but I wanted to wait for my own strength to be stronger. I didn't expect the special envoy to act so fast. The bloody storm in this trading city, I am afraid it will soon It's coming soon."

Zhan Liqun said in a deep voice, "Brother Xufeng, you see the problem thoroughly, I take it."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It's late, Brother Zhan, rest early. I'm going to meet another friend."

Zhan Liqun said immediately: "I will give it to you."

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, I cannot let anyone know about what I came here tonight, let alone let anyone know about the existence of the Dark Alliance."

Zhan Liqun said: "I understand! But, how do I contact you in the future?"

"I will figure out a solution for this," Xu Feng said.

"Yes!" Zhan Liqun bowed his head and said.

When he raised his head again, Xufeng had already turned into an afterimage and flashed out of his room.

Zhan Liqun sighed faintly: "The bloody storm..."

After Xufeng left the Oasis Guild, he stayed on the dark street for a while, then turned around and turned to Zuixianju.

The allies that the dark alliance needs to form are naturally the four major guilds. As for the other small guilds, it is not that Xufeng looks down on them, but is afraid of people talking. If the presidents of these small guilds are the special envoys, they will Expose the existence of the dark alliance.

Therefore, this kind of thing is not expensive.

The remaining two guilds, one is the abyss guild, the other is the dawn guild.

The Abyss Guild has been weakened very much, but fortunately, it hasn't hurt the bones. As long as you relax for a period of time, the Abyss Guild will be able to stand firm.

And now is not a good time to talk to Ax, the leader of the Abyss, after all, the guards of the castle supervise the Abyss Guild, and Ax dare not act on the cusp of this storm.

Therefore, Xu Feng planned to wait a few more days, after he finds a chance to withdraw the castle guards, then go to Aix to have a good talk.

As for the last Dawn Guild, Xu Feng is not in a hurry. After all, he still doesn’t understand the Dawn Guild, and the Dawn Guild has always been low-key, and the evaluation in the trading city is relatively good. Xu Feng wants to find a chance, see See the president of the Dawn Guild, and understand the situation.

Chapter 594

Now that the dark alliance has temporarily come to an end, Xu Feng took advantage of this time to meet with Cheng Fang, the owner of Drunken Xianju.

Cheng Fang is an exquisite person, and he should not have been with the envoy.

Today, Xu Feng was drinking with Ji Ming and Sui Long, thanks to Cheng Fang's early hiding of the hangover soup in the honey roast goose.

Otherwise, even if Xu Feng was not drunk in front of Ji Ming and Sui Long, he would be completely bewildered by Peris's soul-removing kiss when he arrived in front of the special envoy Peris.

Therefore, Xu Feng should thank Cheng Fang for the sake of emotion and reason.

By the time Xufeng came to Zuixianju Restaurant, it was already late at night, and the usually bustling restaurant was now closed.

Only in a room on the southeast corner of the third floor of the restaurant was a dim light.

With a movement in Xu Feng's heart, he immediately displayed his crane-shaped body technique, easily climbed up the wall, stood by the window, and then gently pushed open the gap in the window.

This is a VIP room with a big name. The table is full of exquisite dishes and two sets of tableware.

A woman with an enchanting figure was sitting with her back to the window, holding a feather fan in her hand and flapping it gently.

The fragrant breeze of the dishes wafted out with the opening of the window, and Xu Feng's stomach suddenly gurgled.

When fighting with Ji Ming and Sui Long, Xu Feng didn't eat much at all. Now that most of the things have been done, the spirit has relaxed, and he naturally feels hungry.

The woman smiled and said, "Master Xufeng, I have been waiting here for a long time."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, then jumped in from the window and closed the window with his hand.

"Boss Cheng, how did you know it was me? What if it was a criminal who robbed the house?" Xufeng said and laughed while sitting opposite Cheng Fang.

Cheng Fang is obviously a woman in her forties, but she maintains the same tenderness as a seventeen or eighteen year old girl.

It's just that the eyes are quite old-fashioned, not as clear as a girl, and people dare not take it lightly.

Cheng Fang shook the fan gracefully, "If it is a robbery, then I will also appoint him. I am waiting for Master Xufeng. If he is killed by criminals because of waiting for Master Xufeng, then Master Xufeng must Will you feel guilty for this?"

Xufeng picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of the dish, and said as he ate, "No, I'm the kind of wolf-hearted person."

Cheng Fang chuckled, "It's the first time I heard someone comment on me like this, Master Xufeng, you are too modest."

Xufeng shook his head, "It's not Guoqian. On this plane, there are only a few people who can really give me my whole heart. Although Boss Cheng has helped me, it won't arouse my guilt. of."

Cheng Fang said with a smile, "Master Xufeng, you are very straightforward."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Boss Cheng is waiting for me here late at night, and he has prepared such a table of good wine and good food. Naturally, he wants to hear straightforward words."

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "That's true! But, Master Xufeng, you are a bit wrong."

Xufeng asked while eating, "Oh? Which one is wrong?"

Cheng Fang smiled, "This is not a table of dishes, but a table of nine dishes."

Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment.

Cheng Fang explained with a smile: "Dare to ask Master Xufeng, how do these dishes taste?"

Xu Feng nodded and said, "It is produced by Zui Xianju, so naturally there is nothing to say!"

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "Is the temperature of these dishes still suitable?"

Xu Feng immediately understood, "You actually fry nine tables of dishes just to wait for me? Just to let me eat the hot dishes just out of the pot?"

Cheng Fang smiled and said: “Most of the fine dishes are not only to consider hard factors such as color, fragrance, etc., but the most important point is not to cool. At normal room temperature, the taste of the fried dishes will be better after 15 minutes after being out of the pot at normal room temperature. It will be very attenuated. If there is no one to eat for half an hour, then no matter how good the dish is, it will be cool, and the cool dish, even if the color and aroma are full marks, can not be regarded as a fine dish."

Xufeng said: "You can return to the pot!"

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "The main reason why Zuixianju stands out from the crowd is attentiveness and refinement. We will never reheat cold dishes and serve them."

Xu Feng asked in surprise: "So, these dishes are cooked right at the table?"

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Yes, what you have eaten is already the ninth table. The eight dishes in the first table are all removed after half an hour."

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