Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 882

Emperor Xue said angrily: "Xu Feng, you must return the mask to me, or I will kill you!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, if you are willing, then kill it. Anyway, I am going to sleep."

"You..." Xuedi struggled hard for a few times, her heart was already messed up and she didn't need any effort at all.

Moreover, what's more terrible is that the more she struggled, the tighter Xu Feng's hug was. In the end, she almost was strangled.

In the end, she finally gave up the struggle.

Chapter 600 How Do You Want To Die?

Xu Feng hugged Xuedi and fell asleep contentedly.

As he promised to Xuedi, he really didn't do anything, just hugged Xuedi to sleep.

Of course, this is not to say how pure and noble Xufeng's thought is, but because...

The bloodletting therapy was really exhausting. His physical stamina and consciousness were exhausted to the extreme, and he had no other thoughts at all.

What's more, although Xufeng is not a gentleman, he at least respects Emperor Xue. He will not take advantage of the situation when two people are still unclear.

This night, Xu Feng slept soundly, but Xuedi was panicked all night.

Her heart is in confusion.

She has never been so close to a man of the opposite sex, let alone sleeping in a hug.

She secretly vowed in her heart that as long as she took the mask back, she would kill Xufeng, no matter how Xufeng apologized and begged for mercy.

However, she felt that killing Xufeng while he was asleep didn't seem very good, so wait until after getting up in the morning.

However, if you wait to get up in the morning and then kill, wouldn't you stay with me all night?

Just so confused and unclear accompany sleeping all night?

No way!He must be killed!

Forget it, it's already like this tonight, let's wait until tomorrow morning to kill him.

...In short, Xuedi was constantly swaying between these two thoughts, which caused her nervousness to stay up all night.

In this way, Xuedi lasted until the next morning.

Xufeng stretched his waist, slowly opened his eyes from his sleep, then grinned and said: "I dreamt of a big beautiful woman sleeping next to me. It turns out that this is not a dream."

Xuedi's face was red with red ears, and he couldn't swear when he reached his lips.

She wanted to scold a few words, then took the Thunder Sword and slashed Xu Feng's head with a sword, but when she saw Xu Feng's smile, she was at a loss, her eyes dodged and her brain went down.

Xu Feng embraced Xuedi's waist and said apologetically: "Xue Ji, I'm sorry, yesterday, I was really a beast."

Emperor Xue said with a trembling, "Hmph, you don't have to say that, we didn't do anything last night."

Xu Feng said with a serious face: "So my beasts are not as good as I am. I made you wait for a whole night for nothing. Otherwise, we can make up now, OK?"

Xuedi cried and yelled angrily: "Xufeng, you are too much! You bullied me! Oh, you give me back the mask, give me back!"

Xu Feng was startled, and suddenly panicked.

He just wanted to make a joke with Xuedi, but he didn't expect Xuedi's reaction to be so big.

He quickly took out the silver Medusa mask from under him and handed it to Xuedi, "Don't cry, don't cry, your mask."

Xuedi snatched the mask and put it on his face.

Her shoulders were still moving slightly, and her emotions had not been transformed for a long time.

Xu Feng stayed a few meters away from the Snow Emperor as much as possible. He was afraid that the Snow Emperor would not agree with him, so he drew his sword and attacked people.

Xuedi just sat there without saying a word.

Xufeng tentatively said: "Xue Di, are you okay? Cough cough, don't mind what happened last night, don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely be tight-lipped about what happened last night, just as if nothing happened. "

Xuedi said coldly, "Nothing happened before!"

"Yes, yes!" Xu Feng nodded like garlic.

Xuedi took a deep breath and coldly drew out the Thunder Sword, "Speak, how do you want to die?"

"I think... cool death." Xu Feng said seriously.

Xuedi roared, and raised the Thunder Sword high, and his power gathered on the Thunder Sword.

Damn it!This is for real!

Didn’t I just sleep with you all night?

As for this?

Xu Feng said quickly: "Wait! Snow Emperor! I have something to say!"

Emperor Xue said in a cold voice: "Cao Jifu, Xiayin, let's go!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "It's about your brother!"

Snow Emperor was startled, and then said coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Xu Feng wiped his sweat, "You put the sword down first, we are all people who have slept for one night, and we need to discuss something."

Xuedi roared angrily: "You dare to mention it!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't mention it, don't mention it! You calm down first."

To be honest, Emperor Xue didn't intend to kill Xufeng at first, but when things got to this point, she had to do something, otherwise, wouldn't it be the acquiescence of Xufeng?

What if you let Xufeng taste this sweetness and have to sleep with her every day from now on?

Therefore, Xuedi just made a gesture and vented the shame in his heart by the way.

She knew that even if she tried her best, it would be impossible to kill Xufeng, she couldn't even kill a piece of Xufeng's clothes.

Now, since Xufeng wanted to talk to her about Xueying, she naturally went down the steps and put away the sword of thunder.

"You speak." Xuedi said coldly.

Xufeng cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Actually, I wanted to tell you about this matter last night, but when I hugged you, it was so comfortable and satisfying, so I took this I forgot about it."

Emperor Xue said angrily: "Do you still mention it?"

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