Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 884

"Well, don't be too tired, Uncle Mi Xiu, don't forget, your body belongs to my sister Qi Luo."

Mi Xiu smiled, "I know, I know, I will pay attention to rest, Xu Feng, during this time, you must also pay attention to your safety. After all, the various forces in the trading city are very complicated now, and you are the same. The target that the forces are all staring at."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I understand, I will be careful."

After leaving a few cups of Xingyue Tea, he quietly left the alchemy laboratory.

Chapter 602-Crystal Beacon

After leaving the alchemy laboratory, Xufeng got up and went to the Arcane Manor.

He is coming to practice real enchanting today. Of course, before practicing enchanting, he has to have breakfast with sister Qi Luo, and by the way, briefly talk to sister Qi Luo about what happened last night.

Many people have gathered at the entrance of the Arcane Manor, and these people have all arrived in line early, waiting for the enchantment.

When they saw Xu Feng, they immediately bowed to greet him. Xu Feng also kept this cold and arrogant face, and walked past them and directly entered the Arcane Manor.

"Huh, Xu Feng is so arrogant."

"They are the disciples of Master Qi Luo, of course, they have the capital of arrogance. Besides, they have also got through the plot of the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean". The future is limitless! People are not arrogant, who dares to be arrogant?"

"Hey, haven't you heard? Xufeng went to the envoy's room last night, and that happened to the two of them!"

"What kind of thing?"

"That's the kind of thing!"

"Fuck! Really? Doesn't that mean that Xufeng is likely to become a new generation of City Lord?"

"If the envoy supports him, of course he will become a new generation of city lord!"

"Hey, how come all the good things fall on this kid, Xufeng! From this look, Xufeng's family really has arrogant capital!"

"Who said no!"

The people outside started talking in a rush.

When Xufeng entered the Arcane Manor, Qi Luo was already waiting for him in the restaurant.

Xufeng first asked Qi Luo good morning, then sat down with a smile, and ate unceremoniously.

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Look at how you gobbled up, tired yesterday?"

Xu Feng smiled, and then briefly told Qi Luo what happened yesterday.

Let’s start with Ji Ming and Sui Long’s temptation to test him, and talk about Peris’s use of Impervious Kiss on her, then talk about Cheng Fang drinking him Nirvana wine, making him loyal to the two-dimensional lord god, and finally talk about Xue The emperor slashed his shoulder and helped him bleed to eliminate the ambition factor.

Of course, he didn't mention the matter of taking off the Snow Emperor's mask and sleeping with his arms around the Snow Emperor.

Qi Luo was shocked after hearing this, "Last night, so many dangerous things happened! A Feng, why didn't you tell me earlier, if you tell me, at least I can go to the castle to help you!"

Xufeng smiled: "Sister Qiluo, didn't you tell me that we can't confront Peris head-on at this time? If you go, you will only arouse Peris's alertness, but things will not be good. However. Don't worry, Peris now believes that I have no intention of resisting her. In a short period of time, Peris can't do me anything."

Qi Luo nodded slightly, "You did a great job preparing for the formation of the dark alliance, but I didn't expect that Cheng Fang was originally arranged by the two-dimensional Lord God on our plane."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I didn't expect it either. However, this also explains why Cheng Fang went to Uncle Mi Xiu several times during a certain period of time, but Uncle Mi Xiu had no impression of this."

Qi Luo said, "You mean, there is nothing between them, but Cheng Fang wants to help Mi Xiu be a puppet?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, but Uncle Mi Xiu is not interested in this, so Cheng Fang drank the Nirvana Wine for Mi Xiu, which made Mi Xiu forget those memories about her."

"Well, it turned out to be like this." Qi Luo sighed quietly, "I thought...huh, it seems that I blamed the old thing."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, Uncle Mi Xiu belongs to you only. You can rest assured about this."

Qi Luo curled his lips, "I'm not rare. Anyway, Afeng, you really have to be very careful now. The current situation in the trading city is extremely complicated. It will affect your whole body if you take a wrong step. Will fall into an abyss that will never be restored."

Xufeng nodded and said, "I understand, sister Qiluo. However, I feel at ease with you and Uncle Mi Xiu."

Qiluo smiled and said: "Since Xueying became the main god, the God Killing Guild fell apart. I didn't want to get involved in any disputes in the trading city anymore, but now it seems that I must stand up, Afeng, when you go to the plot position During the meeting, I will help you look after your chamber of commerce, lest the old lady Peris will borrow a knife to kill."

Xufeng smiled and said, "If there is Sister Qiluo here, then there is nothing wrong with it. Oh, by the way, Sister Qiluo, I have something to say to you."

"What's the matter?" Qi Luo asked.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Last night, Peris used the Imperishable Kiss to me in order to let me express the thoughts in my subconscious mind. In order to resist the Imperishable Kiss, I fixed my soul to you. On the arcane crystal that was given to me, as a result, I resisted Peris’ Imperious Kiss, but the arcane crystal shattered."

With that, Xu Feng took out the arcane crystal that was already full of spider cracks from his heart.

Qi Luo smiled and said: "This arcane crystal has fulfilled its mission, which is very good. You don't need to care about this kind of thing, arcane crystal, you master, I have it!"

With that, Qi Luo took out another arcane crystal the size of a dove egg, and the brightness of this arcane crystal was obviously brighter than that of Xufeng's previous arcane crystal.

"Continue to put it in your heart. If you encounter an emergency, you can still use it to resist." Qi Luo warned.

Xufeng grinned and said, "Thank you sister Qiluo. By the way, sister Qiluo, you know that I am planning to establish a dark alliance, but because we can’t meet often, communication will be very inconvenient. Is there a crystal that can connect our consciousness? Let us communicate through crystals?"

Qi Luo said with a smile: "This is also simple, give me your Arcane Crystal first."

Xu Feng immediately handed the Arcane Crystal to Qi Luo.

Keira held the arcane crystal and concentrated his thoughts.

In an instant, ten crystal fragments as thin as cicada wings broke away from the arcane crystal.

Qi Luo sighed deeply, and his expression became extremely tired.

"This is?" Xu Feng couldn't help but his eyes widened.

Qi Luo explained: "This is a crystal beacon piece linked to your crystal. As long as you bring the arcane crystal, you can give the crystal beacon to the person you want to keep in touch with. Then, wait until you want to contact him. At that time, you only need to pour attention into the arcane crystal. And if the other party wants to contact you, you only need to pour attention into the crystal beacon. But remember, crystal beacons cannot communicate with each other. Yes, the contact between them must go through you. Also, every time you contact, your mental attributes will be temporarily consumed. The higher your spiritual attributes, the less fatigue you will feel after contact. On the contrary If your mental attributes are very low, you will feel exhausted after each contact, and it will take a long time to rest."

Xu Feng said excitedly: "Great sister Qiluo, with this thing, I can keep in touch with other people anytime, anywhere."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Leave a beacon for me, so that I can keep in touch with you anytime, anywhere."

"Yes!" Xu Feng left a transparent beacon and took away the other nine.

Chapter 603 Hierarchical Decomposition!

After breakfast, Qiluo explained to Xufeng some details that should be paid attention to in the enchanting technique. After Xufeng was completely digested, Qiluo took Xufeng to the door.

As soon as the gate of the Arcane Manor opened, the survivors immediately rushed to the door, shouting loudly for Kiro to enchant it.

Qi Luo glanced arrogantly, then pressed his palm, and said coldly, "You don't have to wait today, I won't enchant any of you."

As soon as this word came out, the survivors below suddenly wailed.

Qi Luo said coldly: "But, my apprentice, your Master Xufeng, after so long of study, has basically mastered the enchanting technique. If you want to enchant, then look for it. Master Xufeng is fine. As for the price, it is still the original price, my arcane enchanter, never discounts, you love it or not."

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