Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 887

Seeing that it was already noon, Xu Feng's energy was also lacking, Qi Luo said in a deep voice, "Well, let's come here today, everyone will come back another day, Afeng, go back to rest."

"Yes, sister Qi Luo."

Xufeng followed Qiluo and returned to the Arcane Manor. Outside the door, there were waves of sighs from the survivors.

Chapter 605

"Hungry, Afeng? Dumb, go get some food!"

Dui immediately walked towards the kitchen, and soon he brought a whole table of steaming lunch.

Xufeng ate it hungrily, decomposing the enchantment is very energy consuming, and the energy consumed also needs to be supplemented by eating.

While Xufeng was eating, Qiluo counted the shadow power points earned this morning.

"Yes, you enchanted 32 people this morning, every time the enchantment was successful, you earned a total of 3,300 shadow power points." Qi Luo said with a smile.

Xu Feng was startled, "I only enchanted 32 people? It seems that my efficiency is really not that great."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "My good apprentice! You only learned how to enchant for a few days! Did you know that every time you disassemble and enchant, it is full of attributes! Even when I was a teacher, I was very young. Hard to do!"

Xufeng smiled, "But, it's still a bit slow, it's too time-consuming, wait for my digestion and digestion, and increase the speed of enchantment as soon as possible."

Qi Luo nodded in satisfaction, "Well, arrogant but not complacent, I really deserve to be my Qi Luo's disciple! Come, eat some meat!"

Qi Luo took the initiative to give Xu Feng a piece of meat.

Xufeng swallowed, chewing happily.

Qiluo said again: "These 3300 shadow power points are all yours. Remember to take them away. In addition, you can leave behind me for the time being for the extra photospheres that you have broken down. After all, you take it with you. These light spheres are inconvenient and not conducive to long-term preservation. If they are placed with me, they can be stored for a long time. When I am free, I can also combine light spheres with the same attributes into one."

Xufeng's eyes widened suddenly, "Is there such an operation?"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Of course, but even a master enchanter like me can't maintain the full attribute state of the fusion ball. For example, I can take a +10 agility ball with another + 15 agility light balls of the same attribute are fused together, but when combined, the light balls will not be higher than 20 agility at most."

Xu Feng said: "That's awesome, sister Qiluo! Can you blend all the same attribute light balls together?"

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Am I a god when you are your master?"

Xu Feng widened his eyes and asked, "Huh? Isn't it the master?"

Qi Luo chuckled, "You, my little mouth is so sweet! Your master, I'm just a master alchemist. I can only fuse a light ball three times at most, and the total attributes of the light ball will not exceed 30 points. After all, if I can exceed 40 points, then I can make plane gems."

Xu Feng grinned, "That's true, but the attribute that can reach 30 points is also very powerful! We can all integrate these attribute light balls that they don't want, and then leave it to our own people."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Yeah, it's time for me to help you out, don't you have a chamber of commerce? You can come to Arcane Manor to enchant 30 attributes as long as you make an appointment with you in the future. As for the price, I will No, after all, those who can enchant 30 attributes must be your own people."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you sister Qiluo! Hey, let's not care about others, first save a set of 30 power attribute light balls to enchant me!"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Okay, after you have confirmed your new plane journey this time, come to me again before you leave. I will help you get a whole body power enchantment!"

"Haha! Great sister Qiluo!" Xufeng said happily: "In addition, I said that I can't ask for the shadow power points obtained from the enchantment today. After all, I am practicing under the teacher, so these shadow power points All should belong to Master."

Qiluo smiled and said, "You, what are you doing so clearly? Everything you teach me will be yours sooner or later!"

Xufeng insisted: "Sister Qiluo, this is the first time I have earned shadow energy points with the skill of enchanting. This is quite meaningful. I will honor you with me. This is my heart."

Qiluo smiled and said, "Okay, I'm just a man."

Qi Luo collected all 3300 shadow power points, and then said to Xufeng: "Give me your identity token."

Xufeng asked, "What are you doing?"

"If you ask you to give it to me, give it to me, why, the master's words don't work?" Qi Luo raised a crescent.

"It works, it works." Xufeng reluctantly handed his identity token to Qi Luo.

Qi Luo held Xufeng's token and concentrated on it for a while, and then returned the token to Xufeng.

Xu Feng swept away with his spiritual vision-received 4000 shadow energy points transferred by Qi Luo, total shadow energy points 9255 points.

"This!" Xu Feng opened his mouth in astonishment.

Qi Luo not only returned all the 3,300 points that Xufeng had earned, but also added 700 extra points to round up Xufeng.

Qi Luo said with a smile: "This is also a little from my master. You are now in need of shadow energy points to improve yourself, so take it first."

Xufeng said embarrassedly: "Sister Qiluo, I am studying here. I eat your food and drink yours every day. I don’t want to talk about it. I also let you make free materials to enchant me, and let you make free crystals to make arcane iron for me. Ingots and arcane gold ingots, now taking your money for nothing, I really..."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Why do I give it to you and not to others? Isn't it because you are my Qi Luo's apprentice? Since you are my Qi Luo's apprentice, then don't say anything outside. Go to the study to read, and show me all the intermediate enchantment theory books!"

"Yes!" Xu Feng immediately stood up, bowed to Qiluo, and then ran towards the study.

Qi Luo looked at Xu Feng's back, her eyes filled with kindness.

"Xufeng is such a good apprentice, that old thing is really willing to give it to me, huh, in order to beg me for forgiveness, he really has his blood."

Qi Luo concealed a smile, "Well, just at this good apprentice Xufeng, I don't care about the stupid things that old thing did before."

After Xufeng came to the study, he plunged into the pile of books.

Reading is a very exhausting thing. Fortunately, Xufeng has Xingyue tea. When he is sleepy, he takes out a cup of Xingyue tea to drink.

The theory books of intermediate enchantment are far more difficult to understand than the theory books of elementary enchantment, but for a genius like Xufeng, it is nothing.

After reading it for two hours, he integrated an intermediate theoretical book that had to be studied for a whole year.

After checking the time, it was almost time to go to the bar room to meet, Xu Feng put the book back on the shelf, then greeted Qi Luo who was busy fusing the light ball, and left Arcane. manor.

Chapter 606 Give Out Rewards!

When Xufeng came to the bar private room, Xuedi and others were already there.

"Xufeng is here!"

Lin Hai stood up happily and gave way to Xufeng.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Xufeng was also very happy to see his teammates, and quickly pressed Lin Hai's shoulders, and sat down in a casual position.

Xuedi glared at Xufeng, and then said in a deep voice: "Well, since everyone is here, then I won't talk nonsense. We have three questions to be determined today. First, assign the last time to get through Pirates of the Caribbean. "Five-stage rewards. Second, determine whether you will follow my Xuedi team on the journey of the new series of reward planes. Third, if everyone wants to continue, what is our next series of reward goals. "

"That's enough!" The Hammer said impatiently: "The next reward task is naturally the Lord of the Rings! I want the Hellfire Warhammer. With the Hellfire Warhammer, I can build—"

Xuedi said coldly: "Idiot, shut up first! These things have to come one by one! Let's come to the first item first and distribute the rewards! Because we got through all the plots of the five stages of "Pirates of the Caribbean", so The reward for the last time was extremely generous."

"Each of us can get the reward of 2000 shadow power points, and at the same time, each of us has also received two plane gems. The rough stones of the plane gems are in my hands. When they are in your hands, you want What attributes can be poured on the plane gems with your mind."

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