Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 913

"Damn! You are so heavy!" Xufeng almost fell on the bed.

People who are drunk and asleep, the power of the whole body falls unconsciously, and Xu Feng can only hold the hammer tightly.

Sister Iron Hammer's clothes were suddenly messed up by Xufeng, and her hair was messed up by Xufeng.

Not to mention, the sleeping sister of Iron Hammer is really charming and feminine.

Xu Feng smiled, "Fortunately, I am a gentleman, otherwise, your loss will be great."

As soon as the hammer was dragged off the bed, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

"Xu Feng, I see that the light is still on in your room, and I happen to be looking for you to discuss something--" Xuedi walked in.

Xufeng was petrified in place immediately.

Xuedi also stayed in place.

Although she had a mask on her face, she couldn't tell whether she was angry or shocked, but Xu Feng could actually imagine it.

"You are here! What are you doing!" Xuedi's voice was trembling.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Xue Di, don't worry, you first listen to my explanation."

Tie Hammer's body collapsed little by little in Xu Feng's arms, half of his body was exposed, and Tie Hammer was still asleep, not caring at all.

Xuedi roared angrily: "Xu Feng! I didn't expect that you are such a despicable and shameless villain! You still don't let go of the hammer!"

Xufeng quickly let go, and the hammer banged and fell to the floor.

It was not easy to fall, but the hammer did not wake up at all.

Xuedi roared angrily: "What have you done to her!"

"Heaven and earth conscience! I didn't do anything!" Xufeng raised her hand and swears: "I just took her off the bed, oh-I know why you are so angry, do you think I am holding She walked onto the bed? No, no, I took her off the bed. Although it looks like I took her to the bed, in fact, I really took her off the bed. "

Xuedi roared angrily: "Why? You have done the animal thing to her on the bed, and now you want to hug her under the bed to play new tricks?! Xufeng! I'm so disappointed in you!"

As he said, Xuedi drew out the Thunder Sword and said fiercely: "Come on, pull out your weapon, let's fight to the death! Although I usually call the hammer an idiot, but her innocence must not be Let shameless people like you take it away with this kind of indiscriminate means!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Xue Di, you really misunderstood! Ouch, let me go, how can I tell you-did you see the tea cup on the table?"

Xuedi said, "You just put Ecstasy in a teacup, right? Very good, this is evidence. With such evidence, I killed you, and you can be reasonable in front of the envoy!"

Xu Feng hurriedly said: "Xue Di, don't worry, I really didn't do the kind of thing you imagined! The tea in this cup is Yuemian tea, a new tea developed by You Xiaoxi——"

"What? You actually let You Xiaoxi specialize in Ecstasy Soup?" The Emperor Xue was going crazy, the hilt of the Thunder Sword rattled.

Xu Feng said quickly: "No! You really misunderstood me! I'm a gentleman, OK!"

Emperor Xue said bitterly: "In the scene just now, are you ashamed to say that you are a gentleman?"

"I'm so..." Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "I can't explain it."

"Hmph, it's clearly speechless and can't quibble!" Xuedi raised the sword of thunder and poured all his power into the sword of thunder, "Xu Feng, since you have confessed the crime, then accept it. Die!"

With that said, Xuedi made a heavy blow and slashed towards Xufeng fiercely.

Xufeng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly dodges-but a second before dodge, he suddenly thought that the hammer was still asleep at his feet!

If you dodge like this, the hammer will be in trouble!

Naturally, Xuedi didn't want to hurt the hammer, but Xuedi was getting angry. A woman who had lost her mind was quite terrifying!

In desperation, Xu Feng could only give up dodge, show his sword of Triton, see where the sword of thunder will fall, and block it!


The huge shock wave spread, and the whole room was crumbling!

The surrounding area felt like a magnitude six earthquake, and the tremor was quite obvious!

The guards patrolling the road heard the vibration and rushed over here quickly...

"Xuedi! Listen to me!" Xufeng said while pulling the disheveled hammer back.

"I don't listen! Let go of the hammer!" Xuedi raised the Thunder Sword again, and slashed it down fiercely.

Chapter 20 High-end Thoughts

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 20 High-end Thoughts

Chapter 21: Three People Are Good

So the three of them, a jar of wine, and no food, they drank until dawn.

Xufeng and Iron Hammer drank very casually, but Xuedi drank very twistedly.

First of all, she doesn't drink often. Although her defense value is very high, but the defense value cannot prevent alcohol.

Secondly, every time she drinks, she has to remove the mask and put it on again after drinking. The procedure is more complicated.

By the time she finished drinking, Xufeng and Iron Hammer had finished seven or eight cups.

The hammer sneered and said: "Hahaha Xuedi, you can't drink alcohol! I finally found a way to crush you!"

Emperor Xue said coldly: "Idiot."

Hammer smiled and said: "Let's have a drink, I drink ten, let's see who wants to lie down, OK?"

Emperor Xue said angrily: "10:1? Hammer, are you too big?"

The Hammer sneered and said, "It's not that I entrusted the big, but you really can't!"

Xuedi said: "Okay, just say this to you, today I have to let you lie on the ground and admit defeat!"

The hammer smiled and said: "10:1, if I get drunk first, I will call you Sister Xuedi when I meet!"

Xuedi said coldly: "You said this!"

The hammer said: "I said! Xufeng, you help us be a witness!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Drink, just be happy, why do you have to fight for alcohol? Besides, if you two get drunk, you say that I am against you animals, but am I not wrong with you animals? You will think that I am a scumbag, but if I am wrong with you beasts, you will think that I despise you again, alas, it is better for me to get drunk first."

With that, Xu Feng poured himself a large glass and drank it all in one go.

It's a pity... After drinking the 96-degree drunk fairy wine, Xufeng drinks other wines, like drinking white water, it is difficult to get drunk.

"Huh, it doesn't matter if you don't have a testimony, I drank it first!" The hammer rolled up his sleeves, unbuttoned the first button on his clothes, and started drinking.

She has one drink after another without stopping at all.

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