Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 931

What he has to do this time is to abandon the family, and it is difficult for a hobbit who marries and have children to abandon this kind of affection.

"Oh," the enthusiastic hobbit laughed: "The married brother, Lord Bilbo Baggins, is now 50 years old, although the hobbit's overall life span can live to 100 years, 50 years old. It’s only young people, but few Hobbits are not married until they are 40."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Yes, what I'm looking for is Bilbo Baggins, please tell me where he lives."

"Master Bilbo Baggins lives in the very center of Emin Berrell. You see a lonely mansion with a big bag bottom hole, and that is his home. But, Gandalf, I want to remind you, though You are good friends with her mother, Mrs. Bella Donna Tucker, but Bilbo has not inherited his mother’s enthusiasm at all. How can I say, Bilbo is an outlier among us hobbits, he rarely goes out, and We are not welcome to visit him. We hobbits are not like this."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Thank you for the reminder, but I still have to look for him."

"Then please do it, if he refuses you, please come back to my house, and we will treat you and your friends well." The hobbit said politely, his eyes really making him unbearable to refuse him.

Gandalf said to his heart: "I will, my old friend."

After speaking, Gandalf flicked the rein and urged the stallion to slowly cross the street.

"Bilbo, this kid is so uncomfortable." Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco and said with a smile: "I remember that he was not like this when he was a child, but it doesn't matter, he has the blood of the Tucker family, he will like this. This journey."

The carriage moved slowly, and it didn't take long for them to reach the city center of Emin Beriel.

Within one kilometer, there is only one bag-bottom hole built on the hillside.

There was nothing around the bottom of the bag, the land was level, not to mention weeds, not even turf.

Hammer smiled and said: "This Bilbo is really a rich young man. He actually bought such a large piece of land in such a prime location, and then built a house. If he really wants to isolate all the hobbits, Then you should move into the deep mountains and old forests."

Xufeng corrected: "First of all, Bilbo is not a young master. Both his parents are dead. He inherited a huge amount of property from his parents. There are also tobacco farms in almost half of the southern district, and he is 50 years old. It can be called a master."

"Okay." The hammer shrugged.

At this time, the wooden door at the bottom of the bag opened, and a well-dressed short man walked out gracefully. He was holding a long slender pipe with a local newspaper under his arm. He was naked. Mao Feet walked on the exquisite porch planks and reached the round table on the porch, ready to read.

Hobbits look very similar to humans and can be understood as pocket-sized humans. However, the only big feet are different from humans.

The length of a normal human foot is 20-30 cm, while the length of a hobbit's foot can reach 30-40 cm.

They are not tall, but their feet are bigger than humans.

Such big feet naturally look ugly in appearance, but they walk silently and are extremely comfortable.

Ordinary people will feel uncomfortable walking for two or three kilometers, but even if the hobbit walks thirty kilometers, it is as brisk as if they have only walked thirty meters.

They are small and have little physical burden. They can walk fast, even faster than horses, and have patience.

This is probably one of the few racial talents of the Hobbit.

"This is Bilbo?" The Hammer asked quietly.

"It should be." Xu Feng said lightly.

Bilbo’s actual age is 48, but for Hobbits, 50 is equivalent to 25 years old.

Because hobbits are small in size, they consume less energy and have a small burden on the heart and kidneys, so their life span is relatively longer than that of humans.

However, they are inferior to the elves after all. The elves are only like a year after a thousand years, and the hobbits can only live up to 120 or 130 years old.

Bilbo put down the newspaper in his hand and frowned at the uninvited guests standing on his territory.

"Good morning."

He is a hobbit after all, and hobbits are very polite at all times, even if Bilbo doesn't want to see these weird people in front of him.

And carriage.

Gandalf smiled and said: "Bilbo Baggins, it's been a long time, maybe, I think about it, 40 years, right? At that time, you were still a young man!"

Bilbo's expression became more impatient, "We know?"

Gandalf said: "I am good friends with your mother, Bella Donna Tucker, and I and your grandfather Tucker, the long-lived man, are also good friends. Speaking of your grandfather, he is really amazing. I saw him when he was a kid."

Chapter 41 Now you remember that I am your brother?

Bilbo was so angry that he wanted to throw the newspaper.

What makes me have a good relationship with your mother?

What does it mean that I saw it when your grandpa was very young?

who do you think You Are?


If you are an elf, you seem to have some credibility in saying this.

But you obviously have a human body and your beard is spent!

I think you are dementia, right?

Bilbo scolded Gandalf in his heart, but he still said with great restraint: "This old gentleman, if you want to come to the Hobbit for dinner, I suggest you go out and turn left."

This is already a very polite chasing order, okay!

Gandalf laughed, "It seems that you really don't remember me. Okay, let me give you a hint."

As he said, Gandalf raised his hand, and the tent on the carriage behind him opened immediately, revealing a whole carriage of fireworks.

Bilbo suddenly took a breath of air, and his eyes were firmly attracted by the colorful fireworks sticks.

Xu Feng also frowned.

One of the alchemy tasks given to him by Uncle Mi Xiu was to obtain Gandalf's magical fireworks.

The fireworks on the car seemed very ordinary and rough, without any magical effect.

Bilbo seemed to think of something, and said loudly, "Um! You are that so and so! Yes! You are that and that... that firework seller! I did meet you when I was a kid!"

Gandalf smiled bitterly: "I...oh, well, I'm such a magnificent archmage, you are actually regarded as selling fireworks, but it doesn't matter, you will know who I am sooner or later. Oh, yes, forget. I have introduced you to them. These two are my friends, one is Didi and the other is Hammer."

Bilbo frowned and said, "Are all the fireworks sellers with assistants now? It seems that the business is good. But I'm sorry, I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to go back to sleep, if you want to eat, then go to another home Right."

With that, Bilbo walked to the house.

Gandalf smiled and said: "It just so happens that I want to buy some necessities for us to use on the road, Diedi, Hammer, you two will stay here for now, I will come back when I go shopping."

"Okay, go ahead." Xu Feng grinned.

Gandalf left the carriage in the empty courtyard, took out his crooked walking stick, and drew two strokes on Bilbo's wooden door.

Two blue lights immediately attached to the wooden door, but they disappeared quickly.

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