Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 936

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's already ten meals."

The hammer smiled and said, "Bilbo, do you have the urge to smash the board? Do you want to lend you the hammer?"

Bilbo smiled bitterly, "...Forget it, this is the floor tile of my grandfather's mother's uncle, come, come again! This time, I will use the white chess piece, you use the black chess piece, you play first!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It has nothing to do with who comes first, and the key lies in IQ."

Bilbo shook his head and said, "My IQ has always been high! I want to win back all the food I owe."

Xufeng shrugged, "Well, as you wish."

So they played another ten rounds.

After ten rounds, another ten rounds.

Bilbo has never won a game.

"This game! It's too difficult!" Bilbo shouted in pain, clutching his head.

He has lost forty games in a row, which means that he has to cook forty meals for Xufeng and Iron Hammer!

Bilbo wanted to die.

He originally wanted to expel these two human beings who were eating and drinking from the house, but instead of expelling them now, he has to invite people to eat forty meals!

Bilbo said angrily: "Go on! I must win!"

Xufeng yawned, "It's so boring, I'm a little tired and don't want to play anymore."

Bilbo hurriedly said: "Don't die! Let's play another game!"

Xu Feng said helplessly, "Then play one game last."

Bilbo said happily: "Good, good!"

So Bilbo lost another game.

He now owes Xufeng and Iron Hammer 41 meals.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, no more fun, you go to prepare this evening meal, remember, you need to prepare more, about 15 or 6 people."

Bilbo said in surprise: "So much preparation?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't forget, you lost to me. You have to prepare as much as I ask you to prepare."

Bilbo said helplessly: "Yes, I am willing to bet and lose, but... Diego, can you tell me the secret of your victory?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You cook well, I will tell you when I am satisfied with the food."

Bilbo said immediately: "Yes, I will prepare now, and you will be fine."

With that, Bilbo put on his jacket and ran out in a hurry.

"It's really a hospitable hobbit." Xu Feng commented.

Hammer smiled and said, "Aren't you a little bit too bad like this? One gomoku pits forty-one meals."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's okay, if you feel uncomfortable, you can also cook with him.".

The hammer said quickly: "No, I am sorry to go, I'm just afraid that you will not be sorry."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is nothing I can't take care of."

Chapter 45 The Hobbit is exquisite!

Bilbo headed to the noisy Hobbit market while thinking about the gobang.

He usually makes a big purchase once a month, and the shortest interval is about two weeks.

But this time, he went out to purchase twice in the same day.

"Good afternoon Master Baggins!"

"Yeah, good afternoon." Bilbo nodded perfunctorily.

He doesn't like his compatriots because he always feels that his compatriots are always so enthusiastic and full of enthusiasm, always so polite-of course there is nothing wrong with this, but he just doesn't like it.

"It's really strange today. Master Baggins, you have visited the vegetable market twice. What do you need to order?" The vegetable vendor grinned.

"This, this, this, um, and this, I want the freshest." Bilbo pointed to several dishes.

"Yes, it's fresh, it's all fed from our own manure." The hawker said with enthusiasm.

Bilbo sighed, "You don't need to describe the process, I just want fresh ones, and...clean."

"Yes, Lord Baggins, how many do you want?"

"I never buy groceries, you just have to pack all the fresh vegetables."

"Good, Lord Baggins."

"Also, hire a coachman for me, no, two."

"Yes, Master Baggins."

Bilbo nodded slightly, and then walked to the second booth.

Although he doesn't like dealing with fellow Hobbits, he does not reject spending money on shopping at all.

He strolled around the vegetable market and bought all the fresh meat and vegetables in the whole vegetable market. In the end, he brought the mighty team of coachmen back to his bottom hole.

Outside his bag bottom hole, there is an underground storage warehouse. The temperature in the warehouse is relatively low, which is very suitable for storing all kinds of food.

After the coachmen carried all the ingredients to the storage room, Baggins gave each of them a bag of coins and sent them away.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the kitchen and got busy. He was busy until the sky turned dark, and his sixteen dishes were finally prepared.

"Diedi, Hammer, we can have dinner."

"Well, wait." Xu Feng said lightly.

I had a big meal in the morning and another big meal at noon. Now neither he nor Hammer are very hungry.

What's more, according to the plot, the thirteen dwarves summoned by Gandalf should also appear.

Sure enough, as soon as Xufeng's voice fell, he heard someone knocking on the door outside.

Bilbo frowned and said, "It's so late, who's here?"

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