Unlimited Play: Ten Times The Reward

Chapter 530 The Request To Join The Special Forces, Mako Mori's Wish

"Training new special forces?"

Li Mu dared to say these words, and there was an exclamation in the conference hall. Obviously, Li Mu's words caught all the generals by surprise.

"Yes, set up a special department and train new special forces."

Li Mu didn't deny it, nodded and confirmed the news again.

At this moment, the generals in the conference hall reacted, looked at Li Mu with excited faces, and said:

"I don't know, does Young Master Ji have any requirements?"

Many generals today have seen the performance of the alien girls. It is not an exaggeration to call it a myth. Controlling thunder, lightning and sky fire, easily killing monsters that need nuclear bombs to destroy, this kind of power...

Even if you can't grasp it - in your hands, but if you can let their heirs join this department...

The performance of the alien girls has reassured these generals, and China is stable. After that, they will naturally have their own careful thoughts. This is the most reasonable saying, and for the sake of their own children, even if this kind of thing is Saints are not exempt from vulgarity.

Behind Penticos, Mori Mako stared at Li Mu's face in a daze, her hand-movements had already stopped. At this time, she was no longer in the mood to take notes. Don't even think about killing monsters.

She has also seen the performance of the alien girls. She knows that it is a height that she will never reach in her life. As a major general, Li Mu is also a special department.

Li Mu, who had long been passively deified by alien girls, did not dare to step forward, even those alien girls, she did not dare to approach them to ask something, sometimes, the huge-big difference in status is enough to make People stay away.

Just like man and God, when facing God, man is always in awe, so how dare he talk to God?

But now, Li Mu suddenly proposed to train a new special force, which undoubtedly gave her a great hope and opportunity, she really wanted to have a try, and she also wanted to kill monsters!

Thinking of this, Mori Mako subconsciously looked at the back of General Penticos.

General Penticos treats her like a father. Mori Mako, who lost her parents in childhood, respects him very much. When she was a child, if General Penticos hadn’t descended from heaven, she might have died.

She knows that General Penticos loves her and doesn't want her to be involved in danger, but!

She really wants to kill monsters, otherwise, how can she avenge her parents? What is she studying hard for?

The meeting hall was very quiet, Li Mu didn't speak, and the many generals didn't dare to urge them, each of them held a heavy hand and stomped their feet, the big bosses who would shake the entire Huaxia region didn't dare to show their anger, they all looked helplessly Li Mu looked at Li Mu and waited.

Li Mu had a panoramic view of the expressions of the generals. It is imperative to set up a special force. He is the only one in Huaxia. Although there is no competition, it is the same, tired!

It's okay now, not many monsters appear, what about in the future? It is estimated that there will be hundreds or thousands of monsters appearing once, and by then, I will be exhausted!

Li Mu also couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for his team to be assigned to Huaxia alone. Generally speaking, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, but it would be very tiring, but the rewards would definitely be huge!

Fingers tapped lightly on the conference table, and the crisp sound seemed to hit the hearts of every general. Just when the generals became more and more anxious, Li Mu said:

"For all the generals present, there is one quota for major generals, two for lieutenant generals, and three for generals. They are over 16 years old and under 25 years old. The required gender is female."."

"In addition, if you join my special department in the future, you will be my people, and you must be banned, otherwise you will be dealt with by military law. When you recommend it, you generals, you must be careful!

In the conference hall, all the generals looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all taken aback by this weird request. Everything else is fine. What’s the matter with the gender requirement of being female?

Can't men?

"I know what the generals are thinking. With my training method, men will die and women will have a higher survival rate. If you generals don't believe me, I can recommend some men to try.

"That's all I have to say. If there is no problem, all the generals should go to work on their own."

After finishing speaking, Li Mu got up from the seat, glanced across the conference hall, paused for half a second when passing Mako Mori, and then quietly moved away.

"Xinlan, let's go."

Li Mu and his group left, and the generals in the meeting hall didn't know what they were thinking, and then they left in silence one by one.

Following behind Penticos, Mako Mori walked with her head down, looking at Penticos' back from time to time, wanting to say something many times, but she couldn't say anything when she reached the corner

The footsteps stopped, and the preoccupied Mori Mako didn't react, and immediately bumped into the back of General Penticos, and his forehead almost swelled.


Covering her forehead, Mako Mori subconsciously asked a question, not quite understanding why General Penticos suddenly stopped.

Without looking back, General Penticos was silent for a while before he asked with some seriousness:

"々`Mako, do you want to join General Li Mu's special forces?"

With a dazed expression, Mako Mori was so nervous that she didn't know what to say, she didn't want to deceive the man in front of her who raised her like her biological father.

Moreover, her character is also doomed, she will not deceive General Penticos.

"Yes... General, Makoto wants to join General Li Mu's special unit! Only then can I become stronger!"

"I disagree!"

Pendikos was a little agitated. After saying this, he strode straight to the elevator. Mako Mori hurriedly chased after him and said:

"General! This is my only chance! Please!"

"This matter is not negotiable, I don't want to see you die, it's too dangerous! Don't mention this matter again!"

Pressing the door of the elevator, General Penticos strode in. No matter how hard Mako Mori tried, he couldn't change General Penticos's mind. He could only watch the elevator door (for good money) close, and then disappeared in front of his eyes. .



Drops of orangutan blood dripped onto the black leather shoes. General Penticos touched his nose subconsciously, then quickly took out a handkerchief to block it, and with the other hand, he searched for the lump in his pocket.

"Looking for medicine to suppress radiation?"

The sudden sound in the elevator made General Penticos turn around subconsciously, and looked behind him vigilantly. When he found Li Mu standing behind him, he was obviously stunned for a while.

You know, when he walked into the elevator, there was no one in it.

Not paying attention to the vigilant General Penticos, Li Mu said leisurely:

"The first-generation hunter Penticos once piloted the Tango Wolf to complete missions more than ten times, but because he ignored the nuclear radiation, his body was almost destroyed, and he was given an ultimatum that he would die if he drove the mecha again. "

"Am I right? General Penticos?".

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