Ryan furrowed his eyebrows when he heard that. In the end, he was truly Thanatos' twin brother… he had little to no regard for human lives.

"Do you know why all of you can gain strength in this dream world?" Hypnos asked. "It is because your spiritual forms are actually here. I put the whole planet under a spell that will pull your spiritual form to this world, and that actually forced all of you to enter a coma. Only those that were inside the domains and remain until now escaped my plan. But I can say that all humans on Earth that have managed to survive on their own are here."

Ryan didn't even doubt that because he could see close to one hundred thousand humans between him and Hypnos. Humans who deserved respect survived only relying on their strength, but all their confidence they had was shattered before Hypnos, who would use that spell, and they didn't even realize what had happened until now.

"Your bodies will probably survive for three to five more days," Hypnos said. "If some of you die before that, your souls will be trapped in this world. On the other hand, if you die in this world, your spiritual form will disintegrate, and your body will collapse instantly."

Ryan clenched his teeth because he already knew what Hypnos was planning. Regardless, the humans began to panic after hearing that. There was no reason to doubt Hypnos' words. If he wanted, he could kill all of them in an instant, after all.

"Those who want to return to the real world, you guys will have to help me defeat those three," Hypnos said. "I understand I am not in a position to ask any of you that, but I don't have any choice. I need to recover my brother's soul, and they refuse to give it to me. Help me achieve that, and I will grant all of you a portion of my power. You will be able to create your own perfect world and live inside it forever."

"Yeah, the price for that is really cheap. You just have to let your real body rot in the real world," Ryan said.

Ryan tried to convince the humans that they wouldn't gain anything following an elder god that would go as far as putting the entire world under a sleep spell, but in the end, his words didn't reach them. Not only were the humans scared, but the idea of receiving the power of an elder god seemed really appealing. The humans turned to face Ryan, Femradiel, and Alissa… there was no worst enemy to fight than a cornered one.

"What are we going to do, Ryan?" Femradiel asked.

"What indeed…" Ryan said while he was taking a step back.

With the massive power-up he obtained thanks to Nakine and his pals, Ryan was pretty sure that they could win that fight. However, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that they would have to kill one hundred thousand humans… They didn't want to fight because they were assholes, but because they were scared. They became pieces of a game much more prominent than them. That was exactly why Ryan was struggling to come up with a solution to that problem.

"Listen here, you sorry group of dumbasses," Alissa raised her voice. "I understand that you are tired and scared, but I can't believe you people survived until now with that kind of attitude. Do you really want to fight your fellow humans just because a powerful monster promised you power? Have you gone mad? Did you really survive in the same world as us for the past year?"

"You are not human!" Someone shouted.

"If we weren't humans, we would have annihilated all of you without hesitation, dumbass," Alissa said. "I don't have time to waste here, so make up your mind already. However, either side you choose, don't regret it later."

According to Ryan, Alissa's speech could use some work. After all, Ryan could imagine things going both ways in that situation, considering her words. The humans hesitated, but in the end, that only amused Hypnos. Probably because he knew how things were going to work out in that world, no matter what. In the end, the humans pointed their weapons toward Ryan, Femradiel, and Alissa. From their perspective, it was a matter of facing two dragons and a human or facing a god of legends that could put the entire world to sleep in a few moments.

Ryan couldn't help but wonder what he would have done in their situation… he had to do plenty of things he didn't want, but neither of them seems compared to that. Regardless, now that it has come to it, there was no time to hesitate. Before Ryan could do anything. Alissa suddenly opened her mouth, the humans felt the danger for their lives and tried to split up, but some of them didn't do it fast enough.

Alissa's breath decimated thousands of humans instantly, but some of them even survived the direct hit. While they didn't join any groups to survive, they obtained strength by themselves and could do at least that much. Before all the souls could disperse into the nothing, Ryan absorbed them into his Soul Armor… that was right. There was no time to hesitate now. Neither Ryan nor the humans could blame him for that. They could only blame their weakness. It was because of that they had to face that situation.

Femradiel fired some Ice Spears toward the enemies, but most of them were fast enough to dodge. Not to mention, those that had powerful long-ranged attacks began to bombard them with those, and those with high endurance began to work to protect them. As if things weren't troublesome enough, Hypnos stepped forward.

"I figured that it is only obvious that I should help you guys with this," Hypnos said and then made some weapons and armor out of mithril appear before the humans. "Use them well."

Ryan sighed after hearing that… in the end, Hypnos even decided to use copies of the mithril armors that he had made. He had no idea if those were real or not, but they sure would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

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