While Hades was flying around, even the most powerful survivors looking at him would only see a shadow for a few moments while moving around. Hades' speed was really unrivaled, but on the other hand, he couldn't keep or maybe didn't want to move like that with his Mana Barrier on. When Hades approached to attack, Isis fired her sand arrows toward him. Usually, those arrows could penetrate several meters of steel. However, when they touched Hades' sword, it didn't make any sound. The very moment the impact happened, they lost their power.

Hades got close enough and split her in half, but then the figure of Isis distorted, and then he noticed that he only cut a mirage. Hades sighed and then looked around for Isis. Since she wasn't the type to keep hiding using magic all the time, she was a few hundred meters above preparing her own attack. In the next moment, they emitted some pollen from her hands, and Hades swung his sword and then dissipated it with a blast of win, but Isis didn't stop. Hades thought that it had been enough, but soon he felt some parts of his body growing number.

After letting his sword touching those parts, Hades recovered, and that made Isis frown. How come his sword could nullify that type of effect without damaging his body?

"I suppose that is one of the perks of having a weapon that has been on your side for thousands of years," Isis said.

"My apologies, but I don't feel sorry for you right now," Hades said.

"It is okay. I don't need a weapon," Isis said.

Feramdiel pointed both of her index fingers toward Hades, and then she fired a new type of projectile that even Hades had a hard time blocking it. Just two bullets made Hades be pushed backward for several meters, and then he saw smoke coming from the points. The sword had got hit.

"Plasma… it has been a while since someone used that against me," Hades frowned. "You really are a master at elemental magic."

"I am not flattered," Isis said.

Isis fired more Plasma Bullets, and Hades was forced to dodge most of them. However, those bullets hit his army of spirits by doing so, and they dissolved whenever they got hit. When Hades got close enough to hit Isis, she forced him to step back with a barrage of bullets. The expression of calm and disinterest was slowly cracking and appeared one of annoyance.

Eventually, Hades got sick of that and then made several Death Knights appear around Isis. Those creatures even could fly, so they moved to attack Femradiel from all sides. Meanwhile, Hades used that chance to advance using Isis's blind spot. However, the monsters exploded after getting hit by the bullets. Hades learned that Isis didn't have to use her hands to even use that type of spell.

"Truly, a master of elemental magic," Hades said. "If we didn't know that we weren't scheming with the human that killed Poseidon, I would gladly welcome you on our ranks."

"I am not flattered in the possibility of receiving a position to be among those who see Earth just as a battlefield," Isis said. "Aren't you tired of seeing your underworld getting filled with more and more souls whenever one of you decides to pick a fight with each other over something stupid? I don't rule over that kind of environment, but I know what Osiris had to do endure as our god of the underworld."

"Everyone has a role to play, even the gods," Hades said. "It doesn't matter if we like or not about the things we have to deal with while doing our job. We just have to endure it."

"I suppose that is a pretty decent way of looking at things, considering that you rule over a place where souls can't rest," Isis said. "Their voices in torment made you realize that? Or did someone whisper those words in your years many times, and then you decided to accept them as the truth of things?"

Isis saw a glint of anger in Hades' eyes. It seemed that she had thrown salt in a fresh wound. Among the three greatest gods of Greece, she knew that Hades was the most troubled one. That was one of the reasons he and Athena never got along. Athena wanted to create a world where even mortals could live their lives without the influence of elder gods. Those who want to worship them could do so freely, but they didn't have to feel obligated to do it. As for Hades, even though he wasn't one of the gods who liked most about their domains of influence, she demanded respect from humans. It was quite weird, it was apparent that he didn't like to rule over the underworld, but he still wanted to be praised for it.

Hades suddenly raised his sword and then swung down slowly. However, once he did that, Isis felt the danger for her life. She created a Plasma Barrier, but despite that, she still got cut in her left shoulder. The wound didn't even let blood escape… it looked like just swinging his sword without touching anything made Isis lose a part of her body which Hades tried to attack. The wound was small since Isis also had a high level of divinity.

"I see… you used your divinity to create an attack impossible to defend," Isis said as she began to heal her wound. "Not even Thanatos could do that… no wonder you become someone who he respected and admired."

"I am not flattered after hearing this," Hades said. "After all, you are working with the same human that defeated my brother, Poseidon, and my dear friends, Thanatos and Hypnos. Once I am done with you, he will be the next, and I will recover their spirits."

"Did you forget about Hephaestus?" Isis asked.

"I couldn't care less about him," Hades replied. "He ignored the war that was about to come just to play with some ridiculous stones."

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