Unlimited Power 02 – The Ranger's Domain

Chapter 934: Relying on each other

In the end, Ryan didn't sleep even a single bit that night. But it was one of the nights that anyone felt happy about skipping the sleep. Regardless, after the fifth round, Femradiel finally fell asleep. Ryan felt satisfied in burying his face on her boobs. Still, as much as he wanted to stay doing that for a full day, he had work to do. He used Void World because it was time to make his strength reach the next level.

"Merlin, I want to obtain the class Time Lord," Ryan said.

"How unexpected, getting laid made you get rid of your doubts," Merlin said.

"No one likes a peeping Tom," Ryan said.

"It isn't like I find any enjoyment on spying on watching you do everything," Merlin said. "That being said, my existence is attached to yours as long as you are the strongest human. So, I will be forced to see all of your actions."

"Nice excuse, why didn't your creator put a button ON and OFF on you?" Ryan asked.

"Because I am not a robot," Merlin replied. "I am a no non-organic creature with a pseudo personality. Nevertheless��"

Congratulations! You received the class Time Lord. You learned the skills: Stop, Time Skip, and Time Perception. Your intelligence and mana have increased and will increase by fifty point points whenever this class level up. Your health, stamina, recovery, and willpower have increased and will increase by twenty-five points whenever this class level up.

You learned the skill Stop.

Effect: It grants you the power to stop the time flowing on creatures and objects. The effect might decrease according to the willpower and mentality of the target.

Cost: 2000 mana per second.

You obtained 01 status points.

You learned the skill Time Skip.

Effect: It grants you the power to skip certain events after deciding your next steps. The level of the skill determines how many seconds you can skip. Upon activating the skill, you will gain the knowledge of your actions as if you had taken them.

Cost: 100.000 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

You learned the skill Time Perception.

Effect: it grants you the power to feel when time is being altered nearby you. This skill also decreases the effects of enemy time magic on you.

You obtained 01 status points.

"To think that I already have obtained such techniques already and there is an even more powerful class waiting for me��" Ryan said, surprised.

Even at level one, Time Skip was already more efficient than Chronus Ring. Loki was right when he said that it was just an item that had only a fraction of Chronus' power. A real small fraction that was laughable. Nevertheless, against the big guns, Time Skip and Time Perception will be really useful. Still, Ryan will have to train those intensely to make them even more efficient.

Without wasting any time, Ryan used Draconic Transformation since he only had enough mana to use that skill when he was in that form. He also made sure to take all the mana potions from his spatial storage�� he will use all of them in the blink of an eye.

Just as Ryan had expected, at first, he didn't notice anything. However, when Time Skip leveled up and he began to plan his actions, he noticed time passing inside his head and somewhere that seemed like an alternate dimension. When he planned to hit the air while using Time Skip, he noticed that his punches created a vacuum in front of him�� even though he didn't move his punches in reality.

"It is working, but at this rate, I will run out of mana before I make this become efficient��" Ryan said while rubbing his chin. "I didn't use it all that much, but it is time to make Compressed Time work."

Compressed Time was a skill of the Time Mage class. While it granted Ryan the power to instantly recover a certain amount of health, mana, and stamina, Ryan never used the skill too much because it would take a while to become efficient. The cost to use was five thousand points of mana. Still, even at level twenty, it granted him the chance to recover only around one thousand points of mana, even when he was using Draconic Transformation. But eventually, it will grant him more mana than he uses to activate the spell�� he had to lose some time now to gain later.

"That is quite funny, but I suppose this is what I get from trying to mess with time," Ryan shrugged. "Let's make Femradiel help me a little when she wakes up."

Eventually, Ryan recalled that he could save a lot of mana if he used Memory Manipulation. While he wouldn't obtain the effects if he had used Compressed Time properly, that was just a minor issue. He just wanted to make the skill become as efficient as it could be.

It was quite weird to train to become stronger without firing a single arrow or bolt, but he reached a level where just firing arrows in most enemies wouldn't change his strength. Soon enough, Ryan began to notice some changes in the efficiency of the skill. However, he also had another idea to make his training to become more efficient�� buy dragon hearts that will increase his recovery from Yahiko. In the end, there were few things nicer in the system than recover his energy automatically like that.

Doing all that made Ryan realize that Femradiel's presence would really help. Maybe it was just a coincidence that she gained those abilities that granted her nearly infinite mana, but that was irrelevant right now. What did matter be the fact that if they combined their powers, they could become a lot stronger?

As if she had noticed that he was thinking along those lines, Ryan could feel that her presence outside was changing. She was waking up, and while some pillow talk would be nice, Ryan was on his business model, so that would have to wait. Before she could truly wake up, Ryan summoned her to his Void World and asked her to help him. They survived until now by relying on each other, so Ryan might as well use that cooperation even more than before.

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