In a small town under the Blackwood Cliff, I don’t know why a large group of men and horses suddenly appeared, all of them riding horses and swords, swaggering through the city, without half a point of convergence. In the middle of them, there is a palanquin made of extremely luxurious pure gold, all of which are curtains made of gold wire, in which there is a person sitting at the end, and there are four masters around them carrying the palanquin.

If someone is here, it will definitely become the pocket of the purpose, because these four people are first-class masters, this is not a cabbage on the side of the road!

And around this palanquin, there are six people in purple robes, constantly looking around, paying attention to the situation, guarding the people in the palanquin, and these six people are all absolute masters! But from their faces, it can be seen that their situation is very strange, obviously men, but whether from their behavior and words and deeds, it gives people the feeling that they are women.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but feel cold in my heart, and a cold breath rushed straight from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, and two words came out of my mind – eunuch!

Although these people are arrogant, none of the ordinary people present dares to go up and calculate, even the local officials are laughing on the side, because these people are the people in the East Factory, of course, they are infamy!

The founder of the East Factory was Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. After the “Battle of Jingjian”, Zhu Di took the throne. On the one hand, rumors that Emperor Jianwen was not dead appeared from time to time, and on the other hand, many ministers in the imperial court were not very supportive of the new regime. And Zhu Di also distrusted the imperial ministers.

He felt that the brocade guard located outside the palace was not very convenient to use, so he decided to establish a new institution. In the process of Zhu Di’s army, some eunuchs and monks have made great efforts, so in his mind, he still feels that eunuchs are more reliable, and they are in the palace, and it is more convenient to connect. Therefore, Zhu Di reversed Taizu’s ban on eunuchs not interfering in political affairs and reused eunuchs.

Therefore, in December of the eighteenth year of Yongle, in order to suppress political opposition, Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, decided to set up a new official office called “Dongji Factory”, or “East Factory” for short, and ordered the favored eunuch to be the leader.

The leader of the East Factory is called the East Factory Palm Seal Eunuch, also known as the Factory Duke or Supervisor, and the subordinate officials have one member of each of the 1,000 households and the 100 households in charge of punishment, and the Jinyiwei Thousand Households and 100 households are called the criminal officials.

The function of the East Factory is to “visit the conspiracy against the evil and evil words, etc., and the power of Jinyiwei”. One person is in charge, entrusted with the power of arresting espionage.

The East Factory could monitor various political forces such as government officials, celebrities, and scholars, and had the right to report the results of the surveillance directly to the emperor. According to the intelligence obtained from surveillance, those low-status political opponents can be directly arrested and interrogated without judicial trial.

For opponents who are high-ranking government officials or have royal and aristocratic status, the East Factory can also arrest and interrogate them after obtaining the authorization of the emperor.

It can be seen that the East Factory is a very powerful institution, and now when the son is pampered by the great eunuch Wang Zhen, he can be said to be obedient to him, which also leads to the power of the East Factory becoming monstrous and invincible.

Moreover, in order to enable Wang Zhen to grasp power, they constantly framed those good and honest ministers, so that a group of ministers who were completely loyal to Wang Zhen could be promoted and hold the power of the imperial court.

With the continuous expansion of the strength of the East Factory, the rumors of his indiscriminate killing of innocent and wronged ministers have also spread throughout Daming, but forced by the murderous nature of the East Factory, no one dares to stand up and refute even a word, they are afraid that they will get into trouble, you must know that if the East Factory does it, it will definitely not leave a living mouth!

So as soon as he saw these killing gods, no matter who they were, they quickly put away their stalls and hurriedly left, for fear that if they stayed for a moment longer, they would be killed!

After coming to a dilapidated yard, all of these people stopped at the east factory. One by one, holding swords, they surrounded the room one after another, looking strictly guarded. Then the six people stopped, rolled off their horses, and fell to the ground on one knee, looking very respectful.

From the golden tent, a white and flawless hand like condensation slowly stretched out, gently waved the curtain in front of him, and slowly walked down from above, and was greeted by a peerless beauty who captivated the country and captivated the soul.

He pursed his lips lightly, revealing a delicate and matchless smile, I am afraid that no matter who it is, he will be deeply fascinated by this extraordinary smile and cannot extricate himself. Every move can seduce sentient beings!

But as soon as that person exited, it made the people present rise a shuddering feeling, from the heart could not stop chilling, where is like a woman’s voice, just like a male duck pinching his neck and barking, everyone’s hearts involuntarily rose a thought, this woman is a eunuch!

A eunuch who enchants all living beings! If Hou Zhibin is still sober, I am afraid that even his eyes will fall when he sees this person, this person is definitely more like the Oriental Undefeated than the Oriental Undefeated, and he has definitely practiced the weird “Sunflower Treasure Book”!

I saw that he stretched out a lazy waist, slowly twisted his waist, and his toes lightly touched a person’s back and slowly fell. With a gentle wave of his sleeves, he immediately showed his exquisite and graceful figure, revealing a large area of snow-white from his very revealing dress, which was extremely enchanting and moving, and could arouse people’s most primitive desires.

A pair of slender jade feet were exposed to the air so red fruit, so that the air could not help but ignite a trace of sparks, from the appearance alone, it was simply a peerless elf!

It’s a pity that his identity alone dooms him to be feared only by everyone! All the people in the East Factory lowered their heads, not daring to raise their heads for half a minute, a trace of cold sweat had already soaked their clothes, but they still held on to themselves, and did not dare to show the slightest heterogeneity.

Because this person called Sun Peilei in front of him is a murderous master, this will talk and laugh with you, the next moment he may not hesitate to cut off your head, more importantly, this person not only makes their boss, but also has supreme martial arts, is a congenital realm of power!

There is only one word in their minds to describe it – peerless shemale!

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