Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next morning, after breakfast, Yu Xiaolian avoided Yu Changhe and Madam Sun and secretly put on black contact lenses. She took the clothes she had changed out of yesterday and went to the river.

Fortunately, in the past, everyone in the village avoided her. Other than the Yu family, no one looked at her eyes carefully.

She knew that Jiang Lin was definitely waiting for her at the foot of the mountain, but she did not want to go. Thinking of Jiang Lin’s behavior yesterday, she was furious.

She had fallen into the pit he had dug. Wasn’t it only right for him to get her out? Why should she repay him?

Perhaps it was because the river was too cold in the morning, but there was no one by the river at all. Only Yu Xiaolian was washing clothes.

Yu Xiaolian had transmigrated for many days, but she had never really seen what the original owner looked like. Out of curiosity, she looked at the river.

Well, she had good facial features, big eyes, cherry lips, and a delicate nose. However, she was a little tanned and thin. Yu Xiaolian was quite satisfied with the appearance of this body.

If the Host wasn’t good-looking, Jun Mobai probably wouldn’t have taken her as a concubine. Later on, he doted on her. Although there was a reason why the Host threatened him, Jun Mobai probably wouldn’t have taken her in if the Host was ugly.

Yu Xiaolian was not used to the clothes that Madam Sun and the others used. Her clothes were rubbed bit by bit with her hands. Although the river water was a little cold, fortunately, it was still summer, so she could still bear it.

After Yu Xiaolian finished washing her clothes, she picked up the wooden basin and planned to go home. Halfway there, she saw Jiang Lin leaning against a tree in front of her with his arms crossed. It seemed like he was waiting for her.

Just as Yu Xiaolian was about to turn a blind eye and walk past him, Jiang Lin suddenly said, “Is this how you repay your savior? As expected of the unlucky one. You’re really cold-blooded and heartless.”

Yu Xiaolian stopped in her tracks and turned around. “Even if you hadn’t come yesterday, I could have gone out myself. It would have just taken some effort. I wouldn’t have lost my life.”

Jiang Lin stepped forward and approached Yu Xiaolian, “So, you don’t plan to admit what you promised me yesterday?”

“My father was the one who asked you to look for me. If you want a favor, you should look for him.”

“Oh, so that’s why.” Jiang Lin stroked his chin and smiled.

“If I say that you won’t regret going out with me today, will you go?”

Yu Xiaolian raised her eyebrows. “My life is cheap. Good things don’t come to me.”

“As far as I know, with your family’s current situation, getting through the winter this year is a problem. Are you sure you don’t want to come? This might be a chance to make a fortune.”

Hearing Jiang Lin’s words, Yu Xiaolian seriously examined Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. He was tall and had average looks. His hair was messy like a chicken’s nest, giving off a dirty and hooligan feeling.

Looking at his body, there was a long hemp rope wrapped around his waist. He was wearing a short coat with no sleeves, revealing two thick arms. The coat was also covered with big patches and was not much better than Yu Xiaolian’s clothes.

“If there’s a good chance to get rich, why are you looking for me?” Yu Xiaolian naturally didn’t believe that something had fallen into her lap.

Jiang Lin looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, he leaned close to Yu Xiaolian’s ear and whispered.

When Yu Xiaolian heard Jiang Lin’s words, her eyes lit up and she said excitedly, “Wait for me. I’ll come after I send the clothes home.”

As soon as Yu Xiaolian entered the courtyard, she couldn’t wait to hang the clothes. Just as she was about to run, she hurriedly took the basket and wooden knife from yesterday.

The things in the basket were already gone. They must have been used by Madam Sun.

Yu Xiaolian didn’t see Madam Sun, so she could only ask Yu Changhe, who was weaving a basket with willow branches in the corner of the courtyard, “Father, where’s my mother?”

The wicker baskets made by Yu Changhe were both sturdy and beautiful, but each basket could only be sold for about five to six copper coins. This morning, Yu Changhe had already woken up at dawn. Until now, he had already woven three baskets. Thinking that he was about to get fifteen copper coins, Yu Changhe was in a good mood. When he saw Yu Xiaolian asking him, he smiled and said, “Your mother went to the Zhao family to do embroidery.”

Seeing Yu Xiaolian carrying the basket, she asked again, “Are you going up the mountain to dig wild vegetables again?”

Yu Xiaolian nodded. “Have you already marinated the ones dug yesterday? I’ll go dig more today and ask my mother to marinate more. That way we will have vegetables to go with rice in winter.”

Yu Changhe smiled and instructed, “Go ahead. Remember not to head east. Come back early, okay?”

Yu Xiaolian agreed one by one. After leaving the Yu family’s courtyard, she carried the basket and ran happily towards the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Lin still had a long hemp rope wrapped around his waist and was spinning the scimitar in his hand in boredom. When he saw Yu Xiaolian coming out with a basket, he knew that she had come out in the name of digging wild vegetables. He didn’t say anything else and took Yu Xiaolian’s basket in his hand.

Jiang Lin walked in front, and Yu Xiaolian followed closely behind. Occasionally, in places with dense vegetation, Jiang Lin would use his scimitar to slash a few times, so that his clothes wouldn’t be wet by the morning dew.

After walking for more than an hour, Yu Xiaolian couldn’t help but ask, “How far is it?”

Jiang Lin did not stop walking. “What’s wrong? Are you tired?”

Yu Xiaolian nodded. “A little.”

After all, they had been walking on the mountain path for so long. Not only was it rugged, but the weeds that were as tall as a person were also often blocking them. It was even more tiring to walk than usual.

Yu Xiaolian pointed at a tree stump that had been cut down. “Sit down and rest for a while before leaving, okay?”

Yu Xiaolian was about to walk over and sit down when Jiang Lin grabbed her arm and pulled her up. “This is Grandpa Mountain God’s dining table. You can’t sit here.”

Yu Xiaolian was so tired that her legs went weak. She didn’t care about Grandpa Mountain God’s dining table. She just wanted to find a place to sit for a while and rest her feet.

“How can you be so superstitious at such a young age!”

“Don’t you believe that Grandpa Mountain God really exists?” Jiang Lin was shocked.

For example, he and his father hunted for a living and relied on the mountains. There was no doubt about the existence of the mountain god.

Yu Xiaolian wanted to say, “I don’t believe you.”

However, when she thought about how the wrong soul was called for no reason, she swallowed her words.

“Fine, I’ll sit on the floor!”

Yu Xiaolian sat down on the grass. Fortunately, there was no dew on the grass.

“How much farther?”

“Soon, we’ll be there after crossing this mountain!” Jiang Lin also sat on the grass beside Yu Xiaolian. “Aren’t you afraid that I’m lying to you?”

“I’m an unlucky star. If you’re not afraid of bad luck, what am I afraid of?”

“That’s true. Haha, I didn’t expect you to be so bold. I’ve told my father many times, but he didn’t allow me to come. As soon as I told you, you came.”

Yu Xiaolian casually picked up the weeds beside her. “Let’s agree that if there’s really something good, we’ll split it equally.”

Jiang Lin patted his chest. “Don’t worry. There will be something good inside.”

Yu Xiaolian was skeptical of Jiang Lin’s words.

If there was really something good, why was Hunter Jiang so afraid of it?

Regardless of whether it was taboo or not, they had already walked halfway. She could not go back on her word. No matter what, she had to take a look.

Jiang Lin suddenly took out an oil paper bag from his pocket and handed it to Yu Xiaolian, “Here!”

Yu Xiaolian opened it and saw that it was actually a big yellow drumstick. She subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. “Did you specially bring it for me?”

Jiang Lin shook his head. “I brought it for myself.”

“Then why did you give it to me?”

Jiang Lin turned his head to avoid Yu Xiaolian’s scrutinizing gaze. “Just eat it if I give it to you. Why are you talking so much nonsense?”

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