Chapter 277

The heart that Balakil had just put down was also raised again.

Although he thought that Qin Mo was not hostile at this moment, he still couldn’t rest assured.

If Odin really does something here, the war between the two myths is really inevitable.

“It turned out to be so, it seems that I am really too sensitive.”

Unlike Rose Weisser and Balaquil, Odin relaxed as if he had accepted Qin Mo’s explanation.

There is a big gap between the image of Odin and the myth, and even the eyes given to Mimir Springs in order to gain wisdom are different.

Qin Mo could see that he was very strong.

Together, the two guards around Odin would not be his opponent.

“Old man, are you looking for me for something?”

Odin came to this place to communicate with the gods of Japan. Emilia told Qin Mo about this.

Because the Japanese gods were too closed, he also found Ser Jacks, Michael and Azazel as intermediaries.

“There is nothing special, but I am very curious about you and want to see what your situation is.” Odin said with a smile.

The only human or monster with extraordinary power that suddenly appeared before was the “Scarrot Emperor” from Otherworld.

But that “Scarlet Dragon Emperor” is a huge disaster, and it is absolutely impossible to leave it alone.

Even though it hasn’t appeared for so many years, Odin still thinks that that kind of monster shouldn’t stay in the world, that’s a big worry for him.

It’s a pity that after mixing with “Infinite Dragon God”, it was too difficult to deal with them.

Not to mention that Orpheus could not be defeated. In the case of the “Scarlet Emperor”, once a battle started, it would very likely evolve into a world-destroying battle.

It’s not just their Norse myths that are involved.

Needless to say, Zeus, after the Battle of Olympus, it was almost an endless situation with the “Scaroon Emperor”.

In addition, Shiva and Di Shitian seem to have included “Red Dragon Emperor” on the list of lore.

They should have seen something too.

Although Odin couldn’t see Qin Mo’s reality clearly, and he hadn’t really seen him make a move, but he judged that this human being’s strength was genuine.

Once the war begins, Qin Mo will definitely become a valuable combat power.

He only needs to make sure that Qin Mo is not a lunatic who wants to destroy the world.

“It’s not pleasant for a bad old man to be interested in me.”

Qin Mo said disgustedly.

“Hahahaha…Of course, I am most interested in who is the most beautiful female student in this college, and whether their body and mind are growing healthily!” Odin said with a laugh.

“Master Odin, please respect yourself.”

Rose Weisser couldn’t help but reminded.

Blue veins appeared on the forehead of the Valkyrie, and patience seemed to have reached the limit.

“There are still a lot of beauties in this college. The old school building over there has a ‘mystical research society’. If you’re interested, old man, you can go and see it. The beauty is like a cloud!”

Qin Mo said intentionally or unintentionally.

There is only Juno Himejima there.

If Odin really went there, Juno Himejima and Balakil might have staged a show of grievances between father and daughter in front of him.


One of Odin’s exposed eyes gleamed, showing interest.

In fact, he had known the general situation of the “Mystical Research Society” a long time ago.

“Haha, of course. Class is about to start, so I’ll take a step first, Miss Valkyrie, take a good look at your Patriarch God!”

Qin Mo smiled at Rose Weiser.


The Valkyrie nodded solemnly.

“Hello, Rose Weisser, can you not listen to what this kind of guy says?”

Odin said, seemingly dissatisfied.

“Master Odin, you have already seen people, can you go now? If you run around like this, other adults will be very dissatisfied when they return to China.”

Rose Weisser said helplessly.

“I can’t take it anymore, why don’t you relax a little bit?”

Odin wondered whether to leave Rose Weisser behind when he returned.

“You are Balakil?”

Qin Mo turned his gaze to the burly man.

“Yes, what’s the matter with you?”

Balakil didn’t expect Qin Mo to know him.

“It’s really clumsy! If you don’t actively try to communicate, the other party will never understand you.”

After speaking, Qin Mo turned and walked away gradually, ignoring what Balakil’s reaction was.

The sun is setting.

There seemed to be an anxious breath in the air.

Today’s wind is quite strong. When Qin Mo walked out of Juwang Academy, there was a faint wind growling in his ear.


Qin Mo raised his head and looked at the reddish sunset sky.

Beatrice quietly appeared beside Qin Mo.


Looking a little impatient, she raised her small hand.

In an instant, the huge enchantment magic circle unfolded.

“I didn’t expect to be discovered so soon.”

A handsome man lifted his cloak and appeared in the air.

“Fortunately, Qin Mo, I am the evil god of Northern Europe, Loki.”

“What’s up?”

Shouldn’t this evil god of Norse mythology be working to hinder Odin’s meeting with the Japanese gods?

“I can’t restrain my curiosity. I want to observe your existence, but it seems that there is nothing special about it. It’s just that your envoy is very interesting.”

Loki looked at Beatrice with a certain excitement in his eyes.

“Isn’t she born naturally? It’s a masterpiece! Can you exchange it with me?”

“No change.”

Qin Mo said impatiently.

Seeing Qin Mo’s attitude, Beatrice was a little happy.

But the look she looked at Loki also became dangerous.

“Listen to my terms, we may be able to achieve a win-win situation.” Rocky said with a smile.

He will exchange his wisdom for this masterpiece at a negligible price.

“Well, before that, can you answer me a question?” Qin Mo narrowed his eyes.


The smile on Loki’s face became more obvious.

“In myths and legends, Loki, the evil god of Northern Europe, once turned into a mare and mate with the “horse” Svadilfari (Svadilfari), and became pregnant, and finally gave birth to the “eight-legged horse”. “Sleipnir, Odin’s mount, is this true?” ”

Qin Mo looked at Loki with malicious eyes.

Loki’s face turned ugly after hearing this sentence.

“Looking at your reaction, is it true?”

Speaking of it, Loki is determined to implement the “Twilight of the Gods” in the myth.

Is it possible…

Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn’t help but raised a trace of respect for this evil god, and even lost a lot of anger.

He raised his head, smiled and said to Loki in the air: “You are so sorrowful!”

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