Chapter 285

After Azazel, the first to arrive at this place was Ser Jacks.

He felt a very unknown aura, which might become a catastrophe in the demon world.

The devil rushed to the scene of the incident anxiously.

His face became a little ugly when he saw Azazel.

“Azazel? Is it your ghost? Want to violate the agreement and start the war again?”

There was a little anger in his voice.

“Calm down, Ser Jacks, look at the situation here first.”

Azazel was a little helpless, just how bad his reputation was.

Seeing Azazel’s reaction, Jacks also calmed down.

At least during this period of time when the agreement was signed, the other party did not do anything extraordinary.

And the situation here…

The landforms that seemed to have been burned by the sea of ​​purgatory fire did not resemble what Azazel did.

Just seeing the current scene, Ser Jacks could imagine what a terrifying flame it was.

That kind of violent and evil aura is also completely different from Azazel.

“Sorry, Azazel, it seems that you came here first. Have you got any information?”

“Yes, what happened, Your Highness the Governor of the Fallen Angel.”

Another voice sounded.

What appeared was not from the forces of fallen angels and demons, but from the top Shinigami Prut under Hades, the god of the underworld.

“Does it even affect the lower levels of Hades?”

Ser Jacks frowned.

“Yes, His Royal Highness Lu Cifer.”

Pruitt nodded at Ser Jacks.

“This time is different from the past, I am afraid it is a doomsday level disaster, but this place is so peaceful!”

“There is an aura of surgery here.”

Akuka Besib appeared here with another demon king.

Falbiwin Asmode, the strongest strategist in the underworld, is also one of the four major demon kings.

“I didn’t want to come, what happened?”

“It’s the emperor of the Apocalypse “666” (Trihexa).” Azazel said very heavily. “It appeared here just now. It really exists, and it is extremely powerful. I want to interact with “Infinite Dragon God” and “GreatRed”. “It’s a hierarchical existence, like the incarnation of the doomsday.”

“‘666′ (Trihexa), it’s another incredible monster. Is this what it does well below?” Pruitt stared at the tragedy below, with a hint of doubt in his voice, “but now it’s completely gone.”

“Because it has been broken into a certain isolation barrier realm.”

“If it is really possible to isolate the field of “666” (Trihexa). It requires not only the corresponding technology, but also a lot of time and resources.”

Akuka felt that he couldn’t do such a thing on his own.

“Yes, so I guess it was premeditated.” Azazel narrowed his eyes, “I deliberately released the “666” (Trihexa), the “beast”, and then broke it into the isolation barrier prepared in advance. The domain is used to achieve a certain purpose of its own.”

“Is that the case? It seems that the other party is not trying to destroy the world, and it is not the worst situation.” Falbiwin said.

“Who knows?” Azazel shrugged and said, “But as expected, Seraphus didn’t come over!”

“Azazel, what do you mean?”

Ser Jacks thought his attitude was suspicious.

“Do you know who broke “666” (Trihexa) into the isolation barrier? It was that Qin Mo! That’s right, Seraphim Leviathan’s lover.” Azazel said in a slightly sneer tone. Said.

It’s him?

The figure of the man appeared in Jacks’ mind.

He was the man who couldn’t shake at all even if he used the incarnation of destruction.

“Let’s not say that he released the purpose of “666” (Trihexa). This behavior alone is extremely dangerous. I propose to find a way to enter this quarantine area to communicate with them, and then decide the next plan.”

Akuka was a little worried about whether the king chess piece technology he handed over would become Qin Mo’s accomplice.

Ser Jacks nodded solemnly in agreement.

“Go in, I advise you to forget it.”

Azazel pulled out an extremely bitter smile.

“Entering the battlefield of those two monsters is no different from looking for death. Do you know how “666” (Trihexa) entered the isolation barrier realm?”

“It was beaten into a painting by the monster named Qin Mo, um, it was forced into it.”

The Governor of the Fallen Angel still feels a bit nonsense now thinking about it.

That is a “beast” at the same level as “Infinite Dragon God” and “GreatRed”.

The three demon kings present, one Shinigami, were silent.

Isolate within the realm of enchantment.

A giant basin has been sunken from the simulated underworld map.

The most central location seems to be pierced by a meteorite, deep into the ground.

A huge “beast” lay in the deepest place.

Even though its hideous body was covered with scars, it never weakened its violent and evil aura.

“666” (Trihexa) stood up again, and the wounds on his body healed quickly.

After receiving such a blow, this “beast” still did not appear to be weakened at all.

Seven heads were raised, looking for the small but powerful existence.

To tear it apart.

“Are you looking for me?”

The target of the “beast” suddenly appeared on its head.

There is no hesitation.

The seven huge mouths of “666” (Trihexa) simultaneously spewed flames.

It is different from the fireball that spewed out at the giant lake.

This time, “666” (Trihexa) is really moving.

I want to burn all the creatures in front of me.

As a result, the karmic flames of hell spread out.

In the depths of the earth, the flames swallowed everything.

Everything in this large territory is directly sublimated into a gaseous state, and the outermost part is a sea of ​​flames that turns into lava.

The flame broke away from the ground and rushed to the sky, burning pieces of space and distorting it.

What happened to Qin Mo in the flames that could turn gods into fly ash?

The simulated purple sky disappeared, and darkness enveloped everything.

The thick and sticky darkness poured on the flame of the “beast” like a liquid, and also eroded the body of the “beast”.

The flame power that seemed to bring the end of the world was suddenly reduced.

For a moment, “666” (Trihexa) didn’t even have any way to perceive the surrounding environment.

This makes it even more irritable.

The “beast” shook its arms aimlessly, and continuously spewed fireballs like sun fragments from its huge mouth.

At this time, a figure passed by “666” (Trihexa).


“666” (Trihexa) the huge body fell to his knees.

A huge wound appeared on the belly of the “beast”.

Qin Mo was holding a dark long sword entwined with the breath of death, standing in the void not far away, observing “666” (Trihexa).

The death at that wound kept eroding “666” (Trihexa).

The death of the power of “Underworld”, Qin Mo’s effect has completely surpassed Athena, making Shinigami a breeze.

Just like Kokabile, the fallen angel cadre boarded by the power of death, went to death at the moment of the explosion.

The power of death is also effective for “666” (Trihexa), and now it is constantly trying to lead this “beast” to death.

But “666” (Trihexa) itself is too powerful and regenerates too quickly. The killed part can recover in the blink of an eye, and there is no tendency to weaken.

This kind of physique is many times stronger than Qin Mo under normal conditions. It is definitely the peak physique attribute among the seven stars.

It’s hard to kill.

Even if this world is destroyed, “666” (Trihexa) will not die.

There is almost no element of “death” in this creature.

Therefore, the “God recorded in the Bible” can only choose to seal with all its strength.

Even in the face of the split “666” (Trihexa), in the original plot, it was just isolation. The leaders of the god-tier powers will fight forever. It is said that it will take thousands or even one Ten Thousand Years to eliminate this. “beast”.

But can it really be killed?

Looking at the “666” (Trihexa) in front of him, at least Qin Mo had big doubts about it.

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