Chapter 330

This is the lower level of “Box Garden”, the 2105380 outer door.

“Box Garden” The city is divided into seven dominating floors from upper to lower floors, and the doors separating each floor are marked with numbers.

The number of doors on the outer wall of each level is equal to the number of levels.

The minimum is seven digits, then six digits, five digits…

The smaller the number, the closer to the center of the city, and the stronger the power of the people living in it.

In the “Box Garden”, as long as you come to the four-digit outer door, you are already divided and occupied by the well-known Shura gods and Buddhas, completely outside the human demon realm.

The 2105380 exterior door is one of the typical seven-digit exterior doors.

On the stone road, the black rabbit hopped in front of Qin Mo and the three problem children.

Her steps are as light as her mood at the moment.

However, it seemed that God couldn’t see how long this rabbit was proud of.

The black rabbit’s smiling face disappeared when he saw something.

“Oh! Isn’t this a black rabbit?”

Some rude voices came over.

It was a man who was more than two meters tall, and the tuxedo outside his body was tight, giving a weird feeling.

This man was named Jared Gaspar, the leader of “ForesGaro”.

Except for the “community” in other areas or the upper level of the base area and the unnamed “community” that has no value for seizure, as long as the “community” that is active in the 2105380 outer gate, all are under the control of “ForesGaro”.

A leader of the “community” who has established power at the lowest level would not have caused the Black Rabbit to react so much.

In any case, she can be regarded as a “box court nobleman.”

The important thing is that Black Rabbit has heard a lot of rumors about this Jared Gasper doing evil, his reputation near the 2105380 outer gate is very bad.

There is no wind and no waves, and the black rabbit does not want to contact him too much.

“The reaction is really cold! Are you still running back and forth for those stinky brats? Does it really make sense to support that weak “community” with your own salary? Sometimes, I really feel that you are very pitiful. “With a large number of powerful “gifts”, no matter which “community” you go to, you will be favored. Why do you need to live the same life as you do now? If you really like to stay on the lower floor, how about joining me in “ForesGaro”? ”

Jarder said to himself, while blocking his body in front of the black rabbit.

“I will help you take care of those stinky brats and make sure they can live better than they are now.”

“No, the rabbit ears of the black rabbit are my possession.” Kasugabe Yao walked to the side of the black rabbit.

“Speaking is really ugly.”

Reverse Izayoi said so, and walked up with Jiuyuan Asuka.

“Sorry, Black Rabbit is not interested in joining other , can you please let me go?” Black Rabbit said impatiently.

“That’s really a pity!”

Jared Gasper sighed, as if giving up.

Then, he shifted the target.

“Are you new to “NoName”?”

I heard that three people joined in one breath.

But now, including Qin Mo, a total of four people appeared.

“You should almost know the tragedy of “NoName”, right? Excellent people naturally want to join the better “Community”. Several people can visit the “ForesGaro” where I am and consider joining…”

“shut up!”

The black rabbit said angrily.

Are you kidding me?

Poached in front of her.

“Oh? The reaction was great! Black Rabbit, you don’t have enough confidence in your ?”

Jarder spoke unhurriedly.

“‘ForesGaro’? It seems to be a “community” with a tiger pattern on the “banner”? I saw this “banner” on the nearest “Boundary Gate” before.” Qin Mo said with a smile.

“That said, many shops and buildings have such patterns.”

Jiuyuan Asuka recalled what he had seen along the way.

At least in this outer door, “ForesGaro” looks very powerful.

“That’s the case. Under the condition of mutual agreement, I once divided the victory and defeat with the “Community” in this area, and finally won, only to have the “ForesGaro” today.”

When talking about this, there was a little complacency on Jarder’s face.

“How about? Madam, can you invite you to take a look at my “Community”?”

He stretched out his hand to Jiuyuan Asuka.

“stay away from me.”

Jiuyuan Asuka said to Jarder.


An inexplicable force dominated his body, and Jarder instantly took a few steps back.

What happened just now?

Jarder is chaotic now, he didn’t want to retreat before.

So Jarder tried to step forward again.

But at this time, Jiuyuan Asuka’s voice came again.

“Just stand there for me.”

I couldn’t understand what the girl in front of me did.

He retracted the right foot that he had just stretched out, and Jarder found that his limbs were completely deprived of freedom, and there was no way to resist.

“No, he is not qualified to stand.”

Qin Mo refuted Jiuyuan Feiniao’s words.

“Kneel down.”


With a loud noise, Jarder’s knees were deeply embedded under the stone steps.

“Ah ah ah ah ah—-!”

The sudden pain made Jared scream.

“It’s terrible, shut up!”

Jiuyuan Asuka clearly expressed his dislike.


Jarder’s opened upper and lower jaws closed instantly with great force, and could no longer make a sound.

what is the problem?

Do they all have the “gifts” that can control others at will?

“He looks very angry.”

Backward Izayoi walked slowly to Jarder and looked at him condescendingly.

“So why on earth?”

“You said just now that under the conditions of mutual agreement, the “community” in this area had a victory and defeat, and finally won.”

“Even if I just came to , I know that taking itself as a bet is a rare thing. You are not the devil, but what means have you used to keep betting on the large itself What about Game>?”

The demon king of “Hakodai” has a privilege called “Sponsor Authority”. Once the “Bonus Game” is launched, no one can refuse.

After returning to the “Community” yesterday, Izayoi learned this information from the black rabbit.

What exactly did Jarder, who has no “host authority” do, to make so many “communities” willing to play “gift games” with him?

Is the method too dirty, making Qin Mo angry when he has learned some information?

Backward Izayoi guessed so, and turned his gaze to Jiuyuan Asuka.


“Answer his question.”

Jiuyuan Asuka coldly gave the order.

“Strong…There are many ways to force opponents. The easiest way is to kidnap each other’s “community” women and children and use them to coerce them. As for opponents who don’t eat this set, just let them go and wait until they slowly absorb other “communities”. Later, the opponent will be pressured to a situation where they have to accept the “Gift Game”.”

Although Jarder showed a struggling expression and resisted with all his might, his mouth still moved involuntarily.

“Sure enough, three abuses! Even I can’t help but beat you.”

But Izayoi didn’t make a move, he still had doubts.

“Then the absorbed by this method will be obedient to be yours?”

“We will take several children hostage from each .”


When Jarder said this, several cracks appeared in the stone steps at the foot of Izayoi.

Even Kasugabe Yao, who was not interested in these things, stared at him quickly.

“Where are those children now?”

The rabbit asked the most crucial question with a black face.

She knew that Jarder had a bad reputation, but she had never thought that he would do it this way.

“Of course it’s been killed. Those stinky brats want father to find their mother all day, and it’s annoying. After killing, in order not to leave evidence, I will let my confidant eat the bodies of those children…”

Suddenly, Jarder found that the mouth that he did not control could no longer make a sound.

This time, it was different from the time when I was dominated just now.

As if all the blood had been coagulated.

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