Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 107: God Body War God Body!

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Chapter 107 God Body and God Body!

Ling Yunzong.

Listen to the wind and drizzle outside the building.

Teacher Yan walked quickly, followed by a cold-faced man.

He had a cold face, a gray robe, dark hair and waist, tied with a blue rope.

Teacher Yan knocked on the door, but he said coldly:

"You don't have to worry about it, even if I save Yang Xu, he will not accept him as a disciple."

But at this time.

The long-haired man's eyes suddenly flashed:

"What a powerful breath! They are in Shilipo!"


The figure suddenly disappeared.

Teacher Yan's gaze was also shocked:

"That master came so soon? No! There is a second master! They are fighting!"


Teacher Yan rushed out of Ling Yunzong.

Ten lipo.

The pale young man broke Yang Xu's punch with one finger, showing his sympathy:

"I persuade you not to be dying and struggling. If you were lucky enough to wake up a drop of divine blood, with your miscellaneous blood veins, you wouldn't be a finger against me."


Yang Xu suddenly punched him.

The pale young man didn't care at first, then his face suddenly changed:

not good! be cheated!

His figure flashed and appeared ten meters away.


Where it was originally, there was an extra golden spear.

"Is this your hole card? The weapon is pretty good, but it's too bad."

The pale young man smiled faintly:

"Let you see what is the real powerhouse."

He sealed his hands.

Inexplicable fluctuations in the void.

Everyone only felt that the heart was tight, as if gripped by a large invisible hand.


Nothing space, a black fire was born out of thin air.

The black flame burned above the pale young man's head and turned into a black lotus.

A suffocating ghostly breath spread out.

"Netherlands Fire Lotus, bloom."

The pale young man gave a light drink, and the black lotus bloomed silently above his head.

The black lotus petals flutter and fall.

Wherever it passes, the space is silently obliterated into a black void.

The pale young man's finger slightly hooked:

Swish swish!

The black horror lotus petals, Chaoyang Xu came galloping.

"This man in black is in danger!"

Everyone exclaimed, staring at Yang Xu, waiting for his counterattack.

The next second, they looked together:

"what is that!"

"So terrible!"

The sky behind Yang Xu, five mysterious portals flickered.


Rolling yellow sand, like the Shahe River back flowing, turned into a huge yellow wave rushing towards the lotus petals.

Puff puff!

Upon encountering the lotus petals, the yellow sand melted instantly.


It turned into crystal clear beads and smashed the ground.

"Useless, your tricks will not be my opponent!"

The pale young man sneered.

The black lotus petals did not stagnate, and Chaoyangxu killed him aggressively.

"The World of Gold·The Technique of Jinzhongshan!"

Yang Xu didn't panic and waved calmly:


Behind the void, the breath of vast gold swarmed out.

Kaka Kaka!

Condensed into a golden mountain, a dozen meters high, hit the black lotus petals.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The black lotus petals collapsed and broken.

The pale young man's face sank:

"Can crack my nether lotus petals, it seems that God Blood has changed your genes a little. Unfortunately, that's all..."

He didn't finish.

"Infinite Sword System!"

Yang Xu waved his hand.


The endless golden long swords were overwhelming towards the pale young man.

At this time, Jian Nantian happened to appear.

The scene in front of him greatly changed his face:

"Good arrogant sword spirit...No, it's Jin Zhirui! The man in black has infinite potential for tricks!"

The pale young man's face changed for the first time.

Anxiety flashed in his eyes:

"Not good! Ghost Lotus!"


The ghost fire lotus above the head changed suddenly, and turned into a black **** lotus, scattered endlessly.

Puff puff!

Shenhui was like a light curtain, and the golden flying sword bumped into it, only a ripple appeared.

The pale young man embraced his arms and resumed his calmness:

"Sure enough, you can only act like this. Do it yourself, you can't win."

"Why the **** are you talking so much? If Luo Youwei is of noble descent, you are."

Yang Xu fought back for the first time:

"From the beginning, your **** mother was not good, but unfortunately you are not so great. Look, now you are trapped."

The pale young man was startled suddenly, staring at his feet with wide eyes:

On his feet, there was a dense stream of sand.

"When did it happen? Why didn't I see it?"

"I didn't see it, too weird!"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is impossible! When will I be you..."

"Just when you pretend to force yourself."

Yang Xu smiled faintly, five fingers spread slightly.

"Don't... bang!"

Yang Xu snapped his palm.

The yellow sand wrapped around the legs of the pale young man suddenly burst and sag.

Blood spattered.

The pale young man howled:

"You have a kind! Damn miscellaneous blood!"

"I will let you know, anger the end of my Yang family's core! Fighting war body, awakening!"


The pale young man, his hair fluttering into the sky.

Within a five-meter radius, sand, stone, and dirt all floated up.

The eyes of the pale young man instantly turned golden.

"This pale young man actually activated the **** body!"

"What is the fighting **** body? Is there one of the ten great **** bodies? How have you never heard of it?"

There was a lot of talk.

Even Ling Yunzong's strong men are puzzled.

Only Jian Nantian and Teacher Yan looked at each other with horror:

"Does this person come from..."

"Forcing me to activate the divine body, you **** bloodline is also dead!"

The pale young man in the state of the gods once again resumed his wild nature.



He was greeted with a hard blow by Yang Xu:

Furious power!

Shenyan Spear!


A golden light shattered the void.

Where the spear passed, it turned into a black hole directly.

The rune flashed on the golden spear, and there was a faint phantom, roaring in the sky.


As soon as the pale young man awakened his body, Shenyan's spear hit him.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the magic enchantment! Attack power +200%! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger eight magical powers! Increased attack power! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the rage attribute! Double your attack power! 】


A long string of blood appeared on the pale young man's head.


He spurted blood and flew out.


He finally stood firm, his expression languishing.

There was no more pride in his pale face.

Instead, it was full of surprises:

"What is that trick, how can the attack power be so powerful!"

You know, his fighting body is known for its vitality.

Ke Yangxu's spear almost collapsed his divine body!

If it is an ordinary state, one blow is enough to kill him!

"It seems that your **** body is not very good."

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"Let you see mine."


Yang Xu's eyes flashed, and his pupils instantly turned golden.

"Is this breath... that **** body?"

The pale young man's eyes widened.

He remembered the ancient stone carvings on the tombstones of the Yang family ancestors during the annual sacrifice.

A great fear made him shudder:

"No... it's impossible... how could he..."

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