Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 117: He is more terrible than all inner doors

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117 He Is Terrifying Than All Inside Doors

"how can that be!"

Yang Xu didn't move, and the first sword was blocked.

The crowd watching, could not help but sigh:

"No wonder it's so arrogant that Yang Xu has confidence."

"I don't believe in killing you! Bloodshed!"

A **** sword sword bursts into the void.


Yin-Yang Chaos Dragon flashed by.

The blood-colored swordmand broke again.

"Sword Qi can't get close at all! What a domineering defense!"

Everyone took a breath.

Especially those inner gate sword repairs, all of them were stunned.




They shot one after another, and the majestic sword light, wrapped in a murderous attack, cut into Yang Xu from all directions.


Five yin-yang chaotic dragons circulate around Yangxu, turning into a grey clock.

Dangdang Dangdang...

The loud bell turned into a sound wave, bursting out, forcing the inner gate sword repairers to vomit blood and return.

"You only have five seconds."

Yang Xu stood there calmly, not even moving, and said with a smile.

Neimen Jianxiu breathed tightly.

Originally they came to trouble Yang Xu.

Unexpectedly, until now, it has become a problem for Yang Xu to find them.

But they are helpless!

The most nervous of these is Zhao Feng.

He did not expect that "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" will exert its full power, and the power will be so terrifying!

Calculate Yang Xu, will he die?

"It's terrifying, what kind of defense is this?"

"How do I feel that it is similar to the Dragon Yin Golden Bell of Chu Family?"

"Are you blind, where is it similar? The Longyin Golden Bell is so powerful?"

Yang Xu's "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" is more domineering than the Chu Family's "Dragon Yin Golden Bell".

more importantly!

From beginning to end, Yang Xu was calm and calm.

This shows that he didn't do his best!

Ten seconds passed quickly.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" upgrade! Current level: lv6! 】

Not beyond Yang Xu's expectations.

With the full efforts of these sword repairs, the "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile" was finally promoted to another level!

Six yin and yang chaos dragons make Yang Xu's defensive power increase by another level!

"Ten seconds have passed, you have no chance."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed and he drew his sword!


Zhao Feng's eyes widened.


His eyebrows burst into a blood stain.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill Zhao Feng, the first-level Soul Master! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points +100! 】

[Congratulations to the player, got the exercise "Golden Sword", is the player practicing? 】

[Congratulations to the player, if you get Jinchuang Dan x10, do you use it? 】


Zhao Feng's body fell to the ground.

The hearts of all inner disciples beat together:

What a fast sword!

so horrible!

Even if they are, they are not absolutely sure they can take it!

Scarface grunted and swallowed, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead:

"Yangxu, what do you mean? Are you going to kill us?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"What you said is interesting. Just now you said that I will be killed by you. Is it only for you to kill me, not for me to fight back?"

A sparse laughter came from the crowd.

Most people are still immersed in Yang Xu's horrible sword.

"Scarface, I counted you the most except Zhao Feng just now. In this way, I will give you a chance."

Yang Xu's heart moved:

"How about taking the most valuable thing in your body and exchanging your life?"

The scar face was about to be rebutted, Yang Xu waved his hand:

"That's it, you guys come to work hard, and you can't pass without leaving anything. Scar face, start with you first."

At this moment, a person behind the scar face suddenly flew out:

"I will take a step first!"


The shining glory flashed through.


The corpse divided into two halves hit the ground heavily.

The pungent **** breath, like the footsteps of death, stimulated everyone's mind.

What shocked them even more!

"The man who ran away was called Liu Tao, a ninth-level soul warrior. His most precious thing was the swordplay "Luo Wang Jian."

As soon as this statement came out, all the sword repairs changed greatly:

What Yang Xu said just now is not bad!

"Do you know all of us? This is impossible!"

This scarred face is not only forehead, but even the whole body is cold and sweating.

He just planned to take something casually and fool Yang Xu.

"Oh, you can take a gamble. I know all of you."

"Here! This is my most precious swordsmanship, "Sky Sword Art."

The scar face gritted his teeth to hand over a cheat sheet.


Jianguang flashed.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the 9th-level Soul Warrior! Reward experience value + 50000! Experience +5000! Points +50! 】

[Congratulations to the player, have you obtained the sword technique "Qingtian Sword Technique", are you practicing? 】


"Why kill him? Isn't Optimus Sword Art the scariest thing about scars?"

Zhong Jianxiu's complexion changed.

"It is the most precious."

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"It's just that I didn't look good on him, so I killed him myself."

The scar boy has a reason to die.

Except for Zhao Feng, this guy is the most active in finding trouble.

And Yang Xu saw at a glance that this person was very ambitious.

Keeping his life alive, the disasters are endless.

Simply cut the grass!

Yang Xu's arrogance makes everyone's face change.

The onlookers all muttered in their hearts:

"Why is this Yang Xu as arrogant as the inner disciples?"

"No! He is much scarier than the disciples inside!"

It has strength and means.

Whoever provokes Yang Xu can only admit that he is unlucky.


All sword repairs obediently took out the most valuable things.

While handing it to Yang Xu, he secretly guarded against him.

When Yang Xu let them go, all the inner gate sword repairs disappeared instantly.

Everyone actually had the luck of walking through the ghost gate and retrieving a life.

"This Yang Xu is terrible!"

"He doesn't seem to be an inner disciple yet?"

"Even if it is not, who dares to ignore him after this battle?"

"Go back to the brothers and sisters! As the top ten of the inner door, they have to avenge us!"

"Yes! Let the brothers clean up Yang Xu!"


In Tie Ao's room, Yang Xu put a bunch of best-quality sword secrets on the table.

Tieao's eyes lit up suddenly.

After looking through it, the most garbage in it is actually advanced swordsmanship!


Tieao pushed the pile of cheats back to Yang Xu:

"This gift is too heavy for me to accept."

"Why don't you accept it? Didn't you give me a sword last time?"

Tieao seriously said:

"I sent you a sword-swept relationship. Your mysterious master has already paid it for you. My brother asked me to thank you."

Yang Xu once shared with Tie Xuanying the cultivation of "The World of Gold".

"What is not human, our relationship is divided into this? These cheats are randomly extorted by me. It is useless to keep. It is useful if you think it is useful.

By the way, I also exchanged some experience with Tieao.

Yang Xu was inspired.

Just walked out of the room.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the level of swordsmanship "Draw Sword" is upgraded! 】

["Sword Draw" has been upgraded to full level 10, and advanced sword skills can be advanced! Are players advanced? 】

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