Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 127: What nonsense? Go home!

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Chapter 127 Go home!

"After tonight, the Jun family is completely over."

"Tenglong City will never have a monarch family!"

"Four big families, the monarch's name is removed!"

The three patriarchs, Huo, Long and Lou, all looked at the direction of the monarch.

For a long time, they sighed:

"The monarch's self-righteousness, short-sightedness and exhaustion are nothing. The only thing he shouldn't do is to provoke Yang Xu and anger him."

"Yang Xu's son is unfathomable, we have looked down upon him before."

"The Yang family has him, and the rise is sooner or later, but I didn't expect that this kid would have such a big deal! After today, no one knows the Yang family army in Tenglong City, and no one knows Canglong Arrow Yangxu!"

"Canglong Arrow" is a new nickname given to him by the masses.

Coincidentally, it is very similar to Tamron City.

Therefore, it is especially popular with everyone, and the spread speed is extremely fast.

The sun sets.

Yang Xu, dressed in white, walked as a car and walked to the Jun's house without any trouble.

Killing five junior masters, including a soul king, Yang Xu received a large amount of experience rewards.

Several pieces of equipment and exercises have also been obtained.

But Yang Xu is dismissive.

Now he is covered with artifacts and treasures, and his vision is high.

Ordinary things are simply unsightly.

Far away, just hear the sound of shouting and killing ahead.

"Yang Hong, why haven't you entered the Jun's house for so long?"

Yang Hong was ashamed:

"The children of the Jun family are too difficult to entangle, and one by one, we can't even open the door!"

At first glance, Yang Xu had a giant gate 20 meters high, like the towers.

"You guys flash away, I'll come."

Yang Xu stood still in front of Jumen.

The Yang Family around them were all quiet.

The Jun family behind the door felt a strong unease.

The sun is bloody.

Shining on Yang Xu, he looked like a **** **** of war.

Eyes condensed:

Slash the sky!

Xueliang's light suddenly hurt everyone's eyes.


The sound of melodious Jianyin resounded through the sky.

After a brief blindness.

Yang Jiajun looked at the gate:


The giant door of the monarch's house burst with a straight deep sword mark.

Next second.


Even the door, the door frame, the gatehouse, all cracked and collapsed.

The blood spattered behind the door, and the stray body flew.

"The miscellaneous people behind the door were all cut by the young master!"

"Young Master, you are too good!"

Yang Jiajun was overjoyed.

The monarchy changes everybody.

"Follow me to the Jun's house!"

Yang Xu took the iron sword and stepped in.

"The trespasser dies... pooh!"

Jianguang flashed.

The three junior children directly cut into two sections.

Yang Xu made swords again and again.

With each sword cut, a large enemy fell.

【Ding! ! ]...

【Ding! ! ]...

Ears, the system prompts continuously.

Fifty meters away, in front of an arched gate.

The deputy patriarch of the Jun family is organizing confrontation with the children of the Jun family.

He is probably a fourth-level spiritual master, and he is quite good among the survivors of the Jun family.

He was holding a big knife, and many of his children were seriously injured by him.

Slash the sky!


The sword light swept across the sky.

Blink across a distance of fifty meters.


The deputy patriarch of the Jun family torn from his left shoulder to his right leg and split it in half.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the fourth level soul master Kaiji! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +1000! Points +100! 】

[Congratulations to the player, equipment: Nether Ring Knife x1, is it worn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, have you learned the practice method "Ning Xin Xin Jing" x1, do you learn? 】


Fifty meters apart, a sword beheaded the deputy patriarch.

The strength of Yang Xu made the children of the Jun family avoid it.

Wherever he went, the Jun family was fleeing in embarrassment.

The originally organized defense was immediately messy.

The Yang family army charged once, easily broke...

The monastery of the monarch.

One by one, the black ranks glowed faintly.

It seems to be expressing dissatisfaction with the tragic fate of the monarch family.

Jun Qiming, the head of the Jun family, kneeled pale in front of the ranks of his ancestors.


Yang Xu stepped in with a long sword in his hand.


The others in the jun family immediately stepped forward to block.

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"Life is yours, honor is only family, I want to die, I will complete you immediately! Be patient if you don't want to die."

The Jun family was shocked.

At this time, Yang Xu, wearing a white dress, did not stain a little blood.

Only his shoes stepped on the ground, leaving a trail of blood.

That was stained by the blood of the Jun family.

Yang Xu proved his strength with his strength.

No one dared to provoke him again.

"Jun Qiming, did you think your jun family will have today?"

Jun Qiming's face was pale, his lips trembled wildly.

His eyes stared at Yang Xu resentfully:

"Yang Xu! You demon! You will pay the price!"

"The price? Maybe, but it's not me now, it's your monarchy that is paying the price for your greed and arrogance!"

"Yanghong, come here."

Yang Xu pointed to the bruise on Yang Hong's face:

"This is from your jun family, I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you did not cherish it."

Looking at Jun Qiming's distorted and regretful twisted face.

Yang Hong felt very enjoyable and relieved.

"Jun Qiming, you also saw that my brother was beaten upset. As long as you kneel down for my brother, knock on ten heads, and draw ten slaps to blame and beg for mercy, I can think about whether to let go of your monarch !"


Jun Qiming's eyes suddenly flickered with light.

As long as the monarch can survive.

As long as the blood of the Jun family is endless.

Today's shame will be returned ten times sooner or later!

Jun Qiming pressed down on the crazy killing of his eyes and came to Yanghong with humiliation.

"Patriarch! No!"

"Patriarch, we would rather die than kneel to the enemy!"

"We... pooh!"

A sword flashed through.


Jun's head rolled down.

Yang Xu pouted:

"It's too noisy, shut up if you don't want to die."


Everyone in the Jun family took a breath.

This Yang Xu is too evil and too domineering!

Kill people at every turn without leaving even the slightest margin.

"Domineering! Enjoyable! Young Master is awesome!"

In the eyes of Yang Jiajun, Yang Xu's approach is the most exciting.

They looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, and they were all full of worship.

"Stop killing again! I kneel, I kneel down for him!"


Jun Qiming kneeled heavily in front of Yang Hong.

"I depend! This old kid really kneeled down to Yang Hong!"

"Brother Hong is lucky, the head of the Jun family kneels for you!"

All the children of the Yang family looked at Yanghong enviously.

Yang Hong looked at Yang Xu with a smirk.

He knew that it was the young master who was breathing out to him.

The young master really said a word and said it!

"Knocking, ten, then slapping, still ten."

Yang Xu was condescending, overlooking Jun Qiming.

He saw humiliation and indignation on the faces of all the survivors of the Jun family.

At the beginning, the monarch family could not live forever, high above, and shot against the Yang family.

He even sent a dog minion directly to insult his father.

Today, all this humiliating Yang Xu returned to the Jun family!

"Yangxu! If I do what you say, can you really let go of the Jun family?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"I can think about it."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Jun Qiming said nothing, kowtowing on the ground.

The forehead bleeds.

"Slap, crack, crack," when I was done, I heard a loud slap.

"I knocked my head and slapped my ears. Can you let go of your family?"

Jun Qiming looked at Yang Xu expectantly.

Yang Xushi couldn't help laughing:

"Jun Qiming, I doubt your IQ, how do you take the position of patriarch? Do you think I will leave myself a potential enemy?"

"Yangxu, you're back!"

"Why, I did consider it," Yang Xuyou smiled:

"The result of consideration is: can't let you go!"


Jun Qiming's head flew up.

"Yangjiajun, start killing! Weeding and eradicating, one is not left!"

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