Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1311: The Lan family suffered heavy losses!

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Chapter 1311 The Lan Family Has Lost Hugely!

You don't need the blue people to shoot.

Operated by Yang Xu's "Puppet Art".

Lan Tingsheng dodged the angle of the star giant sword, slightly offset.



A sword light, entered after Lan Ting's brain, directly penetrated his eyebrows.

Lan Tingsheng's eyes widened.

I don't seem to believe that I will die so suffocatingly.


In the deepest part of his pupils, a cluster of puppet runes branded and disappeared silently.

Seeing that Lan Tingsheng died so neatly.

The blue people are all stunned.

And such a distracting effort.

The power of "Starlight Tibetan Front" suddenly skyrocketed, killing more than a dozen Blue people again.

"No, this killing team has become stronger again, and you must find a way to leave!"

It’s just a short while.

The Lan clan team preparing to attack the five-element continent has been beheaded to less than ten.

In the universe, there are corpses everywhere.

And the Taoist device that exudes various treasures.

Continue to play like this.

I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

"It's almost a kill, and all of the remaining ones have real skills, just use them as my team at the Lan family."

Yang Xu secretly said.

As the general manager of this mission.

Even with Lan Tingsheng, the backspin.

Lan Jiuzhong also has unshirkable responsibilities.

If you want to save some points in Lan Tianyu's heart.

He had to fight desperately, trying his best for the family.

Save as much power as you can:

"Old housekeeper, are you right in time to transfer positions? Hand it to me, I want to get rid of this big formation and take everyone out of danger!"

Yang Xu looked at the old butler.

This remark came out.

All the surviving people of the Blue tribe have their eyes lit up.

Those who can stand up to now are truly powerful people.

They responded quickly, with sharp eyes, all gathered on the old housekeeper.

There is a kind of meaning that the old housekeeper will kill him immediately if he says nothing.

What can the old housekeeper say?

It was the young master who betrayed everyone and caused everyone to fall into this field.

"Master Jiuzhong, here you are."

The old housekeeper did not hesitate at all, and immediately surrendered a blood-red array.

On his old face, there was a lingering expression.

"I know that if you want to open this market, you should need fine blood?"

Yang Xudao:

"If you want to save so many people, you need a lot of blood to urge..."

Hear this remark.

The people of the Blue tribe can't help but change their expression:

Such a dangerous situation.

Losing essential blood is tantamount to weakening oneself.

Slightly weakened, the life crisis faced may be doubled.

At this time of life and death, who wants to donate blood?

"Let me do it!"

Lan Xuanyu next to Yang Xu hesitated and gritted his teeth.

He still owes Lan Jiuzhong a life.

Arrogant like him, shrewd grace, can not fail to report.


Yang Xu rejected him:

"What's up with you. Save your strength, I'm afraid there will be tough battles to fight behind!"

Of course, Yang Xu will not give the opportunity to Lan Xuanyu.

This is a good time to buy people's hearts.

Lan Xuanyu's face changed slightly.

Seeing that Deyang Xu was holding the array, after evading dozens of sword lights, he came to the edge of the array.

Without any hesitation, poof!

His right arm was directly shattered into meat.


The blood burst, the flesh and blood flew.

A lot of blood was sprayed on the disk.

Everyone's eyes were a little sour and red.

Seeing Yang Xu's complexion turned pale at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Lan Jiuzhong!"

At this moment, Lan Xuanyu could not tell what it was like.

He was completely shocked by Lan Jiuzhong's "selflessness".


He flashed to Yang Xu's side, holding onto the crumbling Yang Xu.


The array in Yang Xu's hands suddenly exploded with bright red light.

Resisting the pain, Yang Xu threw out his hand and threw out:


A strange **** ripple appeared in "Starlight Tibetan Front".


The killing array that engulfed all the blue people was suddenly penetrated by a hole.


Everyone exclaimed.

All of them looked happy.

Yang Xu lost an arm, his face was extremely pale, and the beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down.

Looking at everyone who wants to break out of the array.

He did not forget to remind everyone:

"Don't worry everyone, Yang Xu is a step-by-step man, working hard to calculate, this killing array is arranged, and there may be other ambushes outside!"

"Lan Xuanyu, dare you follow me?"

One-armed "Blue Nine Heavy", looking at Lan Xuanyu pale.

Lan Xuanyu didn't hesitate at all:

"Don't you dare!"

Everyone was admired.

After all, the outside world is completely unknown.

Probably more dangerous than this.

"Master Jiuzhong, the old slave will also accompany you!"

No one thought.

Lan Tingsheng's old housekeeper actually offered to go.

Yang Xu did not know.

The fact that he has been sending a series of facts completely shocked the old butler.

I have been in contact with a young master like Lan Tingsheng for a long time.

Look again at the young people such as "Lan Jiuzhong" who are determined and dedicated to the family.

It's just like watching God.

"Just being an old slave is atonement for my young master. What danger is the old slave blocking!"

Yang Xu was speechless for a while:

The words of the old housekeeper are more convincing for Lan Tingsheng to betray everyone.

Isn't it just manipulating Lan Tingsheng to slap you.

You are an old fox.

Everyone naturally did not know what Yang Xu thought.

All looked at the three with gratitude.

There are also a few people who are eager to try and want to follow.

But Yang Xu firmly rejected:

"Everyone is my blue family's future, and it must not be lost here!"

"This time everyone encounters an ambush, the responsibility is mainly on me, Lan Jiuzhong, and the way-finding will be left to me!"

The voice did not fall.


The one-armed "Blue Nine Heavy", leaving everyone a firm back, has already flew out of the killing formation.

"I'm coming too!"

Lan Xuanyu rushed out as soon as he gritted his teeth.

The old butler did not hesitate, followed closely.

After a while.

There was no movement outside.

The blue clan curious as they dodge the killing swords:

What happened outside?

Did Master Jiuzhong encounter something unexpected?

Seeing the killing array, the crisscrossing star swords are increasing.

More than a dozen Blue people lost their lives.

"It's dead or alive, go for it!"


The blue tribes in the killing team also rushed out of the killing group one by one.


When they saw "Lan Jiuzhong" with a bitter smile on the front.

All froze there:

In the universe 100 meters ahead of "Blue Nine Heavy".

A group of people from the Yang tribe is conquered.

The Zhenglao God is looking down on the survivors of the Lan tribe who are out of the army.

"Senior Master Jiuzhong said that there was actually an ambush outside!"

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