Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1314: Body double sing double reed

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Chapter 1314: Ontology Doppelganger

Yang Xu's nonchalant look made them almost laugh out loud.

Sure enough, the patriarch would be angry.

Didn't you see that Lan Tianyu's face was almost green now?

"Chief Patriarch, we have seized a total of 367 pieces of Taoist weapons in this battle, including 360 pieces of high-grade Taoist pieces and 7 pieces of perfect-grade Taoist pieces!"

Yang Yi is also a bad boy. He deliberately emphasized on "Seizure".

Give Lan Tianyu a gas:

Why did you seize a hair?

You Yang people don’t have to spend a soldier or a soldier, OK?

In one killing battle, I got so many masters of my blue family, and Bai picked up so many magic weapons of my blue family!

Lan Tingsheng, a beast, my ancestral family and you are separated!

Lan Tianyu was dripping blood in his heart, and hated the leader of the family:

More than three hundred pieces of Tao Qi, this is all the savings that the blue clan took out with their teeth!

This is good, blood is gone!

Resisting the anger in his heart, Lan Tianyu stared at Yang Xudao faintly:

"Yang patriarch, you seem to be wrong, what seized, obviously took so many weapons from my blue tribe."

"I'm not blue people here. I accidentally broke into a killing array. I didn't have a heart of encroachment on you, the Yang people, and the Wuxing continent. I also asked the Yang head to return our things, so as not to hurt the peace. ."

This remark came out.

Yang Xu is simply to Lantian Yufu:

No wonder Te can be the patriarch.

You can say such a thing with a blush on your face.

I am sorry that you are not a talent.

Yang Xu almost laughed:

"Patriarch Lan, the bright people don't tell secret words. What you have to do with my five-element continent can be seen personally."

"Five big and three thick old men, took off their trousers and took out the guy's things. They chopped off the girls' trousers and broke their legs. The guy's things were all aimed correctly. Why do you tell me that you are passing by? You don’t want to treat other girls?"

"Patriarch Lan, do you really think we are all blind?"


All the Yang people burst into laughter.

Even the Blue people almost couldn't help laughing:

The example of the Yang patriarch is really vivid.

Lan Tianyu's face was gloomy and watery.

at this time.

Yang Xu suddenly raised his voice:

"Things are the spoils of our Yang nationality, and nothing can be returned!"

"Not only that, you group of people are enemies who infringe on the territory of my Yang nationality, don't even want to go!"

Isn't that just negotiation.

Inflated prices, sitting on the ground to pay back.

Compared with that, who has more chips and more capital.

just now.

The dozens of blue people trapped.

It is Yang Xu's bargaining chip, Yang Xu's capital!


Unsurprisingly, the opposite Lan Tianyu's eyes sank slightly.

He smiled without saying anything:

"Yang patriarch, is the tone too loud?"

"If you take action against my people, do you think that the patriarch will stand by and watch? The patriarch..."

"Then you'll have a good shot, a move is only 9 times, and the master is not killed!"

Yang Xu interrupted Lan Tianyu mercilessly.


The people of the blue clan suddenly took a breath of breath:

No one expected that in the face of Lan Tianyu, Yang Xu could actually say such a thing.

And even more terrifying.

What Yang Xu said is true.

The master of the 9th heavy move, he did kill, and more than one!

So these words, when heard by the Yang people, it is really not a general boost.

What happened to your move to the 9th?

Do you still want to stop us?

You can’t stop our patriarch, okay?

You goods are the meat on the plate. I want to eat as much as the Yang people want!

For a time.

The people of the Yang tribe looked at the eyes of the Lan tribe with a bit of sharpness.

The undisguised murderousness and contempt made the Blue people feel humiliated.

Feeling angry again.

The blue clan hall clan is many times stronger than the Yang clan.

When did it fall into this field?

Lan Tianyu's heart felt even more frustrated:

He was a patriarch with a mid-level plane, and was actually forced to do this by a teenager.

Lan Tianyu couldn't help regretting that she came alone.

If it said that it brought a few good players of the blue clan.

How can the situation be so passive?

Lan Tianyu's eyes flashed quickly, without saying a word.

Yang Xu was not in a hurry and waited with a smile.

But the Yang people behind him were not idle.

All of them are scattered, and with absolute advantage, the people of the Blue clan are surrounded!

"What do you want to do? Do Yang people want to fight against my Lan people?"

Lan Tianyu was angry.

Yang Xu raised a brow and said nothing.

The situation suddenly became tense.

It seems that the war will start next moment.

And at this time.

"Lan Jiuzhong" appeared on the side of Lan Tianyu in a timely manner.

"Patriarch, I had a life-and-death battle with Yang Xu, and I knew something about his character..."

"Will you give me the next negotiation?"

He preached to the patriarch.

Lan Tianyu frowned slightly, still hesitating.

"The patriarch, in your identity, the above and the down, with the big and the small, the winner should be won, the loss is not honourable, this is a dilemma, and it will be different for me."

The words "Lan Jiuzhong" touched Lan Tianyu:

"Okay, it's up to you to deal with it. Ninefold, you remember the bottom line of the negotiation: I can pay any cost to the Blue Clan, but you must go back to the Blue Clan!"

"Blue Nine Heavy" eyes flashed slightly.

Lan Tianyu did not notice that the opposite Yang Xu suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Nima, the bottom line of the negotiation is out!"

He communicates with his body and mind.

Lan Tianyu's transmission of sound, he knew all of course.

What about Mao?

It's time for Biaoxi again!


It became the double reed time of Yang Xu and the incarnation "Blue Nine Heavy".

The two actors started to play.

The two sides have come and gone, quarreling again and again.

There is a tendency that there is a disagreement, and the next second is to take a knife to dry the rack.

Seeing both Yang and Lan tribes as a tension, it is a blood boiling.

If both of them know.

These two talked about "in full swing", in fact, all of them were alone.

It is estimated that anger can burn the entire universe.

More and more passers-by are being attracted by the situation on the Wuxing mainland.

In particular, Yang Xu, the boy, was perverted and secretly evacuated the guards around him.

Passers-by cultivators couldn't help but approached here.

It's a nervous to see Lan Tianyu:

"What is happening here today must not be spread."

"Otherwise, this failure of the Lan tribe may become a joke in all planes!"

At this point in his mind, he couldn't help starting to send a voice to Lan Jiuzhong.

Urge to make a decision quickly.

Two Yangxu, look at me, I look at you.

After arguing in a tacit agreement, it was finalized.

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